Voronezh Railway Station.
वो कौन थी?..जी ये मनोज कुमार की एक फिल्म का नाम ही नहीं बल्कि मेरे जीवन से भी जुडी एक घटना है.
बात उन दिनों की है जब मैं १२ वीं के बाद उच्च शिक्षा के लिए रशिया रवाना हुई थी | वहां मास्को में बिताये कुछ दिन और वहां के किस्से तो आप ...अरे चाय दे दे मेरी माँ .……..में पढ़ ही चुके हैं ,अब उससे आगे का एक किस्सा सुनाती हूँ ,जिसे याद करते हुए आज भी मेरे रौंगटे खड़े हो जाते हैं .
हुआ यूँ कि बाकी की पढाई से पहले १ साल का रूसी भाषा का फाउन्डेशन कोर्स करने के लिए हम सभी को अलग अलग यूनिवर्सिटी भेजने की व्यवस्था थी .उसी क्रम में मुझे “वेरोनिश भेजना तय हुआ .हालाँकि वहां भेजे जाने वालों में मैं अकेली नहीं थी ..फिर भी हालात ऐसे बने और न जाने क्यों बने कि मुझे कहा गया कि फिलहाल एक ही टिकेट का इंतजाम हो पाया है तो तुम्हें अकेले ही जाना होगा.. .ज्यादा दूर नहीं है… ट्रेन शाम ७ बजे चल कर सुबह ७-८ बजे तक पहुँच जाएगी. ये सुनते ही हमारी जान निकलने को हो आई …एक तो पहली बार एक छोटे से शहर से अकेले निकले थे जहाँ सारा शहर हमें साहब की बेटी के नाम से जनता था ,और स्कूल में पढाई में अच्छे थे और बाकी एक्टिविटीज में भी, तो वहां भी रौब था तो कभी इस तरह की समस्या का मुंह नहीं देखा था , १६ साल की कमसिन उम्र और उसपर एकदम अनजान देश और भाषा का एक शब्द भी नहीं मालूम . पर कर क्या सकते थे ? अपना डर उन ऑर्गनाईजेशन वालों को दिखाना अपने अहम् को गवारा नहीं था सो डरते डरते चल पड़े . (हमारे २ दिन बाद पहुंचे कुछ लोगों ने बताया कि सबसे बड़ी बेबकूफ मैं ही निकली थी मुझसे पहले और मेरे बाद सभी ने अकेले जाने से साफ़ मना कर दिया था इसलिए उन्हें ग्रुप में भेजा गया था ) स्टेशन तक एक दुभाषिया हमें छोड़ने आया ,ट्रेन में बिठाया, हमें बताया कि गार्ड को बता दिया गया है कि तुम्हें कहाँ उतरना है ,वेरोनिश आने पर वो तुम्हें बता देगा .और वहीँ स्टेशन पर एक शाशा नाम का दुभाषिया मिलेगा जो तुम्हें यूनिवर्सिटी के हॉस्टल तक ले जायेगा बाकी का काम तो आसान था .और उसने हमें एक रुसी- इंग्लिश की वाक्य डिक्शनरी पकड़ाई और चला गया.
अब हमने अपना सामान रखा और एक बार पूरे कूपे को निहारा और दाद दी उस देश की क्यों कि यहाँ की ट्रेन के साधारण डिब्बे भी हमारी ट्रेन के AC 2nd टायर जैसे होते हैं . सारे कागजात एक बार चैक किये और अपना शब्द कोष लेकर बैठ गए पढने | वहीँ साथ वाले कूपे में एक रुसी महिला और एक पुरुष बैठे थे …दोनों खिड़की से निहार रहे थे ,थोड़ी देर बाद दोनों में परिचय आरम्भ हुआ ,और १० मिनट . बाद ही रोमांटिक फिल्म शुरू हो गई शायद क्लाइमैक्स ही बाकी था ..हमसे देखा न गया और हम झट अपनी सीट पर मुंह ढक कर सो गए कि सुबह तो गार्ड आकर उठा ही देगा.पर नई जगह और अनजान होने की घबराहट…. नींद कहाँ आनी थी ?सो किसी तरह अध् सोये पड़े रहे सुबह के इंतज़ार में ..इसी बीच देखा कि वो रुसी महिला बाय कहकर बीच में ही एक स्टेशन पर उतर गई थी और वो महाशय फिर लम्बी तान कर सो गए थे.वाह कितने कैजुअल रिश्ते होते हैं यहाँ ..कोई टेंशन ही नहीं..
खैर किसी तरह सुबह हुई ,चाय आई ,हमने पी और इंतज़ार करने लगे कि अब गार्ड आएगा और बताएगा कि तुम्हारा स्टेशन आने वाला है.तभी ट्रेन एक स्टेशन पर रुकी और लोग अपना सामान उठाकर उतरने लगे | लगभग सभी यात्रियों को उतरते देख हमें थोडा अजीब सा लगा तो हमने अपना शब्दकोष निकला और उसमें से एक वाक्य पास खड़ी एक रुसी लड़की को दिखाया ” ये स्टेशन कौन सा है ? ” वहां से जबाब आया ” वेरोनिज़े” …अब हम फिर परेशान कि क्या करें लग तो रहा है वही कह रही है जहाँ हमें जाना है पर वो गार्ड तो आया नहीं और हमें तो वरोनिश कहा गया है …पर हो सकता है कि एक्सेंट का फर्क हो ..हमें परेशान देख वो लड़की हमसे न जाने क्या पूछने लगी रुसी में और हम उसकी शक्ल देख बडबडाने लगे ” रुस्की नियत “( नो रुसी ) अब उसने भी किसी तरह हमारे शब्द कोष में से ढूँढ ढूँढ कर हमसे पूछा कि कहाँ जाना है ..हमने बताया ..अब उसे भी हमारे उच्चारण पर शक हुआ ..इसी तरह कुछ देर शब्दकोष के साथ हम दोनों कुश्ती करते रहे अंत में हमारा दिमाग चला और हमने फटाक से अपना यूनिवर्सिटी का ऐपौइन्टमेंट लैटर उसे दिखाया ..उसने देखा और फट हमारा एक बैग हमारे हाथ में थमाया और हमारा सूटकेस अपने हाथ में पकड़ा और झट से हमें स्टेशन पर उतार लिया …हम हक्के – बक्के हैरान परेशान ..जान हलक में अटकी हुई थी .रशियन माफिया और वहां विदेशी लोगों को लूटने के चर्चे भी सुने हुए थे. बस राम राम जपते हम उसकी अगली गतिविधि का इंतज़ार करते रहे..वो थोड़ी देर हमारे उस कागज को देख हमें कुछ समझाने की कोशिश करती रही .फिर उसने हमें शब्दकोष में दिखाया कि आओ मेरे साथ. मरता क्या न करता ?हमें आधा घंटा से ज्यादा हो गया था वहां मगज़ मारते पर उस दुभाषिये शाशा का कोई अता पाता न था ,तो ये सोच कि भागते भूत की लंगोटी भली ,ये लड़की शक्ल से चोर तो नहीं लगती ,बाकी भगवान की मर्जी सोच. हम उसके साथ चल दिए .अब हमारे एक कंधे पर १५ किलो का बैग और एक हाथ में ३५ किलो का सूटकेस (दाल चावल सब बाँध दिया था मम्मी ने कि वहां न जाने क्या मिलता होगा क्या नहीं ).
