समाचार माध्यमो द्वारा खबरों की शुचिता , उनको बढ़ा चढ़ा कर दिखाना, उनकी निष्पक्षता , और समाचारों के नाटकीकरण एक ज्वलंत मुद्दा बन चुका है आज, समाज के आम हलको में . वो कहते है ना की साहित्य समाज का आइना होता है तो आप लोगों को ऐसा नहीं लगता की इस समाचारों को हम तक पहुचाने वाले पत्रकारों की बोलचाल की भाषा भी कई बार प्रतिबिंबित होती है जनता पर. असल में कल “नो वन किल्ड जेसिका ” देखी. एक बेहतरीन कोशिश एक सच को दिखाने की ,हालाँकि पूरी फिल्म में ऐसा लगता रहा कि और बेहतर हो सकती थी.फिर भी एक मिनट के लिए भी उठने का मौका नहीं दिया प्रभावशाली दृश्यों ने . सबकुछ एकदम वास्तविकता के एकदम करीब . शायद मेरे इस फिल्म के प्रति आकर्षण की एक वजह उसका मीडिया आधारित होना भी था .
वैसे मैं यहाँ बात फिल्म की नहीं करुँगी . बल्कि उन सवालों की करुँगी जो इसे देख कर मेरे ज़हन में ताज़ा हो गए .जो आज से १२ वर्ष पहले भी मेरी सोच का कारण थे और आज एक अरसा गुजर जाने के बाद भी वहीँ के वहीँ हैं.” क्या प्रभावी पत्रकारिता के लिए महिला पत्रकारों का गालियाँ देना जरुरी है ?..बेशक आप कितने भी अंग्रेज़ बने पर गालियाँ हिंदी.की ही प्रभावी क्यों ठहरती हैं?.शायद दबंग बनने के लिए बहुत जरुरी है कि राह चलते छिछोरों को भेंण…..बोला जाये.तभी पता चलेगा कि आपमें लड़ने की हिम्मत है…या फिल्म की नायिका जब तक ये ना बोले ” तुम वहां होते तो…… फट के हाथ में आ जाती.” तब तक उसका एक कर्मठ और तेज तर्रार महिला पत्रकार होना सिद्ध कैसे होता ..“यू आर रियल बिच सम टाइम” …जबाब ..”सम टाइम ? एवेरी टाइम “.ठीक बात है. बिना बिचनेस के भला पत्रकारिता क्या होगी ?और होगी भी तो इतनी प्रभावी थोड़े ना हो सकती है कि अदालत का फैसला बदल कर रख दे..अबे यार सुट्टा दे एक …साला दिमाग का दही हो गया….सही बात है जब तक मुँह से धुंए के छल्ले नहीं निकलेंगे मगज काम कैसे करेगा ?और करेगा भी तो पता कैसे लगेगा कि मगज को काम पर लगाया जा रहा है ..वो बहन का……वहां मेकअप लगा कर घूम रहा है हम साले क्या यहाँ चू……………..हैं गर्मी में कवर कर रहे हैं.वो साला मा ……..वहां सलेब्रटी बना बैठा है कैमरे के सामने..अबे काट के छाप इसे ..साले की …… जाएगी..बाकी बातें सब अंग्रेजी में. आखिर टाईट लो वेस्ट जींस और हाथ में उधार की सिगरेट को भी तो जस्टिफाय करना है .एक शब्द हिंदी का अच्छा बोल दो तो सुनाई पड़ेगा “संस्कृत मत झाडा कर यार “साला एक तो वैसे ही लगी पडी है..परन्तु गालियाँ जितनी ज्यादा परंपरागत हिंदी की उतनी ज्यादा प्रभावशाली ,अंग्रेज़ तो वैसे ही डिप्लोमाटिक होते हैं सो उनकी गालियाँ भी डिप्लोमेटिक. ना बोलने में मजा आता है ना सामने वाले को कुछ असर होता है .ना ही आप पत्रकार जैसे खतरनाक पेशे के लायक समझे जाते हो.
अपने पत्रकारिता के बहुत छोटे से कार्यकाल में अपनी साथियों के मुँह से इसी तरह के जुमले सुनकर अपने कानो पर यकीन नहीं आता था फिर बाद में लगा कि शायद यही जरुरी होता हो एक प्रभावी पत्रकार बनने के लिए और एक पुरुषो के वर्चस्व क्षेत्र में अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज कराने के लिए .और शायद इसलिए हम विख्यात पत्रकार ना बन पाए और आज ब्लॉग घिस रहे हैं
शिखा जी
गालियों का संबंध किसी विशेष कार्य से न होकर संस्कारों से हैं… अच्छे संस्कारी परिवार के लोग गालियां नहीं देते…
हमारा मानना है कि कमज़ोर और हताश लोग ही गालियों का इस्तेमाल ज़्यादा करते हैं… जिन लोगों में आत्मविश्वास की कमी हुआ करती है, वो गालियां देकर ख़ुद को मज़बूत साबित करने की नाकाम कोशिश करते हैं…
आपने देखा होगा…लड़ाई-झगड़ों में भी कमज़ोर लोग गालियों का ही सहारा लेते हैं…
दरअसल, गालियां देने वाला व्यक्ति अपनी कमज़ोरी का तो सबूत देता है है, साथ ही अपने (कु) संस्कारों का भी प्रमाण देता है…
एक पत्रकार मित्र हैं- वो कहते हैं कि वक़्त पड़ने पर मैं किसी को पीट तो सकता हूं, लेकिन गाली नहीं दे सकता…
ठीक कहती हो फिरदौस !
शिखा जी
गालियों का संबंध किसी विशेष कार्य से न होकर संस्कारों से हैं… अच्छे संस्कारी परिवार के लोग गालियां नहीं देते…
हमारा मानना है कि कमज़ोर और हताश लोग ही गालियों का इस्तेमाल ज़्यादा करते हैं… जिन लोगों में आत्मविश्वास की कमी हुआ करती है, वो गालियां देकर ख़ुद को मज़बूत साबित करने की नाकाम कोशिश करते हैं…
आपने देखा होगा…लड़ाई-झगड़ों में भी कमज़ोर लोग गालियों का ही सहारा लेते हैं…
दरअसल, गालियां देने वाला व्यक्ति अपनी कमज़ोरी का तो सबूत देता ही है, साथ ही अपने (कु) संस्कारों का भी प्रमाण देता है…
एक पत्रकार मित्र हैं- वो कहते हैं कि वक़्त पड़ने पर मैं किसी को पीट तो सकता हूं, लेकिन गाली नहीं दे सकता…
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आपने बहुत बढि़या लिखा है
गालियों के प्रयोग के लिए आपने शब्द की जगह जिस तरह से बीप का प्रयोग किया है वह तो कमाल का है।
वर्क लोड डायवर्ट करने या ओवर लोडेड साबित करने के लिए भी गालियाँ बकी जाती हैं| रफ एंड टफ जताने के लिए भी| और भी कई कारण होंगे|
जहां तक संस्कारों की बात है तो गाली देना बुरा समझा जाता है मगर देखिए कि सबसे संस्कारी देश हमारा समझा जाता है लेकिन यहाँ किस्म किस्म की हैरतनाक गालियाँ बकी जाती हैं जिसका विश्व रिकार्ड बन सकता है |आपने जिसको बीप बीप किया है वो गाली तो अखिल भारतीय एकता का सबूत है|
फिरदौस जी ने मेरे मन की कह दी…
सही बात !
आगे उड़नतश्तरी जी ने मेरे मन की बात कह दी ! सुन्दर ! आभार !
गालियाँ देना संस्कार विहीनता तो है लेकिन मैंने देखा है कुछ लोग बिना किसी लाग लपेट की धरा प्रवाह गालिया देते है .गलियों के इतिहास के बारे कुछ पाता तो नहीं लेकिन मुझे लगता है की इनका भूगोल एक ही होगा बस भाषाए बदल गयी है .कुछ लोगों के लिए गालिंया देना आभूषण धारण करने जैसा ही है , हाहाहा , ज्यादातर पुलिसकर्मी बिना इस आभूषण के आभाहीन ही दीखते है . पत्रकारिता और गालियों की गलबहिया वाली ये पोस्ट आपकी तीक्ष्ण पत्रकारों वाली नजर की पुष्टि कर रही है .
पता नहीं, गालियों का प्रयोग प्रतिरोधक की तरह होता हुआ सा लगता है।
mast shikha mast ….karara lekh hai, per kaun samjhega sutta lekar?
sarthak evam vicharniya aalekh…… gali bakvakar ( ek mahila se ) shayad is film ko masaledar banwana aur hit karwana moto raha ho….
अफ़सोस कि ऐसी भाषा का इस्तेमाल आजकल स्कूलों में बच्चे भी करने लगे हैं , यहाँ तक कि लड़कियां भी ।
बेशक कहीं से भी शोभा नहीं देता ।
मेरे विचार से इसका किसी वर्ग विशेष से कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं है ।
सिर्फ भाषा का अंतर हो सकता है ।
har gali par darshakon jo jordar latiyan bajana bhi shayad iske nirmataon ke uddeshya ko sahi sidh karta hai…….ye film vaise aaj ke medea ka sahi chehra dikha rahi hai.
shikhaji jis tarah har nadi/river ka jal/pani/water alag alag hota hai usi tarah har vykti ka sanskar alag hota hai.
उपेन्द्र जी ! यही मैं कहना चाहती हूँ फिल्म वास्तविकता के बहुत निकट है ..मीडिया का आज का ही नहीं शायद हमेशा का यही चेहरा है.
गलियां हमारी मानसिकता की परिचायक हैं ..जो हमारे में में भरा होगा वही तो बहार आएगा …और सही मायने में हमारे संस्कारों से इनका सीधा सम्बन्ध है ..जो व्यक्ति संस्कारवान होगा वो कभी भी भद्दे शब्दों का प्रयोग नहीं करेगा ..बहुत बढ़िया
लोंगों के अपनें -अपने अंदाज़ हैं जीने के,.कोई परिस्थितियों के चलते यह वर्ताव करता हैं ,कोई परिवरिश के चलते और कोई हनक बनाने के चलते.
जो व्यक्ति संस्कारवान होगा वो कभी भी भद्दे शब्दों का प्रयोग नहीं करेगा
Your article was exlcneelt and erudite.
Great amazing things here. I am very satisfied to look your article. Thank you so much and i am taking a look forward to touch you. Will you please drop me a mail?
Ides levar tanto na boca quando vieres ao berço.Tendes um relvado de bosta,por isso comei-a otários.Nós nunca ganhamos nada?Por acaso, já ganhamos uma supertaça e fomos aos quartos de final da uefa e não fosse a corrupção na uefa Ãamos a champions.E vós ganhais é fanfarras académicas e mais nada.Nem bairrismo tendes é só mouros aà nessa merda de cidade.
people should not distract GEJ with the issue of 2015.He is not powerdrunk.Allow him to forcus well on what he wants to achieve with the transformation agenda.Or do you want him to tell his ambition so that you can strategize and do to him like what was done to Yakowa n Azazi? Ha you arn”t seen anything yet.try it on him and if your are lucky to survive it,then give Nigns the testimony.This one na God that place him there oh! no contest about that.
I tried the Mujadara and it’s a regular recipe here now! Please have more vegan recipes!!! I too watched Forks Over Knives and decided to be vegan (I was doing a 30 days vegan thing but had no intention to keep it). As time is passing, I realize that I also feel compassion for the animals and realize how wrong it is to be exploiting industrially animals.
Lovely post again. I revisited churches where I've been and virtually visited churches I have not seen. Thank you.For some reason, your post put me in mind of the parish church of the high school I attended, . It's a grand church all right. I'd forgotten how grand. It's situated between Loyola and Tulane Universities and across from Audubon Park on St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans.At one time the interior walls and the columns of the 1918 structure were painted with horizontal stripes, but I see that the stripes are now covered over.
First off if you haven’t caught up on the buzz of paid links and pagerank penalties then check out this great article, Is there a PageRank Penalty in your future?
The other day, while I was at work, my cousin stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a thirty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now broken and she has 83 views. I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!
Contrary to what Campaign wrote last week, I gave up the blog because of that kind of shit.It’s hard enough coming up with stuff to write about without effectively having to host a graffiti wall where everyone holds you responsible for the opinions of everyone else.I thought the comment was funny, but then I thought Gerry Sadowitz was a bit tame.
Excellent design/business critique, definetly earned the subscription fee with this piece, keep up the execellent content !Unfortunately that still doesn’t solve Motus’ problem of being the proud owners of the styling love child of a 90′s GSX750 and an ST-3, damn shame.
No fue un despiste, estaba todo preparado.Estan mandando avisos para que el susto no nos coja desprevenidos y podamos despertar de golpe; la cosa va a ser muy grave, porque yo escucho avisos a todas horas de sus secuaces.Lo que pasa es que si lo van soltando asÃ, poco a poco, la gente lo va asimilando, se va haciendo a la idea y sigue en esa soñolencia que a ellos tanto les está favoreciendo.Me temo que por desgracia tenemos otro Prestige, ahora está sobre nuestras cabezas y ya está soltando los "hilillos".Bicos
you tube is shit you have taken all the fun out of it now your just like everybody else BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! you got lawyers so far up your arse's its unbeleivable
mês de  aniversário de nosso blog “Sturm und drang! sorteamos um presente para nossos leitores: uma cesta com sabão caseiro, feito por mim.  Aline
Thank you for every other informative blog. The place else could I get that type of information written in such an ideal means? I have a project that I’m simply now working on, and I have been on the look out for such info.
in my way during a rough time. So, before we moved, I made a huge amount of soup and a ton of freezer burritos, and stocked their freezer as best I could. I also wanted to make them a special meal while they
There is little doubt about the bc being a fake, and there is no, none, nada, zero doubt that the selective service card is a fake. So we know without a shadow of a doubt who the bald faced liars in this country are and it is not only every single dem, it is almost every single elected republican and so called conservative talking head, too.The proof is in regarding who the bald faced liars are. And it is good to know who they are.That's one thing to be thankful for on memorial day.
Do farol do capitalismo mundial que admitiu recentemente ter feito experiências biológicas com seres humanos na Guatemala espera-se qualquer coisa. Não percebo qual é o espanto do Chavez. É a civilização da barbárie e nada fica a dever ao III Reich.
Organic also because glyphosphates (Round Up) are in the non-organic plants and you CANNOT wash a glyphosphates off of the plants. In that case it is in the plant itself because the plant either sucked it up through the roots, or as in genetically modified esp: corn (90% of the corn in this country is gmo) gmo corn makes it’s own pesticides that will kill the bugs that eat it (God only knows what that does to us as human beings).