तो हम चल रहे थे अपनी चाल से ठुमक ठुमक और उसके पास था बस एक पिठ्ठू तो वो तो.शताब्दी एक्सप्रेस हुई जा रही थी …वैसे भी इन यूरोपियन को बहुत पैदल चलने का शौक होता है ..न जाने कितनी दूर पैदल ले गई वो ( वो हमें बाद में पाता चला कि स्टेशन से बस भी मिलती है यूनिवर्सिटी तक )फिर उसने हमारी चाल देखी और अपनी घड़ी और झट से हमारा सूटकेस ले लिया और बोली फास्ट…अब वो चलने लगी और हम उसके पीछे- पीछे दौडने लगे. आखिरकार २० मिनट चलने के बाद एक इमारत नजर आई और उसकी चाल थोड़ी धीमी हुई तो हमारी सांस भी थोडा नॉर्मल हुई खैर पहुंचे अन्दर, वहां जाकर उसने एक आदमी से न जाने क्या कहा ..उसे हमारा लैटर पकडाया .और हमें बाय कहकर एक पुच्ची गाल पर देकर चली गई .और तब हमें समझ आया कि हम ठीक जगह पर पहुंचे हैं और इस समय अपनी यूनिवर्सिटी के डीन के आगे खड़े हैं जो अंग्रेजी में हमारा स्वागत कर रहा है….. .तभी पीछे से एक मोटे से चश्में वाला अजीब नमूना सा ,सीकड़ा सा रूसी आदमी भागता हुआ आया और आते ही अपनी रूसी टोन की इंग्लिश में हमसे माफ़ी मांगने लगा …सॉरी कहते कहते उसकी ज़ुबान नहीं थक रही थी ..तब जाकर हमें सारा माजरा समझ आया कि वो वहां देरी से पहुंचा था और वो ट्रेन का गार्ड वोदका पीकर टुन्न था और वोरोनिश उस ट्रेन का आखिरी स्टेशन था.अब हमें होश आया तो अब तक की चुप्पी कहर बन बरस पड़ी उस डीन के सामने… बरस ही तो पड़े हम, कि ये कौन सा तरीका है ? अगर वो लड़की नहीं मिलती तो क्या होता हमारा ? कौन जिम्मेदार होता? हम बडबडाते रहे और वो शाशा सॉरी सॉरी करता हमारे दोनों बैग उठाकर हमारे हॉस्टल के कमरे में पहुंचा गया और फिर हमें लेकर सीधा वहां की कैंटीन ..वहां जाकर एक बढ़िया सी आइसक्रीम हमारे लिए मंगाई और हाथ जोड़कर हमारे सामने बैठ गया ..कि अगर हमने उसकी शिकायत कर दी तो उसकी नौकरी चली जाएगी फॉरेन स्टुडेंट का मामला है . खैर उस आइसक्रीम से हमारा दिमाग थोडा ठंडा हुआ और हमने उसे माफ़ कर दिया.ये सोच कर कि वो फ़रिश्ता जो हमें यहाँ तक छोड़ गई वो भी हमें इसी की वजह से मिली थी .और उस दिन से रूसी लोगों के लिए हमारे मन में जगह बन गई.उस लड़की ने अपना नाम “लेना” बताया था और वो भी एक स्टुडेंट ही थी पर शायद किसी और फैकल्टी की … उसके बाद उसे हमने ढूंढ़ने की बहुत कोशिश की क्योंकि शुक्रिया तक नहीं कह पाए थे उसे हम ..पर वहां “लेना, ओल्गा ,जैसे नाम हर दूसरी लड़की के होते हैं ..तो वो हमें फिर कभी नहीं मिली .शायद मेरे माता -पिता की दुआओं के चलते भगवान ने ही उसे हमारे लिए भेजा था.
तो ये था हमारी जिन्दगी का वो पहला और सबसे खतरनाक वाकया जिससे हम पता नहीं कैसे उबार पाए… पर इस घटना ने पूरे हॉस्टल में हमारी धाक जमा दी और हमें “बोल्ड गर्ल” का ख़िताब अनचाहे ,अनजाने ही दे दिया गया.जो बाद में हमारे बहुत काम आया ….. कैसे .? ये आपको फिर कभी बताउंगी .फिलहाल तो इन पंक्तियों के साथ इस पोस्ट को ख़तम करती हूँ
नहीं आता था ऊबड़ खाबड़ रास्तों पर चलना भी
जिन्दगी सिखा ही देती है गिरना भी संभलना भी.
Voronezh state University.
इससे आगे यहाँ .http://shikhakriti.blogspot.com/2010/08/blog-post_18.html
" Ye hui na Diosa Wali bat, kahte hain na himmat karke dekhain to har rah aasan hai, baki rah gaya woh koun thi, to diosa ham sab jante hain ki bhagwan kab kis bhesh main mil jayain koi nahi janta, its one of good experience of life so nice of u"
मिलते हैं राह में ऐसे लोग कभी कभी
जो मंजिल का पता देकर चले जाते हैं।
अच्छा स्मरण शिखा जी
Articles like this really grease the shafts of kngoeedwl.
« rassemblement péquiste », « belles paroles », « ton paternaliste », pas très objectif comme choix de mots… Cela a-t-il été écrit par un QS narquois?
Im having an "Oh no!" moment. I was debating on which form of Silk to buy, and ended up going with the Tussah Silk fibers. I originally bought it to use in my CP soap, and didnt even think about using it in my lotions! Arrrgh, Im so upset now, I knew I should of went with the powder or liquid. That would be amazing in lotion! Is there any way to incorporate the fibers into lotions?? Please say yes! *fingers crossed*
Je jasais de ca justement avec mon cousin hie et on est venu à la conclusion que ca prends uen femme, pour que ce soit réalisable de « s’en calisser » qut quand tu fais une liste de pour et contre…Ca s’équivalent assez pour que tu hésites…
I was the event planner for the Geotourism event you happened upon at Aztec Ruins on June 2. I am writing a summary report and would love to know from where you hail. Happy you were able to join us, and good traveling!
jenny_atasteoftravel – “Time heals all” Eventually it does but at times along the way, you have to question this. It is so beautiful that you can now write a stunning piece such as this and that you have come so far. Your Australian photos of photos of joy,hope and love. They give everyone hope…
De mon côté j’ai trouvé ce film ennuyeux au possible. Je n’avais pas lu le livre donc je ne peut pas comparer (enfin j’ai pu comparer vite fait avec une BD adaptée du livre que j’ai chez moi), mais d’un point de vue cinématographique l’intérêt frise le néant. En 2012 on peut encore être impressionné par ces décors num…
I do love the way you have presented this concern plus it really does supply me some fodder for thought. On the other hand, because of what I have seen, I simply just trust as the actual reviews pack on that individuals stay on point and in no way get started upon a soap box involving the news of the day. Anyway, thank you for this excellent piece and even though I do not concur with the idea in totality, I regard your point of view.
Droga Natali . Ja tez przeszlam wiele chorob i mam duzo lat ostatnia to rak ukladu odpornosciowego I nikt niewiezyl ze z tego wyjde no i jestem znowu na tym pieknym swiecie.Ateraz jak moje dzieci sa juz samodzielne to chce pomagac chorym dzieciom .Moze masz jakies zyczenie na twoje urodzinki to napisz mozeuda mi sie spelnic.A teraz caluje cie serdecznie itrzymam kciuki za wyzdrowienie bo Matka BOska od cudownego Medalikaspelnia wszystkie zyczenia .Dla mnie zrobila wszystko bo bardzo ja o to prosze.Pa kochana i pozdrow brata i rodzicow. Iwona
Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nonetheless actually really worth taking a search, whoa did a single understand about Mid East has got more problerms as well
Shawn%A %B %e%q, %YFurthermore, I am not jealous or really concerned with how much money other people make. I look at what I have, work with it and am thankful for it coming my way. I know that the key to have abundance in life is to be thankful for the little things, which I certainly am.
What a great way to start my day! Your pictures, words of inspiration and scriptures are delightful. I will have an attitude of gratitude as I sparkle my home today!Praying for you at this moment!
kite runner is one of my favorite books too and the only book i cried for!!!lovely book!!you might want to try “the mating season” by PG Wodehouse..its a laugh riot..and u should read “anything for u ma’am” by tushar raheja. it will make you change ur mind about “A Book You Wish Had never Been Written”..its absolute trash!!
Yawn, it’s yet another pathetic propaganda piece about demographics by poor old Yoram Ettinger. I can’t ever read one of them without humming along to the tune to Monty Python’s Every Sperm is Sacred.
Me alegra, me agrada, que los >Sres comunistas y Republicanos comulguen y acepten sin rechistar la idea de la gran AutonomÃa-Región-Cuenca del Duero, que imaginó Onésimo Redondo y CÃa (F.E.), aparte de la Oligarquias cerealistas de Valladolid, para mayor honor y gloria de la unidad de Destino en lo Universal, y el Imperio hacia Dios…Muchas gracias. ¡¡ Que Dios guarde a Vdes la vista por muchos años !!Amén.
Read my response in #104. There you go. Asked and answered.And what a weak response it was. The only thing in that list that even comes close was the vote against O’care—and that was a political move, not a principalled one.Because when a Republican President proposed an expansion of Government Funded Health care, they voted for it.
provatouli itan kalo,sxedon toso oso na leo meta..-E kai meta?Katafere i poutana i krisi na nikisei auton ton erota i efigan mazi pros to iliovasilema trogontas psomi kai elies?:)
Fritz – gerne! Aber ich fürchte, dass ich nicht schnell genug für das Spiel bin. Ausserdem renne ich doch ständig gegen Wände – lach… wie soll ich die dann als Deckung nutzen? Und das es sehr intensiv sein soll, habe ich schon gehört! Na, eine Urlaubsreise dahin wäre auf jeden Fall mal sinnig.
Yes, it’s from SNL and I’ve remembered it all this time! Sometimes it’s good being An Old.They keep taking them down, though, so I expect this will go POOF shortly, just like the Buckwheat Shot video.
Hola Laura,¡Qué bueno! Descubrir los clásicos a raÃz de un tebeo. Se guarda un aprecio especial a aquel libro (o tebeo, como en tu caso) que encendió la mecha. Gracias por compartirlo.Saludos,
Wow, total busy beaver, and that was a year ago. Can’t wait to catch up to see what’s going on in your Biz Empire in 2009, lol. What products are you selling w/3-4 biz’es?
De nouveaux devoirs pour le Comtois, qui peut guider ses concitoyens, faire partager son goût et son expérience de la neige. Si tous les usagers de la route empruntaient les traineaux du père Noël…
Sign me up for 3 entries please. I like the looks of the Timex, I’m really excited to win. Thanks in advance for randomly selecting me. (Never hurts to be optimistic.)Seriously though, thanks for the great and informative blog & the opportunity.
No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection (Hardcover) I disagree with the reviewer who said that this book does not offer solutions. Again and again the author reports that people need to be heard, and need to stop repressing emotions to get well. As a counselor working with battered women, I was amazed at the number of them who also had auto-immune disorders such as fibromyalgia. This book is a must read.Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? | Â
4 tentatives de téléchargement du fichier. 4 erreurs de téléchargement!!C’est si compliqué de faire du boulot correcte?En tant que client je ne peut que compter sur l’efficacité de SFR, je n’ai pas de pouvoirs, mais ça devient lassant.
This effect has been reported anekdotally at my imaging center, and also in a paper on bipolar depression, seeAm J Psychiatry. 2004 Jan;161(1):93-8.Low-field magnetic stimulation in bipolar depression using an MRI-based stimulator.But I am skeptical about the double blindness of the study, the MRI operators would surely have known if they were operating a mock scanner, and thereby possibly communicated that nonverbally to the subjects.
that people forget that writing takes years. I know that I have family and friends who are speechless when they realize I am still writing but I haven’t published my novel. They can’t understand why I stick with it. Well, a writer would understand, wouldn’t they?I love your response, “I’m working on it” for when someone asks if I’ve been published. What a positive, honest answer. I will definitely use it!
Great commentary Mr. Knish. The idea that our brave men and women had to go over there and start building schools, etc. instead of killing the enemy was the main reason for the failure. The U.S. Army when they entered German territory early in 1945 did not go about trying to win the hearts and minds of the Nazi population – our goal was to defeat the Nazi armies and to rub the German civilians face with that knowledge that their might Reich was kaput!
Good Information…I’m really impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Either way keep up the excellent quality writing, it’s rare to see a great blog like this one these days…..
Caro IMR,Mas M. S. Tavares também escreve? Confesso que não sabia, fico com curiosidade em ler algum dos seus livros, qual me aconselha?Quanto à contagem de manifestantes não se preocupe, tanto faz 400 ou 500 mil como 1 milhão, é como a arrecadação do imposto sobre transacções financeiras do SG/PS, tanto podem ser € 50 mil milhões como ele diz ou 50 cêntimos – como feitas as contas não vai arrecadar coisa nenhuma, não há qq prejuÃzo com esse exercÃcio de confabulação numérica…
I am very interested in this article you have written. I would like to know if you have more information on this subject like this one. You have shown here that you have vast knowledge.
Here in north Idaho it’s wheat, deer, bridge, canyon, landslide, clear cut, scraggly tree, wheat, clear cut, Nazi, wrecked pickup, closed saw mill, wheat, Ron Paul for President sign, coyote, wheat, bankruptcy sale, clear cut, Nazi, wheat.
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I was Born in Eastman , Ga. Dodge County . Makes Me proud to have that connection . I presently live in Brazoria County , Texas . Same County as Dr. Ron Paul , Candidate for United States President !
I completely agree. I graduated in 2004 and spent close to a decade in Oklahoma enjoying the midwest. After I married my husband last year, the Army sent us to Washington. Next year, it’s onward to Alaska!
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Sonia, preparo muchos estos enrolladitos cuando quedamos con amigos y tengo que llevar algo sencillo, para comer con las manos y que no haya que calentar… Gusta mucho, asà que a menudo ni me lo pienso. Los tuyos me han gustado, porque las setas combinan muy bien con las aceitunas.Un besote
certainly like your web site however you have to check the spelling on several of your posts. Several of them are rife with spelling problems and I in finding it very troublesome to tell the truth then again I will definitely come again again.
Can you do a video of you walking around in some of your fabulous shoes, because honestly, I would look like eggs on legs in them lol.Vxxxps I dont have a fetish – other than the normal, woman = shoes haha
Wow…just wow. I would agree this just seems like another spam app. I’m sure people can easily just Google the information they need about the Holocaust
Bonne idée de mettre en valeur ce circuit. Je vous signale que le gîte du Thouet que vous n’avez pas retenu dans vos critères se trouve sur l’itinéraire de « la loire a velo » car la rue longe le Thouet puis à 200M devant la base nautique, la Loire . C’est ce qu’on appelle chez nous la « Levée » vers trèves Cunault et Gennes.Suivre cette route par un matin ensoleillé est un pur délice!
There is probably another stone burried somewhere that continues for another 5,000 years. The Mayans were laughing there butts off, lets go bury this one over there and scare the crap out of them. Hahaha, the dumbies.
Salut à toi l’ami ki vient de loin. Respect à toi frangin, ce ke tu mix c vrément du pure mix à la lokal, no coment koi, tro kool le stYle de la zik, lé paroles rien à dire ke du vrai de ché vrai, sa c du « impose ton style » . Alé frangin, bon mix et à plus pour de news ziks.