Stai sa incep cu inceputul.Culoarea aia la inghetata e atat de atragatoare incat ai jura ca-i artificiala( e un compliment, jur!).Tartele au in compozitie ciocolata+unt+oua+zahar(4 ingrediente) sau n-am citit eu corect?Sunt simple si rapide.
– He also has no clue what America stands for. Evidently in his mind, it’s total dependence on the government. Typical neolib nutcase wants to take no responsibility for his own life.
Ha ha ha ha ha! You lucked out on this one. Wow! If it was the other way around… let’s just leave it there, shall we? (No offense, Charlie. I’m sure your feet smell like roses.)
Jeg eeeelsker de bøkene! Har lest alle nÃ¥ tror jeg, enten pÃ¥ engelsk eller norsk. Jeg bestilte dvd samling av tvserien før den gikk pÃ¥ nrk. Den er vakker, nydelig herlig…Ble ikke skuffet. Vet ikke om du har sett den. Jeg anbefaler ogsÃ¥ Ã¥ lÃ¥ne den pÃ¥ biblioteket som lydbok. Vanvittig morsom og sjarmerende Ã¥ høre den lest pÃ¥ engelskafrikansk ;)Fin søndag! 🙂
Sellylove you’re amazing..Demi your smile, Miley your eyes♥Vale&Vale Rosy Maty♥Coldplay nell’anima vi amo alla follia♥DELENA A VITA♥NILEY REGNA♥JEMI♥I SUPPORT JELENA♥ADELE♫Vale my dream♥Marti sei la cosa più importante, sei TUTTO scrive:Che casinoo scusa ho sbagliato vai qui mi puoi rispondere qui sennò che confusione?!!!Ok?Baci tvb!
Arkadaşlar benim babam sigara içiyodu ladese girdik sigara içmiyecekti ben kazanırsam o kazanırsada 3 ay boyunca evden cıkmadan ders calısacaktım ben kazandım cok mutluyum tavsiye ederim
Buenos dÃas Rafa!Nunca veremos sudar tanto a tantos millonarios juntos…Eso me hace disfrutar mucho!Por lo que dice, sÃ, son unos malcriados…y es que encima son muuuuuuuuy jóvenes…Me pregunto yo qué tipo de adultos serán estos, cuando tengan 50 años cómo serán?Saludos.
For en flott dør! Skal jammen prøve Ã¥ overtale rekkenaboene til Ã¥ male sÃ¥nn! Problemet blir vel Ã¥ fÃ¥ med seg 80 Ã¥ringene som har bodd der siden tidenes morgen, og mener ingen ting skal endres…
Thank you all for the beautiful private and public messages <3 I love hearing from you and Im so very happy this post has helped you.Bless you!!Sally
Do you guys have a twitter fan web page? I looked for for one on facebook or twitter but could not locate one, I would love to become a fan!
Supervisor in cheif – I don’t give a shit tht uve been here twenty years. Ur still the same as me u gt paid the same as me. If u want to lord ur opinion go apply for the supervisors job.
dit :Merci Patrick pour ce petit mot d’encouragement. Mon regard sur le nucléaire a complètement basculé depuis lors. Je lis tout ce que je trouve sur le sujet et j’y trouve le terreau des catastrophes ukrainienne et japonaise … fallait que ça arrive.
Good luck tomorrow Biz. You are all in my prayers. Soon this shall pass and life will go on and things will look bright and cheery.You meals look awesome. I love that you share how you fix things. Thank you!!I think I too would of died at over $200.00 to eat.Take care and keep us posted when you can on what’s up. Have a blessed day.
Great you got cross-country skis and are enjoying them! 🙂 I have them too, and I agree with you on all your points about how fun they are, and also about getting outside in the fresh air – – whether it's cross-country skiing, walking, biking, etc. 🙂 Enjoy!
A father is smitten with his baby. Good for him. I’d rather read about this than see a parent take it for granted and show little interest at all. I may not be a fan, but I do love when daddies in particular, gush over their babies.
Eu penso que este ano as cartas virão muito embaralhadas devido a algumas mudanças, logo, o que era bom pode não ser… Mas estou no aguardo.E quando aos números, interessante ver que os melhores de cada equipe vão de Ãmpar este ano.
शिखा जी,
ये फिल्म देखी है मैने भी, मिडिया का सही चेहरा प्रस्तुत हुआ है इसमे,
जहँा तक गालियों का सवाल है तो ये हमारे संस्कार नही है फिर भी हमारे समाज मे इन का प्रयोग हो रहा है और र्निविरोध।
That’s more than sebenils! That’s a great post!
Forse solo una persona può aver letto le bozze di gesti d’aria e incombenze di luce, eppure non mi dava del lei. Mi sminuzzo nella risoluzione del rebus che bascula fra tre nomi ma si appunta su uno solo.
/ nada a ver tem que ir pra igreja pra ser salvo? isso não tem nada a ver eu creio em cristo e tenho fé nele mais não acho nesecidade virar um maluco religioso como muitos!!!
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I have big fear of heights. But I’m glad I tried the zipline. It gave me that unforgettable high. When I reached the end, I even wanted to repeat it. Personally I enjoyed more the water rafting.
I have found more and more that it is I that needs to become aware of and question the motivation that “drives” me to question and thus change the behavior of “others” who are in their own tug of war. Am I seeking to find internal peace through an externalization of effort that it the others that NEED to find resolution in their differing perspectives, beliefs, and moral guidelines. Yes, releasing the rope results in the other falling . . . yet, when do I as an observer release my emotional/mental rope?
Sikke et dejligt kort, har manden din mon lavet det selv? Sikke en helt fantastisk gestus i så fald, selvom det selvfølgelig også er helt vildt fint selvom kortet er købt ;)Dejlige vimpler, dem bliver man glad af!
Lovely job! I often forget that one can use Curves on separate channels– thanks for the reminder. Cool water effect and great use of blending modes to achieve the dramatic lighting. Thanks!
Tanggal postingan ini pas ultah ku nich.Kita harus bisa memanage ego kita sebelum dia yang memanage kita kan.Dikaitkan dengan nafsu juga demikian, kita yang harus mengelola nafsu kita agar tak terseret nafsu-nafsu yang merusak.Salam dari SurabayaPakde Cholik; terimakasih sudah datang jauh-jauh dari Surabaya.
the second best player in the draft. Then he scorched the nets and blew Knicks’ brass away during his head-to-head workout with Jrue Holiday. And now it seems like every team between 2 and 7 is a threat to pull the trigger
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para mim será sempre ponte sobre o Tejo.este socialismo corrupto desgraçou os contribuintes portuguesese ninguém será condenado por corrupção.vão continuar a viver vida de nababos e um milhão a sobreviver dos bancos alimentaresesta noite (4,5 h) um anónimo deixou esta frase no meu e-mail «Grande f da p». agradeci. nunca me tinha chamado Grande.
Hey just wanted to give you a quick heads up and let you know a few of the pictures aren’t loading correctly. I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different internet browsers and both show the same outcome.
I think that 4S is a preference for spades – and 4NT is keycard for hearts.If I had wanted to make a quantitative showing on a notrump hand, I could have bid 4NT over 3D.Since I supported neither spades nor diamonds, IMHO 4NT ought to be keycard for my own suit.
de más de una década. Juan no es importante para nosotros sólo por su obra, su inteligencia, su carácter, o su frescura. Lo que hay que entender es que la originalidad indiana no es más que el producto
Thank you, Capa. Just to say however that although I write most of the content on the site, this particular post was by Jill Burgess, who made an absolutely fantastic job of researching and interpreting Le Divorce for Clothes on Film.
You are going to be really happy with Taiwan, I’m sure. Don’t worry too much about finding a job here. You are at the very tail end of job-hunting season. But, with your experience it shouldn’t be too hard. Experience is the foot in the door that you need.Check out those websites, and let me know how it goes. I’ll keep my ear to the ground here for you.Or, if you want an editing job, I just saw advertised. They have offices in Taipei and my city, Tainan. Check it out. Pay probably isn’t as good, but the experience is.
Beh, se la magia non è più la stessa e se i “giovani” preferiscono vedere le cose online, ci si dovrebbe interrogare sul prodotto che viene offerto, a partire dall’ ingerenza della pubblicità fino ai contenuti.E naturalmente ci sarebbe anche tutto il corollario di personaggi che ha propagandato in questi anni una nuova percezione di costumi ed una diversa scala di valori.Ronzano le orecchie?+
O que a Pâmi escreveu faz muito sentido, não devemos pensar só no orgasmo,pois caso não aconteça é uma frustação só. O ato em si já é maravilhoso quando feito com amor. 5 de novembro de 2010 14:13
Ah oui bien vu Bones. Ou alors le docteur Clooney (qui se patatise très bien) qui sort prendre un café (que les infirmières trouvent très fort). Par exemple. Quand le blog arrive à deux millions de visiteurs par jour on aura droit aux « mashups » ? (comme sur dilbert.com)
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Fr. Tim,I am absolutely certain that this clarification has been motivated in part by upward feedback from the Catholic blogosphere. Keep up the good work!PS: the quality of the English makes me think it came straight from the pen (or, dare we hope, the keyboard) of Cardinal Levada.
…….I’m fuckin knackered, pissed off and totally bollocksed Graham mate……..apart from that I’m ok……..hows your day been? ……..roll on weekend hey mate! ……….Tony MrT
Today, I went to the beachfront with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!
As soon as I initially left a comment I clicked the Notify me any time new comments are added checkbox and currently each time a comment is added I receive 4 email messages with the exact same comment.
Go away you CUNNING FOX! At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you have enough brute force. But you WILL NOT CONVINCE. For to convince you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack: Reason and Right.
Måste berätta att jag gjorde Play Do lera på jobbet i går med glitter i. Det var väldigt uppskattat av barnen.Tack för tipset! :)Susanne
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Caro Camarada Mexia Alves:De Angola para a Guiné, de Ranger para Ranger, um apertado abraço de parabéns pelo êxito obtido nesta jornada que levaste a cabo reunindo Camaradas, que mal se conhecem … que se conhecem desde sempre. Para o ano haverá certamente mais, calculo que já estão na contagem decrescente.Um abraço,A. Brandão
Kika Mello disse:Adorei os conselhos de Lucille Brunette.No entanto há dúvidas: como manter essa pele maravilhosa com um calor abrasador de 28-30-38-45 graus CentÃgrados? Como usar base e pó neste paÃs tropical e no verão?
ja okay, så er det nok ikke det, men det havde været en mulighed..Stakkels lille pus, og stakkels dig..Ring til lægen og snak med ham/hende, så kan du blive rådgivet i hvordan og hvorledes, du må ihvertfald ikke bare gå igang med de der mylicon dråber så vidt jeg husker..
Ner0lph dit :En fait, il faudrait même avoir la possibilité de changer le nombre de fois avant un contrôle automatique des systèmes de fichiers (à l’heure actuelle, c’est 30 démarrages pour l’ext2/3, à chaque démarrage pour la FAT) ainsi qu’un système permettant de changer le délai de mémorisation du mot de passe de sudo (sans dépasser un certain temps, 15 min par exemple.
shikha di …
bahut zaroori mudda uthaya hai aapne …. galiyaan hindi me dene kee soch ko sahi pakda hai aapne… purushon dwara dee jane wali maa- bahan samabandhi galiyan unki yaun kuntha ko pratibimbit karti hain ..lekin ye galiyaan aurat kee zabaan par chadh jayengi aisa nahi socha tha…filmon men in dino mahilaon dwara maa bahan ke galiyon ko dene ka bhi chalan badha hai..jo darshakon aur nirmata nirdeshakon kee kuntha kaa pratibimb hai shayad…
गालियां बकना जैसे एक नया फैसन हो गया है । खासकर ये विषाक्त शहरों में ज्यादा व्यापक है । बात-बात में छोटे भाई को ही बहन की गाली देना , माँ की गाली देना जैसे आम बोलचाल की भाषा हो , बसों में माहिलाओं के सामने, बुजुर्गों के सामनें अश्लिल भाषा का प्रयोग बस चालक या कडंक्टर द्वारा यहां तक तो सीमित था , लेकिन अब ये फिल्मों और टीवी सीरियल के माध्यम से घर-घर में पहुँच रहा है , इसका उपाय कुछ नहीं है, हाँ जैसे आपकी पोस्ट है, ऐसे अवरोधक से हम इसको कुछ हद शायद रोक सकते हैं । बढ़िया और सार्थक पोस्ट के लिए बधाई । वैसे आप अमेरिका में ही है ना ?
इंगलैंड में रहते हुए भी … 🙂
सतीश जी ! ये इंडिया की ही देन है :)..पुराने जख्म थे "नो वन किल्ड जसिका" देख कर ताज़ा हो गए.लगता है तब से अब तक कुछ नहीं बदला न मीडिया न मीडिया वाले.
सब ने मेरे मन की बात कह दी, तो फ़िर हम इन्हे क्यो देखते हे, अगर हम सब इन्हे देखना बन्द करेगे तो ही अच्छॆ प्रोगराम आयेगे, इस लिये हमे इन सब का बिरोध करना चाहिये
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la scorsa settimana mi sono arrivati CONTEMPORANEAMENTE ben DUE messaggi del nostro amico di Kaluga: quasi non ci potevo credere! È capitato perché sia Paolo che io abbiamo risposto a Valentin “Chiedi a Sylvy!” :-Dil ‘Valentin Fans Club’, magari organizzando anche una bella convention in stile STICCON nella ridente località di KalugaVoto a favore. Ma solo se ci travestiamo tutti da klingon e gli facciamo il Rito di Ascensione con i bastoni del dolore.
Najt : MÄ› se tedy vÃc lÃbà ty tmavé, ale vÄ›c názoru…a materiálu XDDMno, moc ven nechodÃm, takže by se nÄ›jaký mohl najÃt…vÃÅ¡ co, chudák by nevÄ›dÄ›l, do Äeho by se pustil…a kdo má pak uklÃzet ty mrtvoly XD
Qué linda noticia!!!! Aunque la pobre ya está muy flaquita y con eso de los vómitos no quiero imaginarme cómo le irá. Espero que bien! Ojalá que el bebé viva libre y no sea sometido a las presiones que viven esas familias de la realeza. Saludos!
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I take everything doctors say with a grain of salt. Most doctors will discourage you from doing something as healthy as the Paleo diet…and from personal experience, I find the rest of their advice tends to come from the same place.