I’ve observed that in the world of today, video games are classified as the latest rage with children of all ages. There are occassions when it may be not possible to drag your family away from the video games. If you want the best of both worlds, there are several educational games for kids. Thanks for your post.VA:F [1.9.17_1161]please wait…
"The Melting Pot" – this vivid metaphor was first presented by a Jewish playwright/novelist,Israel Zangwill (1864-1926) in his 1908 play about immigrant life in America- "America The Melting Pot ",depicting the mixture of diverse people joining in the common purpose in the land of opportunity.Now it has become a struggle of who's melting whom and the choice of the burning firewood underneath the pot !
Hello! I’m at work surfing around your blog from my new iphone! Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look forward to all your posts! Keep up the superb work!
Love this tag, the ‘metal’ background looks terrific. I didn’t make a tag for August because I didn’t have any of the items used & due to a mojo fail I couldn’t think of another way around it, but this I definitely want to try.
RE: browser warning when clicking on link: I think Blogger screwed up. I didn't submit my web page link, only my email address, and blogger turned it into a page link. Please ignore.K
I don't see where the Pres has any choice, nor do we. Unless we want a middle east dominated by Muslim extremists and terrorist attacks on U.S. soil on an ongoing basis we must defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan and in Pakistan. The fact that the governments of both countries are unreliable notwithstanding.BTW, Field, whats up with your RSS feed?
and I will send you the actual Treatment for posts and comments. Thanks again!! “Get This $wiss!!”This comment is considered not injurious
खूबसूरत। बल्कि बहुत ही खूबसूरत। क्या कहने। मैं तो पूरी कहानी में सीधा प्रसारण होते देख रहा था। पर एक बात कहना चाहूंगा हो सकता है आपको अच्छी न लगे। क्या आपको नहीं लगता की रचना कुछ ज्यादा लम्बी हो गई थी। लेकिन फिर भी प्रवाह में पढ़ी जा रही थी। आपको बधाई।
bahut badhiya sasmarn .sach hi to nam diya hai bold girl .
Whoa, things just got a whole lot eaesir.
actually yearofthe, this is. Youtube is trying to be sneaky and bury the Beta Channel blog entry by posting many more blogs than normal.Well, they can't bury the voice of the Youtube community. BETA CHANNELS SUCK, OLD CHANNELS RULE.
Brilliant! I got the pin a few months ago but no doubt something at least as cute is now in store. Glad you like this recipe. It is ridiculously easy & fun to make
‘easy listening’as for lyrics.. like Barriers and This CHristmas he can def get more gritty then MKOP.sure in his own time things will fall into place.
164hi; I’m not a calvinist, but I stumbled across your website at the bottom of your article ‘ Orthodox Worship versus Contemporary Worship’ published in ‘Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy’ which I received Sept. 10 by email.So I look forward to seeing more of your articles.Peace.
Non pas du tout. Il n’est pas indiqué qu’il ne faut pas faire d’effort. Ces gélules viennent en aide aux personnes qui désirent maigrir. Une aide à tous les niveaux. certaines personnes ne peuvent seules faire un « régime », une aide réelle est nécessaire. D’autre part, il est prouvé que certains ingrédients comme les complexes citrus brûles des graisses et donc assistent vraiment la personne désireuse de maigrir.
wsalam, sesetengah bank mmg ada menawarkan akaun pelaburan emas. tapi saudara mungkin boleh baca artikel ini terlebih dahulu. dalam link tersebut ada sedikit komen berkaitan akaun emas pelaburan
Hi Robin and Lee!Chickens certainly have more skills than we give them we usually give them credit for! Ali and I hope that all is well with you and that you have fabulous New Year! – Dan
WOW!!! This is absolutely stunning! You coloring is gorgeous! I'm so afraid of copies! So I'll just have to drool over the creations of those who know how to use them and you obviously do! Thanks for playing at CSAYL
Harga getah dipengaruhi oleh harga minyak global. harga minyak sekarang sekitar USD80/tong, ini bermakna kos menghasilkan getah tiruan yang diperbuat dari bahan petroleum menjadi sangat mahal, Secara otomatik harga getah asli meningkat. Itu pun tak boleh nak paham!…Carilah modal yang lebih baik… orang poltik memang cerita pasal harga getah naik, tetapi dia orang tak nak cerita kos kehidupan yang naik lebih dari kenaikan harga getah…
Back in the day Laymon would have been a pulp writer, and a damn good one. His books are targeted at a specific market, the kind of people weaned on the likes of Friday 13th and Elm Street. Laymon’s books are slasher books, even the non – slasher ones are structured like a slasher script. It’s all teen angst, middle aged angst and loads of tits. That was the market and that’s what the late Laymon wrote for.
It ABSOLUTELY has… The US is the world leader in medical innovation for a reason.Then you would support elimination of choice for hospitals or colleges then?You argue that the poor have no choice in health care and lament that system, but with schools that’s ok somehow?
I’ve heard anecdotally from enough credible people that there’s extra pressure on underwater homeowners to pay off the small second lien first.Isn’t that an illegal preferential transfer? Or does it slip by as long as the homeowner pretends to be solvent? ISTM like a blatant attempt to circumvent the senior lienholder.
I’m really inspired along with your writing abilities and also with the layout on your weblog. Is that this a paid subject matter or did you customize it your self? Either way keep up the nice high quality writing, it’s rare to look a great weblog likethis one nowadays..
Detaljene du ser, i kombinasjon med lyset, er noe av det beste med bildene dine. Takk for at du deler, det er myyye inspirasjon å hente for oss som ønsker å bli bedre fotografer :)Ha en fin dag!
To put the aneurysm in perspective, My mother was diagnosed with the same one 40 years before it killed her, and Dave’s Dad was diagnosed 50 years ago and is now 92. The other news is so great!
Ever since i saw the Lincoln film, I have been singing this, but have been mangling the words. Thank you for putting me on track, Trina! It was a fairly glorious day, wasn’t it…memorable.
I love every bit of it Rhonda….your blog share choice, your sharing the snicker’s bar with Delores (yes….she is very nice, she would share! lol) and esp….your typos and corrected typos! You are the whole fun package, my friend!!! ♥
I still love getting Christmas cards and letters. Since we have friends all over the US it’s a great way to get caught up once a year. Over the past few years so many people have stopped sending cards. That makes me sad. So far I have only received three cards but I haven’t sent mine out yet either.That sweater/jacket thing is scary stuff!
I love this space! The high ceilings are one of the best parts. It’s amazing how the height can make even a super small area just open up. The simple color scheme is also great – less is more in a small space!
e-mail cÃm? Bocs, hogy itt commentelek, de máshol nem tudtalak elérni, és szeretnék egy novellát küldeni az Utópia pályázatra. A meghosszabbÃtott határidÅ‘be éppen befértem, csak fura szerver hibaüzeneteket kapok.
It made me so sad. They think they are being cutesy folksy and they are missing the big picture. You have a live human communicating with you, not a teddy bear.
Everybody calm down. If the Dow and S&P come in, as indicated by futures, it’s a freaking 4% drop. There are media and TV trucks all over this street. You would think it was 1929. What’s all the damn hoopla. Wait until the real shoe drops. This is nothing.
I am a covenanteyes user who is really looking forward to having this available for the Kindle Fire I got for Christmas. Thankfully I have a really good accountability partner, but please let us know when it is ready!
29. März 2011hallo,erst einmal vielen Dank für Deine Erklärungen, leider habe ich nicht verstanden wie das mit dem Einfügen gemeint ist, soll ich das ganze iframe Textobjekt das ich schon in die Webseite eingefügt habe noch einmal in das Feld einfügen, oder was soll ich dort sonst eingeben?Du schreibst: Tag mit den entsprechenden Attributen hinzu, was meinst Du bitte mit den Attributen?Also offenbar nur und was noch dazu?Danke für Deine weitere Unterstützung!
1. Liberal Quakers (100%)2. Unitarian Universalism (97%)3. Reform Judaism (92%)4. Neo-Pagan (86%)5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (80%)6. New Age (76%)7. Sikhism (74%)8. Baha’i Faith (74%)9. Mahayana Buddhism (70%)10. Jainism (69%)11. Orthodox Judaism (69%)12. Islam (64%)13. Orthodox Quaker (64%)14. Secular Humanism (59%)15. Theravada Buddhism (59%)16. New Thought (57%)17. Scientology (56%)18. Hinduism (51%)19. Taoism (46%)20. Seventh Day Adventist (43%)21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (41%)22. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (37%)23. Nontheist (35%)24. Eastern Orthodox (33%)25. Roman Catholic (33%)26. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (31%)27. Jehovah’s Witness (26%)
you sound alright! nothing odd. i like your voice. sounds a little deep, not high pitch which is sexyyy!and omg! im so jealous! i love the way you speak french, i wanna learn!!- Hans
I’ve seriously been there with catty girl friends, and I never got along with other women very well myself so I totally understand. I have 2 female friends who are like sisters (I’ve known them since birth, literally) but other than that, I trust few women, and befriend few. That’s why I love being a blogger- I’ve met so many amazing women- and I appreciate it so much!
Sur le plan mathématique, il serait tout simplement logique que ceux qui trouvent le tableau à partir des quarts aient une belle prime, car c’est plus dur que de trouver les 1/8… ou alors, et ce serait très intéressant car ça montrerait la capacité à deviner des choses dans les matches précédents, il ne faudrait pronostiquer les 1/4 qu’à partir des 1/8 … ce qui serait aussi très intéressant et donnerait lieu à des débats animés.
Dobry denmoze byt reakcny clen umiestneny vo vnutry klobuka tesne pred vyvodom do prestupnej trubky ktora ide do chladca ? alebo by v tomto pripade nebol funkcny a je treba reakcny clen umiestnit az nad klobuk (vonku nad vyvod za klobukom a pred trubku ktora ide do chladica).Kotol (110 L)+ klobuk je z nerezu, prestupna trubka a chladic je z medi.Stredom klobuka ide nerezova trubka v ktorej je hriadel pre miesadlo. Vystupny otvor je z tohto dovodu umiestneny na okraji klobuka kde by som chcel umiestnit ten reacny clen.DakujemPeter
LauÂrie! I’m in love. The picÂtures are soooo beauÂtiÂful. My mom and I are both in tears. Desi is at Home Depot tryÂing to finÂish the baby’s nursÂery. I can’t wait for him to see them. Thank you so much!
I also hear the content of my fridge and pantry constantly calling 'eat me'… and it's hard to resist the temptation.the bun looks perfect and I like the use of the leftover pork. Have a great day. Michael
Ted, can’t waste any more electrons on you. You’ve made up your mind, you’re the smartest guy on the planet. The fact that you can’t get anyone else to listed to you doesn’t seem to have any influence on your “thinking,” yet that should have been the tip-off.
Yes, that Glaser ‘Pnin’ cover is wonderful. ‘Laughter…’ is certainly a cruel book–I founhd myself reading it the way people are clichedly meant to read horror novels: late at night, all alone, glued to the page, freaked out…
Such a beautiful post Abby! You are an inspiration to many and it’s so great to see how you are being God’s hands to pray for and help the pro-life cause! God bless you always!
But can one use YouTube without a Google account? And does Google not require use of "real names" for Google accounts? Anonymity? What?
Ida E skrev:1. Done 2. Jag blev fullkomligt förälskad i den bruna!3. Gillat!Riktigt nice tävling, skulle inte sitta fel med en ziperall i garderoben eller varför inte på sig!
“…¿es sÃntoma de que reconocen las posibilidades de la Web participativa? ¿O se trata sencillamente de una forma más barata que las tradicionales de obtener promoción de un producto?…”Una cosa no quita la otra, ?no?Saludos
Well 24 seven, there are supervisors all over the place that are paid many dollars to run the State of New Jersey.There are always mangaers in charge. I am sure the people that were away could always be reached by way of email or cell phone. Also texting etc.In 2010 communication is done by these means. I like the old school way but the world is changeing.
Tu as raison, c’est un excellent échange ça! Mon idée était que le gars faisait plus «rien» que des échanges de bons procédés..
Does your site have a contact page? I’m having trouble locating it but, I’d like to shoot you an email. I’ve got some suggestions for your blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way, great blog and I look forward to seeing it develop over time.
Això de fer-se el despistat amb els que truquen i no diuen el nom també ho faig amb els clients que es creuen qui sap què. És una bona tà ctica que els fot molt. Pel que fa al seu ex-cunyat, millor m’estalvio el comentari perquè no el conec ni es pot defensar, però ja li val!
Ney eu fiz so que na hora que eu vou abrir a pagina onde eu hospedei as parada, aparece umerro, oque eu faço?VA:F [1.9.20_1166]please wait…VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)
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शिखा जी
बहुत ही सुन्दर यादे………अब जब याद आती होगी तो कैसा लगता है.
मैं तो कुछ और ही समझ रहा था.. भूतिया सा.. हा हा हा.
आपका प्रसंग पढ़कर भरोसा बढ़ गया कि अच्छे लोग हर जगह हैं.. सुनाया भी अपने बहुत रोचक तरीके से है.. मैं सोचता रहा कि वो लड़की भूत थी क्या???
बहुत रोचक घटना , मन रोमांचित हो उठा
kehte hain na na jaane kis roop me narayan mil jaayein…ishwar hamesha hamari madada karta hai…
Just what the doctor orreded, thankity you!
You’re welcome Ma’am!!“As a wo/man thinketh in h/her heart, so is s/he!”Keep the positive self talk going. Cause you rule!!Keep the negative internal demon dialogue far, far away!!!…
Bu benim ilk tariflerimden biriydi. Haklısınız, o kısım eksik kalmış. O kadar kusur, kadı kızında da olur. 175 derece iyidir. Nasıl bari, iyi oldu mu? Bir de sormak isterim neden pekmezli kek yapmak istediniz, bence çok fuzuli.
"favicon for youtube is fairly unreadable" and you go straight to work to fix it. Thousands of youtube users go "We don't want to convert to the new youtube beta channel 2.0!" and the you completely ignore them wile continuing to prepare to force everyone to switch over to the new beta channel!and P.S. who the crap rely cares about the stupid favicon to much!
Preciosas fotos, captan instantes mágicos de una preciosa coreografÃa tan, tan… sugerente!!! Ambas, perfectas en su personaje.Las fotos desenfocadas por el movimiento tienen un encanto especial… el pelo en movimiento de Zio, impresionante y deliciosamente captado en las fotos… Felicidades a todos por la puesta en escena.
Hej Sanne:-)Tak for en fed hjemmeside, jeg er en ung kvinde på 25 der jeg er omkring 167 cm høj og vægten idag siger 78,9 hvilket jeg er rigtig ked af.jeg er idag gået igang med din effektiv kur og glæder mig til at se min vægt falde.Hilsen Nathalie
sv: Ja, ikkesant. Men for dem som ikke liker det bare driter dem seg ut for, for da får dem jo ihvertfall ingen kommentarer :p Nei, har hørt det skal være lite av slikt på blogspot, mange som flytter over dit, for er for mye skriking etter oppmerksomhet på blogg.no. Blei ihvertfall ikke noe bedre etter dem ga ut penger til topplista :p
Woah! I’m really enjoying the template/theme of this website. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s difficult to get that “perfect balance” between superb usability and visual appeal. I must say that you’ve done a superb job with this. In addition, the blog loads very quick for me on Firefox. Exceptional Blog!