Das hab ich so bestellt (-10° in BY)…und noch ein bisschen Schnee dazu. Wenn sich “die” an die genaue Bestellung halten, ist’s am Aschermittwoch vorbei…
I think there’s an unwritten rule that all medication must cost at least $50. Elocon (a close relative of Elidel) is no better. And ear drops — any of the good ear drops — run at least $60. Of course, for $12, you could have bought one of those books on home remedies, and had yourself covered in an oatmeal plaster all week long.Glad to see you back!
Cuando expreso mi temor porque habrá más niñas con hiyab es porque, evidentemente, habrá más casos como éste (ya ha habido algunos antes, de hecho) y habrÃa que sentar una doctrina cuanto antes para evitarlo. Por las familias y por las niñas, que viven aquà y es intolerable que no se las deje estudiar con sus compañeros o que sufran el acoso mediático. Porque desde luego con la televisión haciendo de la cuestión un espectáculo no vamos a resolver nada, antes al contrario.
Anonymous – You can use melted butter in place of the oil, although it will produce a different flavor and texture because butter contains only about 75% fat (the rest is milk solids and water), whereas oil is 100% fat.
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Bravo Marc, il me semble que tu as retrouvé la forme!Péteur de raquettes pour péteur de raquettes, autant engager Marat; il ne joue sûrement pas au jass mais qu’est-ce qu’il sait boire! Sherpa, tu es mignonne…je pense que nous sommes environ 1mio à avoir eu cette lapalissade en tête et imagine, sans même avoir lu ton commentaire;)
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Hallo Ellen,ich bin zwar kein professioneller Webdesigner, nehme aber für Mindmaps und ähnliche Dinge wieder mehr und mehr Bleistift und Papier her. Ich denke, dass es einfach schneller und freier ist, schnell was aufzuzeichnen, drüber zu malen, durchzustreichen, mit höherem Bleistiftdruck was zu verstärken…Und: Man kommuniziert mit dem Team wesentlich besser an einem Tisch mit einer “Tapete” in der Mitte…Viele GrüsseJörg
heh that night was epic i say! epic! thanks so much for coming and being my salad buddy- susan cheese, helen salad hah it worked out well!
Effectivment Monsieur Pierre les vaches ne sont pas des hommes. Elles n’auront jamais l’idée de pratiquer de telles horreurs sur des hommes. Vous êtes autant en retard sur le temps que ceux qui pensaient que les »négres » n’avaient pas d’âme.
Great job and great show. I’m realy enjoying this! Go on, Kev! The whole german bodybuilding-world is watching you and wishing to see the king back on stage! You have been one of the greatest in this sport and you have to take the Mr.O-crown at least!Well, maybe thats just a dream, but sometimes dreams ‘come true. Greetings and thanks for doing this, man!
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Hach, das gefällt mir! Muss ich auch haben! Überlege, ob man die Sicherheit noch erhöhen könnte, wenn man das Teelicht einfach noch in ein Marmeladenglas stellt ??? Oder sieht man das dann und der schöne Lichteffekt ist hin???LG!
Hi! Mary,Welcome to my website. Your idea is lovely. But I am still a website newbie: ) It would be too challenge for me to launch a forum… You can always leave comments here. Best,
I’m in love with neutrals as well! There’s just something so sensual and beautiful about a nude colored dress or delicate, white shirt. Especially when pair with harsher fabrics like leather or tweed.
Rispondo al messaggio di Claudio2Ciao. Ho letto attentamente e riflettuto sulle tue parole.Lo stato naturale della mente è quello di pensare, pare che – pur se rallentati – vi siano pensieri anche durante il sonno notturno.Non voglio contraddirti, ma sinceramente non credo si possa “fare silenzio nella mente”, silenzio che subentra (forse) in stato di coma, o (quasi sicuramente) con la morte.Se voi credenti e praticanti buddhisti ci siete riusciti, è sicuramente una grande conquista.Con affetto e stimaCassandra
maysa,tem lugar pra todo mundo e mais um pouco e mais ainda na internet.so falta as pessoas perceberem que DIFERENCIAÇÃO é a palavra-chave.copiar o estilo-idéias dos outros não tem nada a ver…o legal é ser voce mesmo!!!e concordo 100% que se a pessoa nao curte o blog ou a blogueira, nao deveria perder tempo lendo! acho meio sádico detestar alguem e ficar pentelhando a pessoa, pra queeee??beijo e obrigada pelas palavras!
Hey Brian, where did you go? I’ve just been looking over the beachbody forums and seeing some of the results people have been getting. I was really looking forward to watching you getting some awesome results.Hope you to be seeing them soon.
that, let me reveal to you precisely what did do the job. The authoring is pretty convincing and this is most likely why I am taking an effort to comment. I do not really make it a regular habit of doing that. Second, although I can easily see a jumps in reason you make, I am definitely not convinced of exactly how you appear to connect the ideas that produce your final result. For now I will subscribe to your position however hope in the future you link the dots much better.
Gostaria de uma grande informação ,irei viajar com meu filho de 12 anos e meu marido de 16/07/2012 á 20/072012,para gramado ,meu filho queria ficar no hotel sky,quanto sairia essa viagem em ônibus e avião,em pacotes desta empresa.Somos do Rio de Jaaneiro quanto tempo de viagem com ônibus e avião,o que teriamos direito qual forma de pagamento,obrigada
You are talking of someone being regressed – childlike and usually seeking approval. It is a coping mechanism the people with minimal resources use.It isn’t induced in hospitals and drugs are not used to create this dependent state. There would be no reason to do it.
There seems to be some kind glitch or typo in the headline. The words “Jewish community” are enclosed in single quotes, as if there was some question about what it is or something. Everybody knows what the “Jewish community” is. And there’s a word for those who don’t!
It’s good that it’s relevant to you, absolutely, but more importantly, perhaps, it’s also relevant to the people of colour who’ve been saying for years how they’ve been regularly excluded in many of the same ways as women have (and some that are unique to racism, of course, just as some are unique to sexism). And women of colour end up getting both. :/This is not a criticism, at all, I’m agreeing with you, I just can’t seem to say it in a way that doesn’t sound like I’m criticizing you, but I really don’t mean to be, so I’m sorry it sounds that way – that’s my failure.
शिखा जी, ये गालियों के ’संस्कार’ अधिकांश परिवार से न होकर समाज से मिलते हैं…वो समाज जो परिवारों का समूह होता है…
फिर भी कोई नहीं चाहता कि इनका प्रयोग अपने घरों में किया जाए…
लेकिन कुछ अरसे से ऐसी फिल्मों की बाढ़ आ गई है, जिनमें गालियों का खुलकर इस्तेमाल किया जाता है…जिस फिल्म का आपने ज़िक्र किया है, वो भी इसी श्रेणी में आती है…
मैं इस बात से सहमत नहीं हूं कि घर परिवार के साथ देखने के बनने वाली फिल्मों और टीवी कार्यक्रमों में ऐसा किया जाए…इस और सैंसर बोर्ड की उदारता हैरत में डालने वाली है.
This is a neat sumarmy. Thanks for sharing!
Of course, a key part of the attraction for the author is that the period was a “golden age for Jews”. It’s amazing how few members of the intelligentsia are concerned about a golden age for Jews without ever wondering about a golden age for Christians, or anyone else for that matter.I suspect you will find that PBS relied heavily upon Yale’s notorious Al-Andalus romanticizer in the making of this documentary.Hugh Fitzgerald wrote a describing how this multicultural myth was born.
/ Thank you for this Jaime. I agree it’s important to dream big dreams… and to have a clearly defined plan to to “reel them in” to reality! Thanks for this reminder. I look forward to Part 2!
lena comentou em 14 de novembro de 2011 às 10:21. Julia td bem? eu não consigo fazer maquiagem além da minha pálpebra móvel, mesmo quando faço além, da impressão de olho caÃÂdo, o que posso fazer? comprei um pincel de fazer concavo, mas não tive muito sucesso…me ajude! hehe obrigada
I expected to catch heat for that. Anyway, you’re point is valid even if she hadn’t been to blame. Partial I am not, but I’m not yet certain that my point about the TSA being idiots is invalid based on many other policies, situations, etc. Though I do want to make it clear that when I complain about the TSA, I’m talking about them as an ORGANIZATION and this isn’t meant to be criticism of the many hard-working and honest people who I know must work there.
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I love my CPU Builds computer- it is surpisingly good in displaying HD video, Blu Ray playback, photo and video editing and gaming( which my son just raves about) It plays his favorite game( Mass Effect 3) in full resolution 3D. He couldn’t get enough of our computer so we eventually felt inclined to buy him his own for his birthday! Now we get to use our computer again!
Homes priced in excess of $100 million. Homes with 24 Karat gold-plated fixtures in the loo. Why is this necessary? Becuase they can. If you’re poor you live in a poor house. You get a better job, so you get a better house, Each house a step up, and a sign of how much you earn. It simply keeps getting more and more goofy as they get rich.
I just love reading birth stories and this one is just amazing! Thank you so much for sharing such a close experience to your heart with all of us. Birth is such a beautiful, incense experience and you showed that and wrote it so well!Enjoy your new little family of 4!
Anonymous 9:25 Yes, race-replacement sounds better than what is really intended, GENOCIDE. So lets just leave that word for little white kids to deal with when they grow up,if they can. Your right. Genocide IS a one off event. Permanent!
Thank you for this information. Some individuals are very much willing to replace old appliances but are ambivalent about it because of unclear knowledge about such energy-efficient appliances. This will definitely clear out some questions by some people about such. Thank you again.
Fantastiske bilder og nydelige barn du har. Alltid like inspirerende å titte innom bloggen din Bodil. Skal si du er produktiv om dagen :). Ha en delig dag, flinke du!Klem fra Camilla
in your post. I love the idea that each of us has exactly what we need to bloom. Some of us may get nice, soft soil and others a curb. But as your picture shows, even if we get the “curb,” we can still bloom:~).-= Sara Healy´s last blog .. =-.
It seems to me that this web site doesnt load on a Motorola Droid. Are other people having the same problem? I enjoy this website and dont want to have to miss it whenever Im away from my computer.
I think that a lot of these disorders seem to have some overlapping symptoms–BPD, ODD, ADD to name a few. I suppose a person could have all of these and be really a mess???
Maria Victoria, los libros están recomendados para niños entre 8 y 12 años, se pueden comprar en el corte ingles, en la casa del libro yen casi todas las librerias-papelerias.
hello from portugal yes, thats what youre thinking: your blog is known worldwide!I really like your fashion choices, they have inspired some of my daily outfits, which have received plenty of compliments. so, thank you! ahah
CC,Was the guy even present for her talk? It sounds to me like he was referring to the conversation that had been going on in the bar. The details of the surrounding events are not entirely clear. Somewhat, but I don’t see EG as the central issue here.What I see as significant is how Rebecca’s illustrative anecdote raised such a shitstorm.
I am always up for new changes and additions but does anyone find the new white backgrounds in analytics too much on the eyes? When they first released version 5, the metrics rows had more of a grey color. Please change it back Google or give us the option. My eyes are hurting from looking at this all day.
thanks for the sanity and statistical data found on this site. DC.com is, pardon my french, garbage. All the articles are cookie cutter and mindless. The only valuable thing on the site are interviews and video. Please keep this site going…It will grow! There’s enough knowledgeable fans out there who want the kind of insight provided here.
pisze:A dla mnie wÅ‚aÅ›nie pomysÅ‚ Å›niadaniarni byÅ‚ kiepski. Jeżdżę w góry (m.in. do Karpacza i okolic), chodzÄ™ po górach… i nigdy nie zaglÄ…dam do miejsc serwujÄ…cych Å›niadania. Zawsze Å›niadania jem w miejscu zakwaterowania przed porannym wyjÅ›ciem. W takim mieÅ›cie jak Karpacz szukam miejsc ze smacznymi daniami obiadowymi lub obiado-kolacyjnymi. Rano szkoda mi i osobom bÄ™dÄ…cym ze mnÄ… czasu na chodzenie do lokalu na Å›niadanie.OceÅ„ komentarz 0 1
"Remember that they were brought to Hawaii as indentured labor to work the plantations run by wealthy white Republicans who treated them as racial inferiors."But what about continental Japanese-Americans? FDR done locked them up.
Colby is just a “shill” for the Wind Industry. He should be discredited by not only the CMA but every single patient he has ever touched!There is no place in society for “white coats with a black heart”.
I am heartbroken in Antrim. I live in a wildlife sanctuary that will be destroyed if these things actually go up, with no town interference or participation. People here had dollar signs in their eyes and now have rotator cuff injuries from patting themselves on the back. I’m glad that not everyone is on the side of these hustlers just because the energy they are pushing isn’t nuclear or coal.
ad oltranza ,anche nel dubbio."dov'è che avrei denigrato?@pagnini"ma quale delle caratteristiche dello strumento che citi ti sembra inadeguata"non ho mai detto che lo strumento o le sue caratteristiche sono inadeguate. Casomai l'uso che se ne fa, ma da ignorante taccio.Per quel poco che so, un amperometro non basta a misurare la potenza assorbita, a meno che il bagaglio non funzioni in corrente continua.
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Die Bilder sind aber trotzdem super schön geworden, ein wenig wie eine Prinzessin 😀 Und die Sonne steht auf den Bildern immer so schön :)Lg Ronja
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ASantosEu tenho grande parte da Tsuno em inglês pela Cinebook, mas se eles editarem em português… não me falha!;)Paulo PereiraLOLRealmente uma nova editora com coragem! É disto que precisamos. Espero que sejam bem agressivos comercialmente para que consiga singrar no nosso mercado minúsculo.;)
One can find insanity in any corner of the world. Not just the Middle East. Turkey is actually one of the most secular countries in the region due to the influence of its founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who adapted many Western ideas in his style of governance.
I always feel free to write from my own experience (that’s the cool thing is we’re always the experts on our own perspective).For most of my writing though, the challenge for me is always building enough domain expertise to a point where I can share the core principles, patterns, and practices.J.D. Meiers last blog post..
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Die Reder von Merkel, das Verbot von Leerverkäufen und mögliche Krisen in Spanien und Portugal werden bestimmt ihr übriges dazu beitragen, dass die Panik an den Märkten und die Flucht ins Gold noch lange anhalten wird. Da werden wohl auch keine Interventionen mehr helfen können.
बहुत बुरे हाल हैं शिखा दी…
मैं तो कई राज्य घूम चूका हूँ…कुछ राज्यों में तो मामला इतना गंभीर है कि दोस्त हो या भाई, लोग एक दूसरे को उच्स्तरिय गालियाँ देने से भी नहीं चूकते…
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They're priced fairly, some places even offer to used machines as well as new machines. This is a dry rug washing machine that has a round pad on the bottom ( called a bonnet ).
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congrats Shama !!you are such a creative person as i have seen your crafts blog too….and you posted so many lip smacking recipes in the recent past, i missed seeing all these on time..the raw banana curru n green stems poriyal look so healthy …congrats again and thank you for the gift too..
Vie Chaotique, what a wonderful tradition. The cottage is also located in a seafaring area of the Hamptons and that was probably part of the reason they too hung a ship’s lantern.
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Mhmm io al massimo e soprattutto d'estate puzzo d'aglio e cipolla per "farmi" di tzaziki e di kebab sapientemente condito con cipolle appunto…ho proprio tanto da imparare dalle donne.Adesso capisco quel profumo alla vaniglia e quello alla cannella di MissD….sono proprio un insensibile! 😛 ahahahahahaPSQuesti biscotti e mi piacciono sul serio…sto accumulando ricette alla voce "Araba"…prima o poi ti sorprenderò vedrai 😛 ehehehehe
You’re right anon. No one cares. My blog isn’t as good as scamps. My scamps aren’t as good as scamp’s scamps. But what the hell, it was mildly entertaining, and it got me through the tedium of writing my dissertation. Bye for now. I’ll leave you guys with a bit of peace and quiet. xxx
Le citoyen libre dit :L’idee n’est pas mauvaise mais il faut que le PDG s’attaque au plus urgent des Gabonais.
This year you deserve to be greeted Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday…make a heartfelt wish for every candle you have…may all of your wishes come true. More blessings to come. Enjoy your very special day to your super loving wife, family, relatives and friends. Live life the fullest!
Wow I had to comment on this post.UTS you are a lying sack of manure!I just don't see how you could lie about Al Sharpton's support for the Dunbar Village rapists.Shame on you!TP/Blinks
Great job Blaze and thank you for bringing Lujene to us. Wow I thought I knew most of Those Who Came Before since we’ve been on this battlefield for 11 yrs. but Lujene is a powerhouse and thank you for telling us!
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Ah ouais? Suis rarement restée scotchée plus de 2h comme ça, à écouter avec intérêt un Président de la République. L’agressivité de Sarkozy envers ses interlocuteurs le rendait inécoutable plus de 5 min. Depuis 6 mois l’UMP est pitoyable. C’est maintenant qu’on saisit l’ampleur des dégâts des années Sarkozy et Copé à la tête du parti.
Hello, I think your site might be having browser compatibility issues. When I look at your blog site in Ie, it looks fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! Other then that, very good blog!
Please pray for my daughÂter Johanna OD from herion TuesÂday DecemÂber 27she is alive but the same night 3 girls age 19 died from OD of heriÂone.Johanna would have been the 4th.Her 21 birthÂday is Jan 2she strugÂgles with a eatÂing disÂorÂder , drugs
““Musulman†désigne une personne pratiquant l’islamisme, il s’agit donc d’une croyance et pas d’une race.”L’islamophobie [ la peur de l’islam ] c’est du racisme – donc: musulmans est une race.
“And if people knew ahead of time what the changes would be, they could invest beforehand and increase the rate at which demand became more elastic.”So you think that companies, seeing an impending doom caused by exponential increases in a carbon tax would increase their expenditures ahead of time developing new technologies? Given your reformulation of the “iron law”, wouldn’t those corporations instead just invest money in developing politicians to end the economically crushing taxes?
Du burde jo hatt et eget tv-program. Kanskje ikke i beste sendetid, og jeg ser for meg at dette passer bra pÃ¥ NRK2.Skal du se «Lasse triller terningen» pÃ¥ NRK2 i kveld kl 22:30?- Ja, jeg skal se det.
Working with a fresh Ubuntu 10.10 install. You also need python-dev to be able to install Inline::Python. Also pydasm not installed by script + had to do this manually. Msg on volatility startup was:*** Unable to load module usermode_hooks2: No module named pydasm*** Unable to load module malfind2: No module named pydasmRegards,lorgor
I love this pretty striped dress – you look beautiful. I’m also wondering where you are from. You look very similar to my friend from Czech Republic. Greetings from Atlanta. Also, I’m hosting a – a cute pair of silver earrings. Hurry on over – it ends tomorrow!
Being with someone else is really gives joy and inspiration. To be happy trust and constant communication is really important. And I really agree that you should love yourself first before anything else.
GJ,我fixrecovery怎麼用都是沒有訊號耶 ==Ans: 1. 方法二也ä¸è¡Œå—Ž?2. 想å•æ¸…楚一下,é™ç‰ˆæ™‚ iPhone 裡é¢æ²’有æ’è‘— SIM å¡å—Ž?å› ç‚ºæ²’ SIM å¡æ™‚,iTunes 無法開通手機的電話功能。3. ä½ çš„ iPhone 是哪一代的?4. ä½ çš„ iPhone 原來是 "有鎖機" å—Ž?
Quando se luta pela Libedade e se é Democrata, é sempre um lamento que a vida seja tão curta. No entanto quantos se fossem, não fariam cá falta nenhuma!Vicky
Et pour quelle raison il serait annulé, car les concerts qui sont donnés dans ce Domaine du Vaulatour, ils ont lieux tous les ans, au mà ªme endroit, Hervé a un problème de santé ou quoi?merci par avance, et j’invite ceux qui voulaient se rendre à ce concert de téléphoner aux responsables du Domaine à ce numéro de téléphone, 05 53 62 59 15, qui sont les mieux placés pour vous confirmer si oui ou non le concert avec Hervé a bien lieu!!merci à toi Christelle pour l’informationamicalementKiki
Rien que pour Virtuose Marketing et Blogueur Pro, ca va m’encourager a faire des articles invités pour amener des visiteurs sur mon projet..
Thank you for the kind words. We are happy that you like what we are doing. Just wait some more days and you will see our showreels. By the way, how did you find our website?
Le gazon est vif quand les terriens sont en difficulté, il devient lent quand ils y brillent. Par exemple, le gazon était vif quand Chardy menait et est devenu par magie lent quand Ferrer est passé devant!
Dreena, what a wonderful blog! I’m here from Wellness Weekends, and I’m in love with your recipes! I’d like to invite you to join us for Raw Foods Thursdays. Come link up that amazing Raw Chocolate Dream Mousse!!
शिखा जी आप ने तो बड़े पत्रकार बनने का मूल मन्त्र दे दिया वैसे ये भी पता चल गया की अब तक क्यों नहीं बन पाए थे | विशेष आभार इसी फिल्म का एक गाना साली रे सुन कर गली पर एक पोस्ट दिमाग में बन रही थी किन्तु लिखने से पहले अच्छे से सोचना चाहती थी आप ने रास्ता दिखा दिया धन्यवाद |
aap kaun se media ki baat kar rahi hain ? aap ne kab kaur kaun se media men kaam kiya hai ? jara detail bataane ka kasht karen
@Anonymous ! आप अपनी पहचान बताने का कष्ट करें तो हम भी डिटेल जरुर बताएँगे..:) .
क्या गलियां पत्रकार ही देते है ?
हमारा मानना है कि कमज़ोर और हताश लोग ही गालियों का इस्तेमाल ज़्यादा करते हैं… जिन लोगों में आत्मविश्वास की कमी हुआ करती है, वो गालियां देकर ख़ुद को मज़बूत साबित करने की नाकाम कोशिश करते हैं…
firdos ji ki is baat se picture JAB WE MET yaad aa gayi jahan ladki apni koft mitane ke liye ladko ko gaaliyan dekar khud ko shant karti hai…kyuki us samay vo itni hataash aur kamjor hoti hai.
aap ki ye sab baate sach ko aayina dikha rahi hain.
sunder prastuti.
गालियां थीं , हैं , रहेंगी। इनका स्वरूप बदल सकता है लेकिन कम-ज्यादा इनका उपयोग हमेशा से होता आया है, होता है और रहेगा।
इस बारे में अपनी लिखी एक पोस्ट याद आ गयी- गालियों का सामाजिक महत्व
आपने इस पोस्ट में बहुत सटीक तरीके से अपनी बात कही। ठोस और प्रभावी पोस्ट! मजा आ गया पढ़कर। सबसे ज्यादा यह लाइन जमी- और शायद इसलिए हम विख्यात पत्रकार ना बन पाए और आज ब्लॉग घिस रहे हैं 🙂
जय हो! ब्लॉग घिसाई मुबारक हो!
It’s a relief to find soneome who can explain things so well
Good point, Ron. I’m not going to be around long enough to pay my “fair share,” but I look at my kids in class and feel compassion and pity for them. When I was in high school, my share of the National Debt was about $1000. The Boomers have totally fucked this country up.
Nice video and I just love all the white, gray colors in your apartment.Im just wondering, does your boyfriend have Filipino or Asian blood?xx
Two words~ GRANDIOSE and NARCISSISTIC!!!I think his rock star status is wearing a bit thin….I think many of his supporters have come out of their stupor…It will be interesting to see how the drive by media will attempt to back pedal as it all starts to fall apart…The world is watching!!! All eyes are on the United States!!!
Goldenboy pisze:Ja nie potrafiÄ™ przemóc siÄ™ do konserw. ChciaÅ‚em na ich podstawie zrobić zapasy, ale nie potrafiÄ™ tego ‘zeżreć’. Obrzydliwe w smaku bez wzglÄ™du na zawartość miÄ™sa. Dodam, że wypróbowaÅ‚em okoÅ‚o 40 rodzajów konserw miÄ™snych.
Quel plaisir encore une fois ! Vous avez une manière de décrire l’éducation nationale, ses vicissitudes et ses travers qui dédramatise et permet de rire pour éviter le fameux « burn out » (quel horreur un anglicisme). Merci
Hey lisa and gorgeous Robyn!Thanks for the update, as always a mixture of emotions when I read what you write, the overwhelming one is always inspirational!The Christmas elves in Nuance are beavering away so should beable to give JG something before Christmas..Sending our love and healing thoughtsSara and her little helpers xx
Michal Ozogán napsal:DÃky za obsáhlý komentář. SouhlasÃm s tÃm, že problém možná netkvà v tom, co osobnà rozvoj je, ale v tom, co pro lidi znamená Äi co si pod nÃm pÅ™edstavÃ. A pro mnohé to je právÄ› ta efektivita.Ve výsledku tedy nemám nic proti osobnÃmu rozvoji, ale proti tomu, co z nÄ›j vzniklo. A teÄ se nabÃzà otázka, kde hledat nÄ›co o “osobnÃm rozvoji” a osobnÃm rozvoji. VěřÃm, že ten může být zajÃmavý a dá se z nÄ›j nÄ›co nauÄit.
jana comentou em 6 de julho de 2012 Ã s 15:55. dora querida, nao eh um trend report, eh um texto amadinha. relaxa fofa, eh sooooohhh um texto, e feito com amor pras minhas amigas normais lindas que cagaram pra maxicolar. bj
asc runti waxaaa weeye somaliland waxay qabsadeen waanu ku hambelyeynayna dhamaan somalidu waa dad walaalo ah hadii ay tahay somaliya somaliland Djibouti NFD somali galbeed marka cidi soamli wax u qabata waanu soo dhaweeynayna inshallah runtii shacaba aanu walalaha nahay ee ree somaliland waanu hambelyeyna waxay qabsadeen sida ay wadankooda u hormariyeen xilliyada summerka ayanu qabana somaliland waana dalkaygii sidoo kale somalia nabad ayaanu ilahay uga baryeynaU codee: 0 0
Het ranzige aan Cozzmoss BV is dat ze niet eerst *vragen* aan mensen om een tekst offline te halen, nee, ze sturen meteen een rekening. Ook al is het – zie Cinner – sterk de vraag of de originele auteur van een stuk eigenlijk wel inkomsten misloopt.Cozzmoss staat in zijn recht, maar ik vind dat het bedrijf er misselijke praktijken op na houdt.
Ray does NOT support either of those things anymore than you do. Please don’t bother commenting on this website unless you have something relative to say.
First of all – THANK YOU very much for making this information available to all. I am just starting this process since I have been previously denied certain “levels” of banking services due to an overdrawn account years ago (or so I thought).Upon receiving my ChexSystems Report, I quickly realized that they are NOT reporting anything negative. It just states “No Information Found”. Please tell me how to proceed with ChexSystems since I am being told by new banks that there definitely IS an issue YET there is no Information reported on my ChexSystems Report???Thank you again!Attila (Tampa, Fl)
Hey! I know this is kinda off topic but I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest authoring a blog post or vice-versa? My site goes over a lot of the same topics as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you happen to be interested feel free to send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! Terrific blog by the way!
Lepas drama Adam Dan Hawa, Nadiya Nisaa akan jadi heroin rebutan produser n pengarah filem n drama, dia merupakan heroin paling berbakat n paling cantik jelita sekali kat Malaysia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got that right, Renee. I don’t want to keep harping on this topic all the time – how fun is that? But with my sister, and now my cousin Moe, it’s a backdrop to our lives right now, so I’m going with it.
Gosh, so many pretty things here. I love those soft yellow fabrics and the walls and the stained glass…and that daylily is HUGE! Thanks for joining in the challenge! ~Angela 🙂
nice…Thanks for any other informative blog. Where else may I am getting that kind of info written in such an ideal way? I have a venture that I am just now running on, and I have been at the look out for such info….
This was an absolutely beautiful occasion…I’m thankful to have such a gorgeous young woman added to my family. What a blessing. Of course, I am so proud of my son, Zach. The photographers did an excellent job of capturing the love and joy we celebrated as families. Perfect day, and night!
It was a nice travel, MoJo is a powerful project that could change the point of view about the news around the World, we need use the new technologies to change the World and create a better place for live… Where the people could tell what they believe open and freely…
Cheers for your brilliant content contained throughout your blog, what will happen is a small test to your blog viewers. Who actually proclaimed the following quote? . . . .Speak softly and carry a big stick; you’ll go far.
whahaha christienedat kan zo maar gebeuren dat heb ik ook wel eens gedaan in mam der auto,boem zei die…..en stond stil, schrikken en een draai om m'n oren :-)hihieen heerlijk verhaal.xxx
Jéé, závidÃm!! Ráno jsem si Å™Ãkal, že je to uplnÄ› na Rudic. Akorát mi mé nachlazenà nepovolilo ani sklep u Wajzrů=( A nabyla dole na té stÄ›nce mimo paprsky troÅ¡ku zima? Kurňa…snad to slunko vydžÅMrnda
– I’ll make sure to up the Shitty Racist parts of my column next week, that should make you happy.@mrejr8234 – Get over it. You’ve been leaving negative comments since that Jeff Gordon breakdancing video where I quoted King of the Hill and you thought it made me anti-white people.