Dios te bendiga primero quer nada nosoy catolica respeto las idiologias de cada quien y su respectiva religion. AMO a DIOS y eso para mi es lo importante ah y otra detalle soy cristiana evangelica y creo en JESUCRISTO COMO MI SALVADOR PERSONAL, no venero imagenes ni a nadie solo DIOS se debe adorar en cierta partye tienes razon respecto al papa pero DIOS jusgara al mundo no somos nadie para hacerlo jesucristo dijo que habrian religiones falsas y las hay. CRISTO TE AMA
Yhdyssanavirheet ovat kamalia ja ilmeisesti lisääntymään päin. Luulen, että syy on kirjoitusasun lainaaminen englannista… (??)Mutta… Ärsyynnyn erityisesti myös viittausvirheistä ja niitäpä vilisee tässäkin blogissa kohtalaisesti…
Freja skrev:Jag har gillat på fb ,och jag skulle vilja ha den med älgar på ,alltså samma som ni har på bilden!sjukt snygg!
Michal RyÅ¡ka: Možná jde taky o to, že napÅ™. z pohledu VÅ vzdÄ›laných státnÃch zamÄ›stnanců pobÃrajÃcÃch jako plat právÄ› pouze onu "Äástku rozhodnou pro výpoÄet platové základny" vypadá onen fatálnà ústavnÄ› právnà boj za zachovánà soudcovského trojnásobku pÅ™ece jen jako ponÄ›kud odtažitá problematika. Pavel Caban
She hasn’t been outside since she’s been here. The layout of the house makes it pretty easy to keep her contained in the living room and bedrooms.
Don Brash and the Brethren all over again- always trhe smear, never the substance- typical Bolshevik strategy. These people are just soviet scum, and so are the “journalists” who cheer for them.
Ridiculous & superficial statement. All are welcome – but doesn’t mean you allow a pastor from Spain to come into a small rural parish and turn the community (and generations of catholic families) upside down.Your comment might have some traction if there was a “level playing field” – but Morlino has insured that that will not happen.
ou plus récemment des projets avec le Pavillon de l’Arsenal (article à lire) ou le MET (article à lire), Google a dernièrement soutenu le programme  STEM Education qui favorise entre autres
Black Looks who has a sparkling new home also responded to the statement and said No wonder rape has reached epidemic proportions if this is the way men think…This is so outrageous. The same song is sung everyday †in our culture…we dont do this we dont do that but what we do do is condone abuse and take away people’s human rightsâ€. To hell with this so called culture we have, we need to get rid of it because it is killing us and destroying our lives.
Le soleil biensur, un vieux train de banlieue parisienne, des couverts en argent, des boucles d’oreilles, mes chaussures, mon louis d’or, mon téléphone en or, ma voiture, ma parure en diamants, et la lunette de mes toilettes.
Dear Saied Amirkashani: I think you would be surprised to learn just how many people in the west do NOT hate Iran…well, don't hate the people of Iran, at least. To the extent that there is any hatred at all, it has been fueled by the politicians — not only in Iran, but elsewhere. There is no natural basis for hatred between the people of Iran and the rest of the world. We would prefer to welcome you as free members of the world community. Perhaps one day your idiotic "leaders" (and ours) will get out of the way and let that happen.
! I honestly don't notice, I think your posts are well written and your food, including that lovely looking cake, always makes my mouth water! Happy 3 months! 🙂
Whats Taking place i’m new to this, I stumbled upon this I have discovered It absolutely helpful and it has aided me out loads. I am hoping to contribute & assist other users like its aided me. Great job.
“Seattle/Vancouver, wow so in fact Bioware is capable to make the series even more US/Canada-centric, now this is just vile” Describing the Western-Canada based studio giving a shout-out to its country’s best known Western-Canadian city as “vile” is just plain bizarre.Canada doesn’t get a lot of screentime in movies or videogames – it’s exciting to me when one of our cities pops up in the media in a way that’s not a joke.
It is not that simple. How many times have you read, “He was the last person I ever would have expected to do such a thing!”? Mental illness isn’t always visible; nor are all mentally ill prone to commit unspeakable horrors.It is absurd to think that designating an area as “gun-free” guarantees safety. It’s an open invitation to a monster: Come here, we’re all defenseless.And again, if not guns, it will just be something else. I don’t like thinking about the endless possibilities. (Remember Tim McVeigh?)
I’d heard the name Custer’s Revenge in passing as well as the fact that it was awful, but I didn’t know what it really was. There are just no words.And I think I’m someone prone to falling into the “spiritual noble savage Other” trap. I like such characters — but tarring real-life people with that brush, and only that, or creating an obvious “idealized stereotypical Native ripoff” culture in fiction, is definitely something to be more careful of …
I'll tell you what i told Uncle Elie (who is my friend):The day the Egyptian government expresses regrets about the way we Egyptian Jews were treated, will be the day I make my peace with Egypt!!Secondly: where on earth did they dig up those ridiculous statistics about the "great number" of Jews still in Egypt?Why even 30 is too much!!!Sultana latifaa Jewish refugee from Egypt
wow, pretty impressive, got any jobs going? i am a good wealder and fabricator and also know alot about car electrics, ie subwoofers,amps atc…
Feliç dÃa de St.Jordi Rafa.Me lo pones dificilÃsimo porque antes leÃa muchÃsimo y ahora nada, pero mis favoritos siempre han sido los escritores rusos, no sabrÃa decirte cual me ha gustado más.Petonets
Oi, pessoal!Também pretendo fazer esse passeio em julho.A dúvida é: descer ou não descerdo helicóptero? A diferença de preços é razoável e as opiniões são vacilantes…O que acham?Tks,Silvia
Well, my opinion probably won't be very popular (!), but I sympathize with the farmers. If they can't get a price that is high enough to pay for the cost of harvesting and transporting their crop, it should be their choice what to do with it. I do applaud the one farm that allowed local residents and food banks to come and pick the berries, rather than waste them.
joseboscojr disse:Penguin,Você tem razão, mecanicamente seria possÃvel e pelo jeito se há limitação ela é intencional.Pelo menos no vÃdeo do Captor E ela não ficou perpendicular.
The Twoof drinking game…"Let me guess, another 'family values conservative?'"Twoof tries to deflect attention away from black criminality by alleging conservative hypocrisy…everyone take a shot!
*This could be the correct blog for anyone who wants to uncover out about this topic. You realize so considerably its almost hard to argue with you (not that I in fact would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a topic thats been written about for years. Great stuff, just excellent!
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September 19, 2011 at 9:19 amHi Grady.I remember watching that movie in high school. I think that quote is very fitting. WE live so much of our lives as if we have to prove something to other people and it really holds us back. Thanks for the comment Reply
I love that your ring is engraved!!I engraved my husband's with the date we were married. you know.. just incase memories fail.. heh…I swear I feel the same about the ciggs throwing out the window, but I'm actually AFRAID that if I roll over it with my car, I will have a sudden oil or gas leak.. the drip will some how hit the cigg fast enough to blow up my whole car…. yeah… crazy. I know.
How do I get info on the wild mustang weekends and the cowgirl photography workshop. I’m an artist looking to get reference work for my graphite drawings and sculptures. Do you have to be a regular photographer for these workshops?Thanks,Jim
Correct pronunciation is very important if you want to sound native-like. That way, you will be understood faily well by both native speakers and all those non-natives but whose English is next to being perfect and fluent. In this connection, I would like to recommend the site that follows to all Russian learners of English, http:/ /беглый-английÑкий.рф Yours good-luckily,Marisha
I agree, small towns are good to live in or in our case live outside. There is a sense of community and old fashioned neighbourliness. Look forward to seeing more.