What do you think are the main faults of your a priori paleo reasoning? What proof do you have that all movements non-paleo are bad? BTW, I’ve front squatted in “real life,” and I imagine that our ancestors could of done of a similar thing. So, you are wrong anyway.
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Combien d’auditeurs sur RTL et de lecteurs sur votre site ?Voila, tout tiens àcela, mieux vaut 1000 personnes abusées et 100 scandalisées, que 1100 hésitantes…
You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. I cant believe youre not more popular because you definitely have the gift.
Author names – when is it too ridiculous to use an author’s real name? Look at my last name, its insideous. Most people can not pronounce it. Would you suggest that I go with a pen name? I have heard that it’s best to do this regardless, but I wanted to get a second opinion, so to speak. Thanks!!!
à°®ా సర్ à°ªెà°³్à°³ిà°•ి à°®ేà°®ంà°¤ా à°µెà°³్à°³ినప్à°ªుà°¡ు à°¸్à°•ూà°²్ à°¸్à°Ÿాà°«్ à°®ొà°¤్à°¤ం à°µాà°³్à°³ à°«ాà°®ిà°²ీ à°¤ో వచ్à°šినపుà°¡ు à°«్à°°ెంà°¡్à°¸్ à°…ందరం ఇలాà°¨ే ఆలోà°šింà°šాం.
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eh, he, eh, s-o luăm uşor cu distrugerea creştinismului. asta este o frază care nu are sens.Creştinismul nu poate fi distrus. Am ceva arguemnte care Å£in de ontologia Bisericii, dar nu consumăm timpul că e tîrziu.Să ne aşezăm, să ne tragem sufletul şi apoi să vorbim.Deci…. Ce a făcut Constantin?Pentru noi nu e sfînt, înÅ£eleg. Dar nici “mare” nu e?
noi balcanicii risipim mosteniri culturale, risipim oameni, risipim bunuri, fara nici un motiv.N-as generaliza la scara balcanica; Grecia si Turcia se sustrag macar partialacestui scenariu; sunt insa absolut de acord ca noi romanii risipim cu frenezie si voluptate. Cum ati vedea dvs stoparea acestei risipe?
virtualized environment…it was essentially a cloud. As Jian Zhen described recently in The Thousand Faces of Cloud Computing Part 4: Architecture Characteristics there are a set of architectural characteristics that describe cloud
عليك أن تتاكد من قتل خمسة من الØÂرس بعد قتلهم تنتهى المرØÂلةلان ممكن تÙÂاØÂØ© عدن لا تقتلهم جميعا مرة واØÂدة
नहीं शोभना जी ऐसा नहीं है कि सिर्फ पत्रकार ही गलियां देते हैं …बल्कि बहुत से ऐसे पत्रकार हैं जो बिलकुल गलियां नहीं देते होंगे.
परन्तु लड़कियों को इस तरह की गालियाँ देते हुए मैंने सबसे ज्यादा पत्रकारिता के क्षेत्र में देखा है.
गालियों पर एक पूरी पोस्ट लिखी थी मैंने.. राही मासूम के नॉविल में (टोपी शुक्ला को छोड़कर) तो गालियों का ये आलम रहा है कि जहाँ आपने डॉट डॉट डॉट डाले हैं वहाँ उन्होंने रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति की है.. उनका कहना है कि उनके किरदार की ज़ुबान के मामले में उन्हें किसी पर भरोसा नहीं..
इस फ़िल्म में भी इसीलिये वो महिला किरदार वही बोलती है जो कोई महिला पत्रकार बोलती है..
जंतर मंतर पर एक स्टोरी कवर करती हुई युवा महिला पत्रकार को सिगरेट का छल्ला बनाते और खाँटी गालियों से अपने साथी कैमेरामैन को बुलाते देखा है..
और बात सिर्फ हिंदी की ही नहीं, अंगरेज़ी का वो एफ से शुरू होने वाला चार अक्षरवाला शब्द स्कूली लड़कियों, जी हाँ लड़कियों का तकिया कलाम बन चुका है, जो रोज़ाना 22 मिनट के सफर में कानों को पवित्र करते रहते हैं..
चेहरा दिल का आईना होता है और उसी चेहरे पर एक ज़ुबान होती है, आज के कोढ़ग्रस्त मीडिया की सड़ी गली ज़ुबान!!
गलियां सिर्फ पारिवारिक संस्कार की ही बात नहीं है , समाज में जिस माहौल में आप लगातार रहते हो ,उसका असर भी होता ही है …
फिल्मों और टेलीविजन में दिखाए गए दृश्यों का भी अवचेतन मन पर इसका असर होता है तथा निराशा जनक स्थितियां होने पर स्वाभाविक रूप से फूट पड़ती है!
सिर्फ टोका टाकी कर सकते हैं , कर देते हैं ..!
Knocked my socks off with knedolwge!
A pÃÂlula do dia seguinte não é nem deve ser considerada como um contraceptivo banal, é sim um contraceptivo de emergência e como tal deve ser encarada como um recurso a tomar quando tudo o resto falha, o que não parece ser de todo a situação relatada, mas sim de irresponsabilidade. Os exames ao sangue que fez, é importante saber as datas. Se foram próximas da data da relação podem ser inconclusivos. Os testes convém serem realizados com pelo menos 5 dias de atraso menstrual.
The carrier itself would be a blessing considering I still have tendonitis in both hands from the pregnancy…..the Baby Bella Maya Precious Pink Shoes & Pink Lacy Leggings would make the prize…and look…even sweeter. 🙂
Primera noticia del bicho este.Yo lo que harÃa serÃa tostarlo un poquito, hacerlo polvo (más o menos rudamente…nada de polvo polvo), cocer unas bolas pequeñas (o pedazos irregulares) de patata con su laurel. Estas bolas (trozos) de patata las untarÃa ligeramente con un aceite de pimentón picante y las rebozarÃa también ligeramente con el polvo del pulpo seco.Una cervezita. Y listo
It does not matter where you are, if you have training you will be a specialist in the eyes of the law. If we fight terror with terror then there would be less attacks. While we appease and give criminals all the opportunities to avoid jail or convictions, then we will always have criminals. Its about time the the powers at be opened there eyes and ears to see whats going on in society and do something about it, otherwise we’ll end up having to do it ourselves. Good luck Tim and keep up your good work.
Non ha niente a che fare con i VIP. Si trova spiegato a cosa serve anche nelle FAQ di FB: https://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=131728300237162Io avevo un nome alternativo già impostato ma non ricordo quando l'ho fatto, forse ancora nel 2007.
You team up with people to do events. If you have the place that the is at and you do 5 of the jobs, then you can get tons on bux and planes that you can’t buy in the market.
Very few people have the courage and determination to chase what they want. Thanks anupam for the perspective in the article above, it has inspired me atleast to breath deep and be myself. I wish all the luck for the site and you as well.
Rev Wite, are you sure one can't lift prints off exploded materials? Or are you just pretenderating so you can 'lynch' another academic like Ward Churchill? Must have made your Left Behind day…Oh, I did read his works. All the wingnuts had was lies and innuendo. Mold
Melodee · Its not my first time to go to see this web page, i am visiting this website daily and get good info on Milton from here everyday. Would like to see more Kid related articles and things around Moms. Thank-you – Melodee
The final thing I would say is that crititcal thinking isn't something that you teach in a course, it's something that does (or doesn't) permeate a curriculum.That's what I was getting at; IME critical thinking is a value you teach, more than a process.
The “righties” believe women are beneath them are there to service them, cook and clean for them and be baby machines for them.So, REAL men wouldn’t blame any policies on their failings.What a bunch of whining girly men they are.
– The fact that 12 thumbs go up to 4 down on an Obama sympathizer comment is really the root of the dismay being presented here…Surprisingly my post 7 received fewer votes. HappyRenter only mentioned Romney and Obama. I added to the mix Apple, Android, Windows and Kim Jung il.Actually the fewer votes isn’t surprising, because why would anyone vote on that? Does a thumbs down mean you’re a big Kim Jung il fan? 😉 – Rate this comment: 2 0
Would they have let you add Hawaii for the $75 fee? Because technically, you are changing the destination, which is subject to a $75 on the award fee chart. Or were they just flat out refusing to add Hawaii to your itinerary?I’m in the same boat — have a IAD-BCN // MUC-IAD book award in biz and first that I want to add a segment to Hawaii on to for IAD-LIH. I’m fully prepared to pay a $75 fee if it means F to Kauai! Please keep us updated on how this pans out!
With a Dolby surround system, the ONLY way you get Dolby Surround is USING the optical INPUTs on the Amp…..That means you need to use the OPTICAL OUTPUTS on your DVD and your Cable/Satellite Box….The optcal output on TV sets ONLY WORK when the TV’s Tuner is active……that’s the only time.So it’s smart to get a couple Optical Audio Cables, also known as TOS-LINK cables…..READ the Amplifier book very carefully to ASSIGN the Optical outputs to the proper TV DVD inputs on the amp…..you don’t do that you make not get any sound…..
Hi, thanks and respect to you for speaking out. This just underlines what I’ve been saying in my book and pet food report. How can we take seriously any kind of dog nutrition advice from a vet practice when they’re knowledge is suspect and profited from! Your Dalmation is one lucky pup, good for you.
Wacalaykum assalaam waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,Walaal Muxyadiin waa ku-mahadsan tahay hadaladaada qiimaha leh. Hadduu Eebbe idmo howsha waan sii wadaynaa waxaanna rajaynaynaa inay noqoto mid faa’iido u-leh walaaleheenna oo dhan. Mahadsanid.
My embedded player will randomly display someone elses videos completely unrelated to my videos. This sort of defeats the purpose of having your own personal player for your videos. Are you working on a fix for this?
dok, maaf mau tanya. Di daerah labia mayor,selangkangan,di sekitar anus terasa gatal & bentol2, tp setlh d olesin kalpanax seperti jamur. Mohon d beri solusinya dok.
You could certainly see your sklils within the paintings you write. The arena hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart. The only way most people recognize their limits is by trespassing on them. by Tom Morris.
judes on September 4, 2012 I JUST came from Typo CW, bought an awesome Beatles themed mug. Anything Beatles I’m sold! I’m obsessed with stationary and now Googled for a website for Typo to check a price for their artist wooden hand model and stumbled upon ur blog. I’m thrilled to be living in Cape Town!
Jupp, dass ist der Grund überhaupt, weswegen ich ab jetzt auch nur noch skizziere bevor ich mich an die Hauptarbeit mache. Hab nämlich selbst die Erfahrung gemacht, dass man sonst eher einen Clon einer anderen Webseite baut. 😀
Alice,I learned a little more about you from this interview. You are an amazing person. I don’t know how you get it all done. You are such a fun gal to be around and I hope more of the nannies from this blog, INA and other nannies will be able to meet you and learn from you. Thanks for sharing.
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Hola Cecilia mira precisamente hoy me han traido unos amigos una caja bien grande del Valle del Jerte …esta´n exquisitas y he aprovechado par decorar mi tarta …besos
I think David did the Bench photoshoot for like a day. I remember the tweets and all. They probably got a lot of footage. There are a few footage that was shown at the mall but has not been uploaded yet. I remember the part where he was wearing that plaid shirt and he looked like he was unbuttoning it. The fans were screaming. hahaha
Hej LarsEr du opmærksom pÃ¥, at den der sag du har i toppen med links forsinker indlæsningen af hele bloggen ganske markant?Anders: Den er nemlig god! Joost har en lang række GENIALE plugins til bÃ¥de Firefox og WordPress. Han er bestemt et besøg værd – og en morderligt flink fyr tillige.
25/04/2012 at 6:26 pmThanks for another great article. Where else could anyone get that kind of info in such a perfect way of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I’m on the look for such info. Log in to Reply
कहाँ खो गई है हमारी सभ्यता और संस्कृति!
शिखा जी
आप जो संदेश देना चाहती हैं निसंदेह सफल रही हैं।
बहुत सार्थक और प्रभावशाली लिखा है।
You put the lime in the cooucnt and drink the article up.
new moon beginning this cycle was in Virgo and I wrote about taking the time to be prepared for upcoming opportunities. Now that we’re prepared and we have our own medal or talisman-
Reviewed on: August 17, 2012I’m going again I was disappointed at first, it was hidden and the place needs a touch up, but when I got the food it was great. Unfortunately they no longer had the 1/2lb. burger but the service was good.
Sitting here finishing my espresso before the rest of my clan gets up and jumped at the chance to read a Michele article. Once again, I was thoroughly entertained. I can sooo relate!
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Putins wages and tax returns are periodically posted in the Russian media. I think he earns about $100,000 a year flat -that’s his wage. Which means that blur is Tim Newsman wallet presumably)
Da, Gabi, È™i eu îmi amintesc â€ameninÈ›area  Până la urmă, Doamne-ajută că È™i Maria È™i fetele mele sunt sănătoase… Eu mi-am dat seama, în spital, că mai bine copii prematuri – dar sănătoÈ™i, decât atâția copii la termen născuÈ›i cu probleme…Transmite-i soÈ›ului că-i È›in pumnii să i se împlinească dorinÈ›a!
I love a man who loves his donuts. That is genius! Especially when you consider the insane price of “wedding cake.” Like $4/slice, and then you add on the cake cutting fee. Donuts FTW!
I’d have to go with the names of my 3 previous servers, which all incidentally coincided at the time with playing my favourite game…Mephisto Diablo BaelThe servers weren’t quite as evil though…
very nice card, i’m not very confident at mixing patterns together, as I’ve seen many people do on blogs etc. will get it right one day. Great card.
Cool! Maybe you can get your Dutch friends to reach out to their cousins in Holland, Michigan and urge them to strike down their bigoted ordinances.
«Ã§ÃµÃ»Ã¾Ã²ÃµÃº трõñуõт þт ôруóþóþ, úþóôð ÑÂðü ýõ ýðÿþûýõý. Õüу чõóþ-тþ ýõ хòðтðõт, ø þý хþчõт ò÷ÑÂть ÑÂтþ þт ôруóþóþ…»Ã˜Ã½Ñ‚õрõÑÂýðѠüыÑÂûь… üýõ ÿþýрðòøûðÑÂь… ÷ýðчøт üы òÑÂõ, øûø þчõýь üýþóøõ, ýõ ôþÑÂтðтþчýþ ýðÿþûýõýы.
Love it. It sounds like my crazy flatting days as a student in Dunedin. Did I tell you about the ‘flat wars’ we had with our neighbours across the way? Think Red Lights, chocolate laxative and chocolate gateaux!! Ahhhhh the good old days.
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Ja och Expo tror förmodligen inte att man hade kunnat skriva en hundrafallt mer kritisk text om Islam självt… Alla fundamentalistiska bloggare, Abu hamzas uttalanden m.m. att fylla sida upp och sida ner, hatet som sprids i moskéer över hela världen och särskilt inom Europas gränser eftersom vi tagit hit dem som annars skulle fÃ¥ fängelse i sina hemländer för det som de föresprÃ¥kar… EXPO kommer betraktas i framtiden som en Nazistblaska i 30talets Tyskland.
Just a thought, maybe to keep up to date on who voted for the deathcare bill, we need names posted to keep us refreshed. It would be nice if they were posted online at many different websites.
Et apparemment ça marche. Ce n’est plus un blog, c’est une hagiographie en feuilleton. Cela n’a plus rien à voir avec du journalisme, c’est la chronique au quotidien d’une absolue confusion des rôles.
Weldone for d good worK please is it possible to loose weight dietin and skipping like 30minuites everyday,a frnd suggested joggin but I don’t fancy it and also wats 145lbs converted to KG I want to know,thanks
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I love fairy tale stories and Disney versions too. My favorite is Beauty and the Beast because Belle is a beautiful soul, and she saves him in the end. I think we all have a little fairy tale in our hearts. If not we would never feel the magic and joy or hope for anything bigger / better. Creativity makes each of us special!
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of most countries. I'm not sure about calling it One Law For All Day, but we certainly need to abandon this idiotic Maori Moaning Day and choose something else to replace it. Dave Mann
The only problem with this is that every WordPress site appears EXACTLY the same on mobile phones. It would be nice if the mobile versions could be made to match the look of the full site a little better, rather than just looking like a native iPhone app.
“I’m a world expert on effing Billy Hughes”Well, I sincerely hope not.Is this suddenly Necrophilia Week ??“Silly Season” I can accept, but I draw the line at …….
My surgeon. I was a police officer and had an on duty injury which required 3 back surgeries and lead to my involuntary retirement. I continue to have pain and it is greatly less when I workout. If I don’t workout for more than two weeks I feel it. I am in the best shape of my life now and working on getting back into police work. I wish I would have done this years ago!
Hello SusanThanks for your interest and concern. Several organizations are looking into legislative changes, pressure on stores etc., as the frogs are now showing up in the US as well as China. Turtle painting was outlawed years ago, so hopefully it will not be difficult to apply the same logic to frogs. Dyed fish (usually glass fish) seem not to arouse as much concern, and are still seen regularly.Best regards, Frank Indiviglio.
Wait… that’s not an ironic art-project? Really? Wow.What I think is almost as interesting is how much the pop-art movement of the 50s-70s put in perspective the absurd way people use art to indoctrinate. We can’t help but look at this kind of stuff and see it as kitch – even though the creators were being completely sincere. Thanks a lot Jasper Johns!
para me animar, como gremista, ouvi de um corinthiano… “Agora o GRÊMIO pode ganhar novamente. nossa maldição de 2001 acabou!!! ” O GrÊMIO só será campeão de novo depois do Corinthians ganhar a Libertadores!”hahuaauha
#639, C class. Just a reminder it is not her. Sammi Powell is #355, B class, and she did NOT race last night. Will the real 639 please stand up! Is it possible to get the spreadsheet for lap times in the A race? Having a blast.
Jouw woorden schilderen zo'n warme omgeving.Ik herken dat bijna schurken in je eigen huisje wel. Laat eens horen,als je met die moestuin begint?Groeten Izerina
MDR c’est même pas des vacances en amoureux car on y va toujours avec du monde !Mais sinon c’est clair que si tu veux y aller faut réserver l’hotel bien avance sinon les prix pour une nuit sont de l’ordre de 95€. Moi j’ai eu un super prix cette année en réservant presque deux mois avant.Quant au transport on y va en voiture car comme on a plus de 25 ans et qu’on part àplusieurs le train revient trop cher ! (un comble n’est-ce pas ??!)
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Theoren January 20, 2012 at 9:18 AMI would go to the good side because I would talk with Yoda and my favourite character is Jar Jar Binks. good question Tejas oh and because they have coookies !
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Nice one, ikke lytte til folk .. Jeg tror, ​​din musik originale og strålende .. de fleste mennesker, der er cristising har for travlt til at lytte til de frække piger og lort som at ..Fortsæt det gode arbejde Mate. x
I feel your mom's pain. My book club now pulls up the library web page to check holdings and wait lists before we settle on the next month's book. And we are happy, even if we still haven't chosen Henrietta Lack yet.
Ugh. I agree. The new version is slow, cluttered and doesn’t work in older browsers. I don’t get this weird compulsion to redesigns websites that worked perfectly before, is it just for the sake of being “modern”? The result is almost always less usable.
Young Buck [7];Bankruptcy practice for school rankings! There was “Good (New)” GM and “Bad” GM; the “Good” banks and “Bad” banks… Now you’ve got the highly ranked Elizabeth HS and many other low ranked Elizabeth HS, all coincidentally sharing one building.
You all look wonderful!! Your bum is terrifying (in the best possible way) and the children look wonderfully scary. I love your steampunk governess look!
अभी यह पिक्चर देखी नहीं है …लेकिन जिस तरह से बात उठायी गयी है सोचने पर विवश कर देती है यह पोस्ट …जहां तक गालियाँ देने का प्रश्न है वो आज कल घर से नहीं समाज से और अपनी संगत से इंसान सीखता है ..कुछ लोग शायद स्वयं को विशेष दिखाने के लिए ऐसी भाषा का प्रयोग करते हैं ..और कुछ अपनी हताशा से प्रभावित हो कर …
गालियाँ देने से बेहतर तो ब्लॉग घिसाई ही है …तो घिसते रहिये …
If I conmcmiuated I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.
simon.pouliot dit :Les gogos ne font qu’appliquer le slogan « les ennemis de mes ennemis sont mes amis »
pari osé mais peut être gagnant ? surtout si on assiste à une course « folle »1.Alonso2.Button3.Webber bon Gp à tous
Question for my liberal friends?I’m confused …perhaps you have the answer: How can 2 million blacks get into Washington DC in sub zero temps in 1 day when 200,000 couldn’t get out of New Orleans at 85 degrees with four days notice.???
people, enuff off politics.James Gomes is going to face the music when he goes to court or by the authorities. Less of personality assassination ANDLets hear rocksen talk about Karen action and big nei nei he saw in Australia. 😛
What are you stating, man? I know everyones got their own view, but really? Listen, your web log is cool. I like the effort you put into it, particularly with the vids and the pics. But, come on. Theres gotta be a better way to say this, a way that doesnt make it seem like everyone here is stupid!
i´ve tryed that one also, but dont have so long nails thats why it didnt look so good as urs.Like ur HAir. i supppose u read and hear that very often.
I hate when I watch my videos, and the editor is automatically turned on. I shouldn't have to keep clicking "turn off" "turn off" "turn off" everytime I watch one of my own videos.I think it should be removed, or at least with an option to disable it.
November 2, 2012 at 7:20 AMI want to purchase a Streamlight stinger. Which has the largest hot spot and spill area between the stinger, polystinger and stinger hp? I will use it at close to medium distances so I want it to light up as much area as possible. Thank you.
Song of Solomon talks of a dark-skinned girl& lustily thrusting his hand into her “lock”.But the translation is one whose skin is darkened from the sun.& the translation of lock is…Well, let’s just say R. Kelly should totally do Song of Solomon.Bel & the Dragon!
Just a quick question, do you have space in your kitchen because I would like to move in I'm very quiet tenant…As long as I'm surrounded by this cake. This cake is out of control this is my favorite kind of cake just like grandma made! I call this 3am cake..because you get up at 3am and cut yourself a slice..or two.
I am not a pro, but I have the impression that“Cover the bottom of a pan with a layer of sugar, add butter and apples. top with pie dough” is more of a a theory or conceptualization than it is a recipe. I am not sure that anyone has gotten their knickers in a twist over the rights to the method of making a good cup of cappuccino. Let the first pastry chef that never “borrowed” another chef’s proportions cast the first stone.
A wskaźniki jak traktujesz? Jak „robienie jaj” z gieÅ‚dy? Czym różni siÄ™ skuteczność wskaźników od okienek Carollana itp? A co z zniesieniami Fibonacciego? Czy one sÄ… skuteczne w 100%? My tu rozmawiamy o analizie i prognozie a gra to jest wykorzystanie systemu w peÅ‚nym sÅ‚owa znaczeniu.
POSTED January 22, 2007 at 8:57 amWow, never expected to see my Cheeky Guitar Videos (TM) mentioned on any other blogs, let alone HERE at the mighty davidseah.com. So glad you liked it 🙂 For practicing technique (something new I’m trying for 2007) I’m tracking progress with a form inspired by your PCEO. Thanks for sharing all your productivity goodness with us!Rock on,Lori——-
Excelentes….!! Ya engordé solo con verlas….asi que cuando las haga…. Como tengo poco tiempo…me dedico a dejar preparada la comida y congelada….el problema es que se me revientan siempre las croquetas que congelo, ya he probado a sacarlas del conge un tiempo antes de freirlas, freirlas nada más sacarlas, subir la temperatura, bajar la temperatura…total…que revientan..las empano..harina, huevo,pan rallado, huevo y pan rallado…porque en mi casa les encanta que estén muy crujientes… ¿por qué me revientan? Gracias
When I was in High School, I knew a girl who thought her microwave was possessed because it would start and stop all by itself. I finally convinced her it was just bad wiring and not anything supernatural when I unplugged it and it stopped doing anything. Unfortunately, this is a true story.
Hey anonymousDon”t worry about your English, I bet its better than my Spanish 🙂 I did write that some time ago I think, but I’ve learned to appreciate salsa when visiting Cuba. The salsa I knew was the romantic Marc Anthony type, which I still hate ;)If you give me a link to the radio site I’ll have a listen, but commercial music can be good too!
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oh, sweet lynette, nawlins is in our prayers big time. you made me laugh at your “connect the dots!” i am now calling it crimson-spotted fever. and as i type, it is fading into the sunset…..i HOPE! i LOVE seeing you here, by the way. what a blessing.
Midori 0.4 NetBSDMozilla/5.0 (X11; NetBSD) AppleWebKit/535.22+ Midori/0.4Привет вÑем. Я решил Ñделать доклад на тему“ПоиÑк пакетов. pkg_online. pkg_digger. NIH”Добавьте в ÑпиÑок.
Vad är det i tävlandet som gör så många så besvikna och t.om. ilskna? Den som vinner, den vinner. Så grattis mammakero! Själv vet jag inte ens om jag lyckades länka in mig rätt och medverkade i tävlingen! Men vad gör det, det som är roligt med trissen är ju att få följa allas fantasi och se alla fina bilder.Linnea
La falacia de “la amenaza de los cárteles” ya está muy desgastada y ya no tiene efectividad, inventen algo más creÃble, por ejemplo: “los pulpos mutantes de Venus” o “el chupacabras contraataca”
Va kul Ã¥ titta in till dig igen Anna! Du har sÃ¥ enormt fint här.Älskar hortensior!De ska fÃ¥ fylla mina tomrum här hemma oxÃ¥ … om jag kan hitta nÃ¥gra vill säga :)Tyvärr är det lite överfullt med möbler som vi inte har nÃ¥nstans att ställa. Ja ja…. riktigt ilands problem.Ha en fin helg,kram Malin 🙂
i know Tallon bought the team in 2010 and salary too, but to get rid of ALL those players at once is stupid. Bowman is there because of his [DAD], THIS REUNION OF 2010 players tell you all is what if ?
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mesa mas pedia mou exoume ton eafto tou ihsou mas tou xristou kai ton satana.ma daskale otan o alos mou mila o satanas tou ego pos na tou milaw??- opos 8a i8eles pedi mou o dikos tou o xristos na mila ston diko sou ton satana..geronta.sas efxaristo poli..sas evala ligk sto post ton lismonimenwn apo tous 8eous tis ghs an8ropon.
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A mexida na TSU resultava em baixar 10% os salários liquidos.Os privados podiam aumentar os trabalhadores para compensar, os trabalhadores do Estado e assemelhados estavam quinados.Era um assalto mais limpo do que as trapalhadas que se preparam, mais foi mal vendido.
I’ve got zero ‘instinct’ for this, and regard the term as highly suspect, as if anyone who’s commenting here really knows Julia and the inner workings of the party that well…But, if I was to be in a position to choose, I would put Rudd into foreign affairs. everybody agrees it’s a natural fit for him, plus the added bonus it gets him out of the country. And Smith can do something useful as finance Minister. Make Tanner the Special minister for State, finish off John Faulkner’s reforms. Joe Ludwig can find something else to do, I don’t care what.
By November 14, 2012 – 4:56 amThe Silent Shard…This may most likely be pretty beneficial for some of one’s work opportunities I decide to really don’t only with my blog but…
Die Bilder sind einfach zauberhaft!!!Ich liebe Städtereisen, erst recht, wenn es so wunderschöne Städte sind…Findest du den Blush auch so toll auf der Haut? Bin ja ganz begeistert. Liebe GrüßeKaroP.S.: Folge dir jetzt endlich auch über Bloglovin!
I don’t agree with the 20%, seems like not too long ago it was 10%, then 15%. Why does it keep increasing? The cost of goods are always increasing, why should the percentage for a tip?
बहुत ही सुन्दर एवं सटीक लेखन है आपका न कि ब्लाग घिसाई …इस सार्थक लेख के लिये बधाई ।
मीडिया की सच्चाई तो ये है ही, सभी जगह यही हाल है, गाली फिलहाल का फैशन है, जो जितनी उच्च स्तरीय गालियां दे सकता है, उतना ही फैशनेबल होता है…तभी तो सड़क पर गाड़ियों से ज्यादा गालियां चलती हैं
आज की मानसिकता का सही चित्रण किया है अच्छा है इनसे बची हुई हो।
शिखाजी, मैंने अपनी पोस्ट श्रद्धा और उपहास के बीच झूलता आदमी में यही कहने का प्रयास किया था कि हमारी मीडिया को क्या हो गया है? क्यों लोगों का व्यक्तित्व बौना करती है? जिस तरह की भाषा कल तक पुलिस वाले बोलते थे आज वही भाषा मीडिया बोल रही है। पुलिस वाले तो कहते हैं कि हमें चोर-डाकुओं के बीच कार्य करना है इसलिए ऐसी भाषा ही चाहिए लेकिन मीडिया तो सभ्य लोगों के बीच कार्य करती है, फिर? आपने बहुत स्पष्ट शब्दों में स्पष्ट बात कही इसके लिए बधाई।
Nohnitg I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
Tertip nasılsın? Her aklıma geldiğinde askerdeki günlerimiz aklıma geliyor. Unatamadıklarımdan birtanesi de ikimizi amca oğulları sanmalarıydı. Hiç kimseyi amca oğulları olmadığımıza inandıramamıştık. Cemil hiç yaşlanmamışsın bunun sırrı ne bizede anlat:))Kendine iyibak hemşooŞimdilik Allaha emanet ol.Görüşürüz.