Godt nytt (blogge) Ã¥r til deg…Det er veldig kjekt Ã¥ kome innom bloggen din…nydelege bilete..flotte tips…Godt nytt Ã¥r til deg og din kjære, og familien ellers 😉
मज़ा आ गया आपका रोमांचक संस्मरण पढ के. अजनबी देश, अनजान लोग और सोलह साल की उमर!!!!! लेकिन आपने भी जिस साहस का परिचय दिया, वो काबिले-तारीफ़ है. उस अनजान लड़की के रूप में तो सचमुच ही भगवान ने आपकी मदद की थी. बस ईश्वर के यही तो रूप हैं और हम कहां-कहां उसे ढूंढते फिरते हैं…बहुत अच्छी पोस्ट.
Your hosteny is like a beacon
Oooooh what a lovely gem of a dress – it shows off your stunning figure and my oh my the EARRINGS!!!! I'm getting goosebumps right now:). I was going through some of your recent posts and have to say your trip to Goa must have been just what the dr ordered – you are looking so stunning beautiful – you could cut diamonds on those amaaaaaaaazing cheekbones!! xo
Hi Sandi,Thanks for your interest. The BBC courses are now more occasional – and more regional – I did one in Cardiff in October and am doing one in Glasgow in December. But I will organise an independent script editing course in the new year and get in touch with you then,bestPhilip
a spenót (és a sóska is) bundáskenyérrel nagy kedvencem. álltalában bolondnak szoktak nézni mikor erről a párosról beszélek, de örömmel látom, hogy több ilyen bolond is rohangál szabadon:))
An *excellent* post, Peter. China, Japan and Taiwan will need to be very careful that this dispute doesn't spiral beyond control. The combination of a Chinese economy starting to hit the skids, and a populace that has been whipped up to "Nuremberg Rally" levels of hysteria is very dangerous.
Skep, It comes down to these views of the RE market: Did home values go from irrationally-low numbers to correct numbers and now drop to irrationally-low numbers; or,Did home values go from correct numbers to irrationally-high numbers and now drop to closer-to-correct numbers?How one views things will determine what they are inclined to do.
landuse data (see my previous blogs on making a map of London’s green spaces and analysing Southwark’s landuse, which both required a somewhat complicated process to get the data
comentou em 5 de abril de 2012 às 14:35. ACho que vale tentar um corretivo colorido depois de aplicar a base. Pode ser um amarelo. Só uma camada bem fina e transparente. Depois, se necessário, aplique o seu corretivo de costume.Bjsss!!!
I feel this is among the most significant information for me. And i am satisfied reading your article. However want to statement on few general issues, The website taste is great, the articles is in point of fact great : D. Just right process, cheers
Co když se vÅ¡ichni mýlÃme a radar a antirakety jsou opravdu urÄeny k likvidaci Ãránských balistických Äi jiných raket, odpálených po americkém Äi izraelském útoku na Ãrán? To by také vysvÄ›tlovalo ten spÄ›ch, v jakém je vÅ¡e projednáváno. VÅ¡e se musà stihnout do konce Bushova presidentského obdobÃ. A v tom je snad jediná Å¡ance, že se to nepodařà tak rychle zrealizovat.
KatyWhat is doubly amazing about this place is that the food is delish AND it’s served in such generous portions. The dinner plates were about as big as bicycle wheels (ok, slight exaggeration, but they were large). So large, mum and I devoured a complete second helping of the boar and the pork the next night. Yummy meal AND dinner the next day? Big ‘yes’ in my book.
I’m not that much of a internet reader to be honest but your sites really nice, keep it up! I’ll go ahead and bookmark your website to come back later. All the best
We haven’t heard that PG&E has actually cut off power to anyone who has refused a smart meter (and . Getting your power cut off seems to be implied however by PG&E’s ‘no opt out’ policy. We know that electrically sensitive people have voluntarily cut off their power to avoid the EMF’s, which basically amounts to the same thing. Please report here if anyone has had their power cut off. Increasingly, sheriff’s depts (as in Sebastopol) are willing to enforce trespassing laws against Wellington energy if they come on to your property uninvited.
Thanks Claudia, delighted you read and saw so much in it, yes, we keep following our path as long as we can, as far as it takes us. It’s rarely the destination that means so much, rather it is the journey.
come on, now: gotta give some kudos to c-span2 for the best seat in the house…and now it’s all on DVD for 30 bucks…wire-to-wire front row…no “Bob Uecker” seats, for sure.
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Now I wonder: when New gTLD come around, if two domains under a same TLD can they be set as the same domain too?For example links between about.canon and support.canon will be consider internal links.
Scusami se mi permetto ma da purista della lingua italiana non riesco a trattenermi. "Io e me" non è una svista, come può essere un errore di battitura in cui si tralascia una doppia lettera per via della fretta nello scrivere, è proprio un errore bello grosso!
Wow I love them. They are indeed the ultimate everyday shoe! However, even if I found them, the price is a bit to high for my budget. So enjoy them, they look fab on you. 🙂
Eine Frage: Warum macht man das nicht? Dürfte doch eigentlich kein Problem sein. Naja, die bei Nintendo waren noch nie Perfektionisten
adorei o artigo, concordo com tudo q vc disse e adorei o blog tbm. só pra reforçar, não dizem que a pratica leva a perfeição?!passa la no meu http://www.cositasfemininas.blogspot.com.brapresar do nome, tem coisas q podem te interessar. bjs
süper bir fikir…bu tür yaratıcılık ürünleri, sürekli tüketici konumunda yaÅŸayan bizleri de üretime teÅŸvik edecek…hem de iÅŸ stresinden bir nebze arınmış oluruz…yeni fikirlerini dörtgözle bekliyorum…
We also went in their first week and I wasn’t that impressed. Everything was ok, but they ran out of their house white after one glass and there seemed to be a hair in a pasta dish. Teething problems, perhaps. I’ll try the pork next time.
Du bist ja eine richtige UrbanFarmerin! Glückwunsch zum tollen Garten mitten in der City. Du hättest auch noch platz für Deine eigenen Stadtbienen, (kommt natürlich auf die Nachbarn drauf an) – dann wär' das Glück mit UrbanFarming und UrbanBees perfekt! lg Barbara
Felicitaciones señor Mora, Bolivia es el pais más agresor de America, en 1932 invadio a Paraguay con un general aleman ydocenas de de estupidos chilenos; como la Carolina: resultadocien mil muertos. De esto los auquenidos chilenos no dicen nada.
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Werds mir später saugen und mir so schnell wie möglich einen Eindruck bilden. Sage jetzt einfach mal: JA, definitiv, auch wenn ich noch einige ndere Reviews vorher schreien müsste (Castle Crashers, Far Cry 2, Dead Space, Pure, I love Katamari). Aber ich ha ja grad Zeit
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every once in awhile, we need a friendly slap to the forehead. This show reminded me of something I forgot. You’ll hear what I mean on the next episode of The Urban Shooter Podcast. Mr. Heston was one of the finest men I have ever met and the best speakers I have ever heard. Thanks Mark. I would have never heard this show if you hadn’t played it.
I love the botanical gardens in Montreal. I went last Summer and was blown away. I am going next week-end to Montreal and I hope to say hello again.
Hi Mike, Thanks a lot for you comment! I didn’t go into it here, but from the data we’ve collected/are collecting we should be able to say something about the size distribution and sources, as well. By your phone number, it looks like you’re in UB! Let me know if you’d like to meet up/talk more! Thanks again!, 9512 5174.
Avevo 17 anni, ero sul letto, guardavo Italia1, dove trasmettevano "Sabrina, vita da strega"… a un certo punto interrompono le trasmissioni e mandano uno speciale di studio aperto…. e proprio in quel momento stavano attaccando la seconda torre… ricordo che chiamai mio padre al lavoro per raccontarglielo…… un giorno che ha cambiato il mondo……. e la vita di tutti noi.
Awesome. Simply awesome. Fantastic interview, great insights into herself and her career, and great questions. Superb! Cannot wait to see Kana in America!