Panun ja Veeran juttuun:: Mun mielestä Veera näyttää siltä että se on raskaana, onkohan siinä seuraava juonenkäänne??? ; DKARI JA ISABELLA ON KUIN LUODUT TOISILEE!Jos oona tulis raskaaks nii se vähänku jatkus se kuvio ku isabellaki sai miron joskus nuorena XD
sehr geehrte frau merkel, das wird nicht leicht.aber wenn es leicht wäre, hätte ja auch herr schröder bleiben können, oder?blog-o-rama: wahlblog mit tschüss gerd spreeblick mit ich bin schuld mario sixtus ist auch schul…
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Pamiętam. Pamiętam też, że stało sie to dlatego, bo ówczesna opozycja złozyła vota nieufności wobec wszystkich ministrów i pamiętam, że wkrótce potem zostały rozpisane nowe wybory.Dwukrotne głosowanie w tym samym dniu żadnych konsekwencji za sobą nie pociągnęło.Nie widzę wyjątkowości uprawniającej p.o. Prezydenta do nieuszanowania woli zmarłego tragicznie, wybranego w demokratycznych wyborach prezydenta RP. Właśnie wyjątkowość sytuacji powinna tym bardziej skłaniać Komorowskiego do wypełnienia woli Prezydenta w sprawach, w których jest znana.
Dammit, I never knew the green jello (one of my favorite dessert bases) and LDS link. But I don’t like deviled eggs, what’s a heathen to do? I’ll have to keep my guard up while visiting relatives during the upcoming holiday season. You can never be too careful :PI’ll have to give that recipe a whirl, it looks delicious!
Wait. Am I reading too much into this?You include both a reference to meeting Reg Alcock and a quiz asking which “Colossal Death Robot are You” in the same piece?Muhahaha. 🙂
Ok donc pour être une mauvaise baise faut être épais ? Ciboire………..Chu plein de préjugés mais t’en a encore 4X plus que moi…WOW !
Iñigo, gracias por esta salmueraYo era un poco escéptico, y mi “Santa” miraba la cazuela con el pollo en remojo pensando que se me habÃa ido la olla definitivamente.pero el resultado mereció la pena Y MUCHO.Lo dicho, muchas gracias
Maybe with 1000000 Mgs of DeccaAnd 50 00000 of Stanazol and some alcohol, you could look decent but seven days man it’s just a too short of amount of time!You will be sadly missed
Hi are using WordPress for your blog platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and set up my own. Do you require any html coding expertise to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated!
If I point out that you stink am I obliged to give you a bath? That would be some nice socialist thinking. Clean up your own mess and I’ll attend to mine.
i just noticed you put the X out button back on the main page so i could find some other suggestions without getting the same thing over and over thank you for putting it back in i dont know if my suggestion prompted that but thank you
Third Flower…My spouse and i have already been now delighted that Albert could execute his reports as a consequence of the strategies he had through your website. It truly is once in a while perplexing to simply constantly be gifting away ways which a lot of people…
And how are you proposing to continue to support the 47% level? Does $16 Trillion in debt ring any bells with you? The “rich” can’t cover that. What’s your solution, really?
En même temps, avec Tsonga, on a là un mec qui mène dans ses face-à -face avec Djoko, et a battu Federer et Nadal en GC… Ils sont finalement très peu à avoir ces états de service!
that shit or he was pretending he didnt get it just cause he was being extra humble and didnt want to tell the journalist how he really felt about it.Wayne went to the same school that a few of my friends went to. It was one of those schools u test into and no one in that school was an idiot and neither was Wayne. He knew the definition of heir when he was grammer school and I’m sure he knows the word and definition now. I guess yrs of gettin high might be effecting him some but not THAT much…lol!
Two and a half men heh heh, i wasnt aware charlie sheen was creating Gold from tin cans,before charlie was fired i hardly watched the damn show, and even then it still stinks. dosent seem likely that A Kutcher is going to bring the show back. Definately my favorite charlie role would be MENATWORK, and that small piece in ferris beullers day off now that role fit charlie to a T.
Also, please note that the data for the “S. Turkey” and “Turkey #6” entries in this study’s Table S3 appear to be derived from one and the same sample. It seems that the authors have failed to point out this duplication.
In addition to viruses and malware, phishing, scams, bad online shopping experiences, and untrustworthy content are becoming increasingly widespread threats on the web. They can only be identified by human experience.
xlicht war dort am und meint: Die Seite ist echt nicht schlecht, muss man sagen!Bin selbst dort angemeldet und finde die angebotenen Spiele super!Nur richtig groß gewonnen, habe ich bis jetzt leider nocht nicht 🙁
with a little grin, “Any mousse being made today?” How can I resist that when it only takes a short time to whip up and serve?Hope you enjoy it and let me know later what you think.catherinepurplekangaroos recently posted..
elisheia10Love, love, love,….. this!!! And i cant help bit laugh hard when the ladies cant help themselves and gaped in amazement at what they are witnessing. just inspiring!!!
…How low can you go??? Everytime I think I have seen the lowest someone like this Cubin comes along…A real yutz..like my bubbe used to say
Well done, Hilke! Like so many, I, too find myself “too busy” with “too many projects” and I have vowed that 2010 will be my year of doing fewer things, but spending more time on the things I want to improve.I look forward to seeing more of your intriguing books and the appoach you take to some of them.Happy Christmas and a productive New Year.
gostaria de agradecer por disponibilizar o ultimo dos moicanos dublado. procuro há anos e não consigo achar.Fiz o download e descompactei. Está perfeito.Agradeço à iniciativa!!!
You're right David. Unfortunately, when we get caught up in the excitement of making big money doing what we love we forget about the Demand and Opportunity part. But when you nail it, amazing things happen
Posted on December 19, 2012 at 10:16 amEveryone loves what you guys are usually up too. This kind of clever work and reporting! Keep up the awesome works guys I’ve you guys to blogroll.
Marcel, helemaal met je eens, we moeten misschien ophouden het dan te benoemen als een getalsmatige dimensie. Ik ben het helemaal mee eens dat het met Bewustwording van doen heeft! En zelfs die Woorden doen wellicht te kort aan het proces waarin we ons nu bewegen!
Shane,Thanks for your participation.. but because you are so unteachable and blindly Calvinist, I have put you comments on moderation.In Jesus Christ eternally, Jack
सेक्टर-16 नोएडा की फिल्म सिटी हो या साउथ दिल्ली वाले चैनल, सुट्टेबाज मीडियाकर्मीयों द्वारा इन गालीयों को हमनें भी बहुत सुना है, परंतु यह गालीयां उस गलीच दलाली के सामने उपेक्षा की पात्र है, जो यह सभ्य भाषा में अपने अपने मालिकों के चैनल पर, देश के साथ रोज़ करते हैं!
80 करोड़ भारतीयों की समस्याओं की उपेक्षा करके,
बालीवुड और क़्रिकेट की अफीम चटाकर,
समाचार को मनोरंजन बना देने वाले
खबर के दलाल खबरचीयों की भाषा चाहें संस्कृत ही हो, हमारे लिये तो वह सबसे भद्दी गाली है।
शिखा जी, मीडिया की सही क्लास ली है।
लेकिन मीडिया भी हमारे समाज का एक प्रतिबिम्ब भर है। हॉं, वहां पर पैसा और हनक भी है, सो ये दोनों चीजें खुलकर सामने आ जाती हैं।
बोलने वाले पत्थर।
सांपों को दुध पिलाना पुण्य का काम है?
यह आज के युग का फैशन है बोल्ड बनना है तो गलियों का इस्तेमाल आना ही चाइये यह हिंदी या इंग्लिश दोनों मैं है फैशन. और केवल मीडिया नहीं ,बड़े लोगों की पार्टी मैं भी ऐसे ही बात हुआ करती है और अब तो महिलाएं भी इस से अछूती नहीं रहीं.
ना करो तो बहनजी टाइप और पापा जी का गुड्डा का खिताब मिल जाया करता है..
वैसे एक बात कहूँ… तो..गाली देना भी एक आर्ट है… गाली के बारे में एक चीज़ यह भी कहा जाता है कि यह ऑफिसर लाईक कवालीटीज़ है… और गाली देने से यह भी रहता है कि सामने वाला डेस्परेट महसूस करता है …अगर किसी को दबाना हो तो मार के साथ गाली कैटालिस्ट की तरह एक्ट करती है… हालांकि पत्रकारिता में गाली मैंने कभी सुनी नहीं है… हाँ! यह है कि हर इन्सान की तरह पत्रकार भी गाली देता है…पत्रकार बनने के लिए गाली ज़रूरी नहीं है …. लेकिन एक लीडर या फिर ऑफिसर बनने के लिए गाली का आना बहुत ही ज़रूरी है… कुल मिला कर बहुत ही शानदार पोस्ट…
वाह क्या बात है?!
आज ही एक महिला पत्रकार टाइप की महिला को सिगरेट के छल्ले उड़ाते देखा तो बहुत उत्सुकता हुई। और धीरे-धीरे उसके क़रीब पहुंच गया यह देखने कि कैसे पीती है और पीते कैसी लगती है। हां, उसने गाली नहीं दी, और अगर दी भी होगी तो मन ही मन। पर मैंने पूछ ही लिया कैसा लगता है, तो वो भी हें-हें-हें ही कह पाई।
गालियों का अपना महत्व है। इसका अर्थ लेने वाले और देने की भाव-भंगिमा पर भी निर्भर करता है। बनारस जैसे शहरों में यह आत्मीयता बढ़ाने में बड़ा सहायक रहा है। दो पक्के बनारसी बात कर रहे हों तो हर वाक्य में एक गाली घुसेड़ने की कला जानते हैं। उनकी बातें सुनकर किसी बाहरी को अचंभा हो सकता है लेकिन यह उनकी दिनचर्या का हिस्सा है।
जहाँ एक स्थान पर गाली हास्य का सृजन करता है वहीं दूसरे स्थान पर वही गाली भयंकर मारक क्षमता रखता है।
बहरहाल आप ने जिस संदर्भ में यह पोस्ट लिखी वह सही व सार्थक है।
"और शायद इसलिए हम विख्यात पत्रकार ना बन पाए और आज ब्लॉग घिस रहे हैं"
हम भी तुम्हारे साथ हैं शिखा :(:(
कुछ समय पहले एक शोध की खबर आई थी कि – 'गालियां देने वाले कर्मचारी निजी कंपनियों में ज्यादा तेजी से आगे बढते हैं, ये शायद अपने तनावों को झटकने में भी अपेक्षया सक्षम होते हैं…'गालियां वाकई मन की कमजोरी हैं, जो शब्दों की कमी से बाहर निकल आती हैं. मगर अब तो ये स्टेटस सिम्बल भी हो गई हैं, खासकर यदि ये अंग्रेजी में हों तो.
सुन्दर …अति सुन्दर !
१३ जनवरी को पौष माह का आखिरी दिन यानि ठंड का अंत !इसी दिन लोहरी होती है ।
आप हमारे संग लोहरी मनाने हमारे यहाँ आईएगा ।
पढ़ते-पढ़ते मुस्कुराहट आ गई। ऐसा कुछ नहीं है कि विख्यात पत्रकार बनने के लिए गालियों का सहारा लेना पड़ता हो। कई बार तो गालियां देने की लोगो की आदत सी बन जाती है। घर में सभ्य भाषा का प्रयोग तो बाहर धाराप्रवाह गाली। जिन मोहतरमा पर फिल्म का किरदार बना है वो हाल में फिर विख्यात हुईं राडिया प्रकरण में…..
मिडिया का कुछ बदरंग चेहरा आजकल बराबर दिख रहा है…२G scam के बाद से…
वैसे भी आजकल इमानदारी को बखूबी दिखने के लिए भी मूवी में गलियां दिखने का रिवाज हो रहा है…:P
और आपका ये पोस्ट कुछ जायदI ही crisp लग रहा है…:)
बात अगर मीडिया दफ्तर में करें (जो की आपने लिखा है) तो गलत है.. वो भी सिर्फ स्मार्ट बनने के लिए …..
कला पक्ष के देखें तो गालियाँ जबान साफ़ करती हैं, इसके उच्चारण में एक अलग वितान है, आलाप टाइप… आप कभी काशी का अस्सी पढ़िए…. गालियाँ साफ़ दिल देनी चाहिए… निष्पक्ष होकर, नदी जैसे, निःस्वार्थ होकर तब ठीक लगता है…
विवाह में भी गालियों का रिवाज़ है. राम जी ने भी खायी थी..और लक्ष्मण को समझाया था…
बहरहाल, व्यथित ना हों… बात दिल से निकली है दिल तक पहुंची है. और असर हुआ है.
bahut khub
sunder lekh shikha ji
शिखाजी ,
बहुत ही ज्वलंत और महत्वपूर्ण विषय पर लिखा है आपने |
फिल्मों में फिल्म निर्माता यदि गाली परोसना ही चाहता है तो सेंसर बोर्ड और सरकार भी इसका पूर्ण समर्थन क्यों कर रहे हैं ?
क्या छिछले स्तर की ऐसी फिल्मे नयी पीढ़ी को और भटकाव के अलावा कोई सार्थक सन्देश दे पाएंगी ?
बस हमें कलम से वार करना है सो तो कर ही रहे हैं |
अंशु जी की पोस्ट से यहां तक पहुंचा। संयोग से कल रात को ही वह फिल्म देखी जिसका जिक्र आपने किया है।
जिस शब्द का इस्तेमाल वहां फिल्म में हुआ है अव्वल तो वह गाली नहीं है,हमारे शरीर का एक अंग है। हां उसका उपयोग और शब्दों को जोड़कर गाली में जरूर बदल दिया जाता है,जिसमें अपमान करने का इरादा होता है। पर यहां तो जो वाक्य बोला गया है वह केवल स्थिति की भयावहता को दिखाने के लिए कहा गया है।
गाली देने का एक सामाजिक और मनोवैज्ञानिक पक्ष भी है। जहां कुछ लोग लोगों को नीचा दिखाने के लिए गालियां देते हैं वहीं कुछ लोग अपना,गुस्सा निराशा,हताशा और गुबार निकालने के लिए गाली देते हैं। अगर वे यह न करें तो पता नहीं और क्या कर बैठेंगे। अब यह अलग बात है कि आजकल गाली देना एक संस्कृति के रूप में विकसित हो गया है।
मेरे पिताजी रेल्वे में थे। सो रेल्वे स्टेशन के आसपास रेल लाइन पर काम करते गैंगमेनों को देखने का अवसर मिला। जब वे रेल की पटरियां बदल रहे होते थे तो जोश दिलाने के लिए एक दूसरे को इस तरह की गालियां बोलते थे। पहले पहले मुझे लगा कि कितने गंदे लोग हैं। फिर धीरे धीरे बात समझ में आई।
शादी विवाह में गाली देने का बाकायदा आयोजन किया जाता है। होली पर भी बाकायदा गालियां दी जाती हैं।
इसलिए गालियों का अपना महत्व है।
gaaliya jitani bhi puarani ho, is par garv nahi kiyaa ja sakata. aadami de ya aurat, yah ghatiyaa-karm hai. aadami ya aurat kitanaa patit hai yah uski gaaliyon se bhi saajha ja sakataa hai. maa-bahan ek karna, ashleel hgaaliyaan denaaasabhya samaj ki nishani hai. iske virodh mey hi likha jana chahhiye.
Nice post .
जो व्यक्ति संस्कारवान होगा वो कभी भी भद्दे शब्दों का प्रयोग नहीं करेगा|
गालियों के विषय में मेरी सोच अलग है. मैं उसे समाज का एक हिस्सा मानती हूँ. हाँ, औरतों को उद्देश्य करके दी गयी गालियों की भर्त्सना करती हूँ.
ये फिल्म मैंने नहीं देखी, पर ट्रेलर देखे हैं. रानी मुखर्जी का ऐसे गले बकना आपको अजीब लग रहा होगा, मुझे नहीं लगा. ये बात पेशे से नहीं जुड़ी है. सामाजिक माहौल से जुड़ी है. ये बात नहीं है कि रानी इसलिए गाली देती है कि वो एक तेज-तर्रार पत्रकार सिद्ध हो सके, बल्कि इसलिए गाली देती है क्योंकि वो दिल्ली की है.
मैंने दिल्ली में एक काउंसलर के रूप में एक संस्था में काम किया है, जहाँ मेरे अलावा सारी लड़कियाँ लोकल थीं और मैंने पहली बार वहाँ लड़कियों को धकाधक गाली बकते देखा. मुझे तब आश्चर्य हुआ था क्योंकि लगभग सारी लड़कियाँ अंगरेजी माध्यम में पढ़ी थीं. ये दिल्ली का कल्चर है. और ज्यादातर अंगरेजी माध्यम वाले ही गालियों का प्रयोग स्टेटस सिम्बल के रूप में करते हैं.
मेरे ख्याल से फिल्म में इसी वास्तविकता को दिखाने का प्रयास किया गया है.
अगर ये फ़िल्म चल गई तो कल हर फ़िल्म के शीर्षक में भी ऐसे ही सत्य वचन होंगे…
What a plsauere to find someone who thinks through the issues
Aaron, this one was merely an example. The fact is that there are many useful tags that users could want to use and search for. For me, it’s the “version” tag, but maybe for another it would be the “language” tag or the “license” tag (What if I want to search for Italian songs that are licensed under Creative Commons?).The metadata indexing system should be flexible and allow to search for any metadata present in files.But enough whining. The job you guys have done is really awesome, keep up the good work
The Ships’s Voyages…I believe technologies just makes it even worse. Now there’s a channel to by no means care, now there will not likely be a opportunity for them to discover….
something, then jump in. Otherwise, SRS is a great bet in general. You have to realize that the tracking ETF’s do not exhibit the correct return profiles if you hold them through an up and down cycle. They should be played in short one-way bets.CMBS has rallied hardcore all week on the back of the PPIP/TALF expansion. I think this rally continues a few days or weeks or until the Fed announces a crazy CRE Financing vehicle. In the long run, CRE is toast though.
Thanks for sharing superb information. Your web-site is very cool. I am impressed by the info that you have on this site. It reveals how nicely you understand this subject. Bookmarked this website page, will come back for extra articles.
Every different emotion you feel is completely normal and right. It's just the way of things. Your last half dozen sentences especially, tell me your heading in the right direction through this.
“created huge inequalities.”The inequality is huge? Wrong. I think the difference between the richest Chinese plutocrat and the most oppressed Tibetan peasant now is less than the difference between the White-Boned Demon (Madame Mao) and most oppressed Tibetan during the Cultural Revolution. So by comparing extremes the inequality is less.There more more Chinese enjoying prosperity now than during the Cultural Revolution, so the inequality is less by counting the numbers of poor, middle class, and rich.
This is one of the best Pixar films in a long time, and I loves this pod cast and totally agreed with the guys and their review. Also, I too really loved Night and Day and am hoping it come with the DVD or BlueRay.Thanks to Mike and the Matts’, I really enjoyed this one.cheersRich
Bukan setakat gagal spm gagal upsr pun orang tahu malah orang gila pun tahu pencacai umngoook akan lakukan apa saja untuk menjahanamkan DSAI… Inilah ketakutan umngooookkkk sebenarnya.
so, if you lend me some gold, and I blow it like a drunken sailor (government), and cannot replay it, the gold has been "consumed"?The gold may have a new owner, but surely it still exists?
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sir,i have a doubt…if im appearing for prelims this 2013 under obc category…is it manadatory for me to appear my mains n intervie under OBC category or can i contest my mains under general category…is it allowed?kindly let me know..
Le lien spatial est certainement inspiré de l’oeuvre de César Pelli, le père des , à Kuala Lumpur. J’aime bien !Un air de la Malaisie en ville. Ouais, c’est gorgeant et sympa.
Very high response times (3001ms) since OScam build oscam-cygwin-svn-6241Revert to earlier version oscam-cygwin-svn-6236 works good (400ms) Please fix
Hey Jeff, first of all your a gangsta for keeping with the posts! But on 4a i get lost. I got the hash and downloaded the john file. But I dont know where or what the “base directory” is, and when i try to create a .txt via TextEdit.app i can only make .rtf files, there is no .txt option. How can i make a .txt and where should i move the jack file once i get the .txt file in it? Thanks!
Love this shot, Michael! Cars, and especially hot rods, are my favorite subjects to shoot and are becoming a rarer and rarer beast to find wandering our city streets.
Merci de citer Dumont. Si peu écouté, hélas…Je suis cependant un chouïa moins pessimiste que vous : il me semble que de plus en plus de monde perçoit et partage ce constat. Ça pourrait bien déboucher sur quelque chose. Quand ? Comment ?
I found your weblog internet site on google and test just some of your early posts. Proceed to maintain up the excellent operate. I merely extra up your RSS feed to my MSN Information Reader. Searching for forward to reading additional from you afterward!…
jessehardyI love these illistrations. With all the characters in this book, it makes it a bit incomprehensible at times so some pictures help out every now and then. I hope that doesn’t make me sound like I prefer Clifford over Under the Dome? D:
Herlig stemning du viser her, Rune. Litt tidlig (i alle fall her)å få vårfornemmelser. Kvikksølvet synker og vinteren får stadig bedre tak på Drammenslandskapet. Men det ser fint ut på dine kanter. Skulle gjerne kost meg på en benk i solskinnet og sett på utsikten. Begynner jeg å bli "gammel" mon tro? HeheHa en fin uke!Irene
3 . The essential duty would be to travel a man with a footing or just a wheelchair. Due to this kind of position, it really is up to the employer to consider getting in touch with train the employee inside first aid or maybe fully extended skills which include usage of a particular AED, breathable oxygen treatment, in addition to daily life reducing as well as palliative techniques.
It is perfect time to make some plans for the future and it is time to be happy. I have read this post and if I could I desire to suggest you few interesting things or suggestions. Perhaps you could write next articles referring to this article. I wish to read even more things about it!
Great Pictures Shanon! Yes our visit was crazy FUN! Milwaukee is lucky to have you there! It is a beautiful place and yes great beer! Pretzel bites look delish! YUMMY!
Achei que para o cara ser piloto tinha que ao menos se formar no segundo grau e pelo jeito ai o Corno nem tem a 3ª pq nem escrever o animal sabe!Sempre que eu pegar o avião vou perguntar o nome do piloto, se for ele caio fora correndo!Do jeito que é burro vai jogar o avião nas torres gemeas de Brasilia.
यह एक बिमारी है। एक बुरी आदत है।
यह एक बिमारी है। एक बुरी आदत है।
पीपली लाईव में इस पवित्र शब्द का मंत्रोच्चारण क्या कर दिया गया रघुवीर यादव के श्री मुख से कि अब यह ट्रेंड बनता जा रहा है और फिर आज की असेर्तिव वूमैन क्यों इसे बोल अपनी जिहवा को पवित्र न कर ले …औरतों के मुंह से गालियाँ यह बताती हैं की वे वाकई कैसे असुरक्षित माहौल में जी रही हैं और गालियों से वे एक खोखली दबंगता और अभेद्यता का क्षद्म आवरण बनाती हैं और मुझे लगता है इन सबसे वे और असुरक्षित हो लेती हैं -कहीं यही कारण तो नहीं कि लड़कियां सबसे अधिक शोषण और बलात्कार की शिकार दिल्ली में बन रही हैं -वे अनजाने की एक प्रतिहिंसा का महाल सृजित कर चुकी हैं ="साली हरामजादियां " ! (यह मैं नहीं कह रहा हूँ !)यह लौंडों की अभिव्यक्तियाँ हैं गालियाँ सुनने के बाद !
चाहे पुरुष हो या औरत ,शील संकोच मनुष्यता का आभूषण है -चिंतित कदापि मत होईये आपने जो मुकाम हासिल कर लिया है बहुत सी दिल्लीवालियों को वह अलभ्य है -भला गाली बक कर कौन महान बना है ?
media jabse ek service n hokar business ho gaya hai tabhi se ye problem ki shuruaat hui hai..
ऐसे ही दुबारा चला आया। यहां सब मीडिया या फिल्मों को ही दोष देते नजर आ रहे हैं। लगता है सबके सब मेट्रो और बड़े नगरों में ही रहते हैं। भारत के गांवों और कस्बों में तो इनका जाना हुआ ही नहीं है।
वहां ये गालियां इतनी आम हैं कि किसी को उससे बहुत फरक नहीं पड़ता। हां अब यह इस तबके में भी प्रवेश कर गई हैं जहां नहीं थीं, तो अलग बात है।
पीपली लाइव में वही दिखाया है जो वहां बोला जाता है।
@राजेश जी से भी पूर्णतः सहमत !
Thanks alot – your answer solved all my problems after several days stirnglugg
, Bill. I’m happy to see you spreading the gospel of storytelling on this blog. Our upbringings were a bit different, however. My Mom was a scientist, not a preacher, and she liked to perform experiments on us kids. Which explains the screws in my neck. Thanks for sharing, and keep it up.
Deborah Posted on LOL – Just turn the mark into something else like a shape or a word! At least you can make it look like something you did on purpose! Or I suppose you could dye the pants purple!!
Metsässä on kyllä mukavampi liikkua, kun lunta ei ole, mutta kyllä mä vaan kovasti ootan, että pääsis metsään hiihtelemään! Kaunista ja valoisaa 2. adventtia molemmille!
/ Mr. Alonzo need I remind you that Texas is a state in the United States of America! Texans decided that well over 100 years ago. Support to and of the flag and nation of Mexico is an anathema to the United States. This was nothing more than a shameless attempt at multi-culturalism and the further destruction of American Exceptionalism.
Hey Jenni,Good one. One clarification, when you said To start a non-profit green organization on WordPress, you meant a website right? A bit confused if there is some other option to start a company??
– Very good point. It’s always nice to know where to focus extra attention, especially with homes that have a lot of history. We try to get that information in our preliminary conversations and conduct an initial walk-through before getting started.
4.99 EUR / Monat? Da hat mit ja wenigstens einen Mehrwert. Was soll das Kit eigentlich? Komplett verwirrend und eine saumäßige Benutzerführung. Macht keinen Spaß, sorry. Und um den Spaß geht ja letzten endes, wenn man jeden Tag damit im Clinch liegt.
Oh, I loved the uniform project as well! I was late to it (only a month before it finished) and I'm new to your blog. But the different outfits have made me seriously want the dress!Sadly, I do not have the legs for a mini dress. But oh do I want that dress (and all the stockings!!!)
Carrie, thank you for the amazing comment! It made my day! I had a wonderful time with you and your girls and look forward to working with you again!
Hi,I exchanged my old car and purchased new car but I did not get my old car NCB amount.What is the process to get the NCB amount of my old car?Thanks,Rohit
Thoughts and prayers are absolutely with you and Italy. It's very surreal to see the footage of the flood in Florence that occurred at this time 45 years ago. I am in DC now and have heard very little about this flooding but thank you for keeping us all posted.Best wishes and take care!
je crois que je m'y ferai bien, d'ailleurs je m'y prépare, dans quelques mois mon premier film verra le jour. Et qui sait, Georges viendra peut être se jeter toute nue sur moi.bien à toi !
zygizz Liktai labai jiem rupi toks ziurkytes pasamde priesininku komanda jass kad trugdytu. O tokiuose varzybose prizai buna nemazi 10000~20000euru tai laimeja jie galetu prisisamdyt dar grazesniu ir jas "tvarkyt".
flor, eu falei pra voce que ler Sidney Sheldon é legal! *-* quero ler outros e outros!Adorei os marcadores e to louca pra ler Gone![]garotaquele Reply:November 3rd, 2010 at 2:28 pmAinda não comecei mas estou ficando curiosa de tanto que me falaram haha[]
Tahitiiiiiii ! J’adore leur packaging si Tahiti douche et les senteurs toutes aussi gourmandes les unes que les autres ! Je participe volontier à ce concours bon wee-end !
This is great PJ. Really really great. You can apply for a directors account with youtube and then they let you upload much longer videos
the person conversing with you when you are bathing but have you never been to any village home before like for example your grandparents place? never bathed at a pond?