My X1 is cech,ivanovic,cole,terry,cahil,essien,remeris,oscar,torris,hazard,mata.i can see clearly from our pre-preseson matchs that,RD dont like essien.why should essien be at bench till 80th munits wen chelsea hav no creative midfilders?our coach should open his eyes well and make a good X1 dis season.Reply
Virtually nobody is motivated enough to show indifference to a youtube video. I don't even look at ratings when I'm surfing youtube – I look at the number of times it has been viewed. I assume if something is good enough, people will tell their friends and the video will be popular. Definitely simplify to a two- or one-way rating system.
me to other local DJs and now good friends John Smith of Casa Street Hooligans and Devin Hardy AKA DEVRUN, both of whom have also been incredibly helpful and supportive of me and even invited me to join
Hello Jason… I will be sorry to see the old blog go, it started around the time of my gogvo review site!But your the product so to speak not the title of a blog you write on!So I for one will happily move over to the new site, and follow your content there! Good luck…
Aapka aatm-bal aur aapke antarman se se prasfutit prarthnao ne ishwar ko aapki sahayata hetu (wo kaun thi) ko bhejne ke lie majboor kr dia.
बहुत ही रोचक संस्मरण….अपने ऊपर भरोसा रखना ही चाहिए…कभी कभी ज़िंदगी में ऐसे लोग मिल जाते हैं जिन्हें हम कभी नहीं भूल पाते…काश ये संस्मरण वो लडकी भी कहीं पढ़ ले…पर हिंदी तो आती नहीं होगी ना.. :):)
इस संस्मरण के साथ ही मुझे एक बचपन में पढ़ी कविता याद आ गयी…
ज्यों निकल कर बादलों की गोद से
थी एक बूँद आगे बढ़ी ….
Your posting really stahngrteied me out. Thanks!
9 novembre 2012Plus ça va plus j aime les perles, c est simple , chic et ça illumine le visage surtout mon teint pale.En plus ayant le visage carré ça tombe bien! Merci Cynthia!
Yummm Ellie, what a delicious dish. That cherry glaze was to die for, and the potato and apple mash and the cabbage were such a great match. Definitely the most impressive! 😀
I don’t know about 40% either, unless it’s from total stagflation lasting a number of years. If a 600 house dropped to 500K or a little less, or a 750K house was 600K, I’d probably buy. See, I always expect to pay somewhat of a premium to live in the NYC area. I never think we’ll see the 4 bed/2.5 bath houses they sell for 150K in North Carolina and elsewhere. That’s fine with me. Value is always relative to where you live. I still think we’ll see a correction, but not as much as we’re hoping.
I just started reading your site – thanks for writing. I wanted to inform you that it’s not displaying correctly on the BlackBerry Browser (I have a Blackberry 9700). Anyway, I am now subscribed to the RSS feed on my PC, so thanks again!
Great recap! You will totally get that sub 4! So happy that the weather turned out well for everyone! You really did look strong up that hill (was with Anne screaming your name)! (Wish I could say that for most of the runners that we saw–but that hill is a mean way to end a marathon. I guess they were wanting you guys to finish it military style)
Romaniei a trimis la Presedintele Romaniei pentru promulgare Proiectil de Lege privind aprobarea Ordonantei de urgenta a Guvernului nr.109/2009 pentru modificarea si completarea Legii nr.571/2003 privind Codul Fiscal [a se vedea PL-x nr.
ÿøшõт:ãôðчø üýõ ñы úðú ø ýõúþтþрыü рðýõõ òыÑÂúð÷ыòðñщøüÑÂÑ 20-30 ñðúÑÂþò ò ôõýь… ÑÂÑÂÑÂÑÂх, ÿþрð ñрðтьÑÂѠ÷ð уü ø ðрñðùтõý…VA:F [1.9.21_1169]àõùтøýó: 0 (þцõýþú: 0)
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Hej du imponerande kvinna! Jag hoppas du vilar tillräckligt! Stressa inte! Du får mig att tappa andan! Vilket tempo! Du borde vinna priset'starkaste kvinna 2012!!!
Que bom que gostou, flor!!! :)Realmente o cookie do Ben’s é demaaaais. Vontade master de voltar pra lá agora e comer mais vários. hahahaHumm… infelizmente não conheci Copenhagen, mas já ouvi falar muuuito bem e não vejo a hora de conhecer! :)Beeijos e obrigada pelo comentário
I would also add, that when you are looking for a great MLM business opportunity I strongly suggest looking at the management team who are running the business as their experience and integrity place a huge part in the success or otherwise of a business opportunity.Lynn Baillie
Hi Sharon…where are you seeing these dates? On the “Times and Dates for the 2012 markets” Page we have the correct dates…can you let me know and I’ll change them. Thanks!
“falling for” implies some form of deception on smiling jack’s part. you can’t buy everything at farmers’market 12 months out of the year in nwa. jack offers a product and like other businesses (for the most part), he stays open based upon consumers buying it or not. staying home is an option if you don’t feel the price is justified.
Miti · domenica, 16 dicembre 2012, 7:33 pmMai sentito un leader politico occidentale farsi vedere con un fidanzata mezzo secolo più piccola di lui. Assurdo, ridicolo, osceno.
Palnej -nie mam, ale tu nie chodzi już tylko o sprawy indywidualne.Polska pozbawiona jest obrony militarnej, bo te oddziały ekspedycyjne zwykle są za granicą. Czego najbardziej brakuje? -Obrony Terytorialnej Kraju. No i teraz jak taka OTK mogłaby funkcjonować, jeżeli obywatele nie są obyci z bronią? Jeżeli teraz generał nie popiera wojskowego wyszkolenia Polaków, to ja się zastanawiam: jakie interesy on reprezentuje?
tracey · Hi Debby – Glad you liked the washi tape look … I think it’s that ‘elegant simplicity’ that you refer to that I like so much – it’s such a simple way to add decoration and yet it definitely ‘looks the part’! Do yourself a favour and find some washi tape to have a play with – then you’ll be tape-crazed like me!
Oh my, I've gone back to these pictures over and over. I adore her style. I would love to know the designer of her fabulous white linen outfit and where she got it. I love it so much!
"…that large numbers of British/Commonwealth soldiers were fighting large numbers of Japanese soldiers on mainland Asia pretty much continuously 1941-45."Yes undeniably. Pardon the omission; as an Australian I know well what our forefathers undertook in campaigns from Burma to Melanesia and the Moluccas.My intent was to explode the egregiously arrogant and fantastical "overwhelming majority died at the hands of American soldiers" crap.
Excellent post! I saw that you had a new site but I had so much work last week I did not get the chance to check it out. You do a great job of describing what is happening on a visual media. It is not an easy thing to do. Excellent thoughts and theories. It makes me more excited to see the show tomorrow. Great job!!!
I know I wanna just be nekkid all the time. *shrug* What wrong with it?@Beth and Afropuffz, thanks, ladies!@NM True, sex sells. I really hope that more thought went into this, though.@F$%k It List, still waiting on that post, mama! Get to it!@Rashida, LoL! I didn’t see that! On the ass thing, you’re either born with it or you earn it by eating – a lot!
What else do we want NASA to do? We can go to Mars, but that would be a waste of money. We have pretty much done everything reasonable for humans to do in space. Unmanned probes are the only thing really left. We shouldn't really be doing anything manned,especially with everyone concerned with our debt.
To zdjÄ™cie sprzed paru chwil. Zdrowa patriotyczna mÅ‚odzież.”A, nie zastanawia Pana dlaczego ta mlodziez wychodzi na ulice?Czy robia to dlatego, ze im sie w Polsce dobrze zyje?
Pah, Hamas and Hezbollah progressives? Bullhit! or at least they are progressives in the same way that the North Koreans are… It is the curse of the leftist to hate most of one's fellow leftists as much ore even more than the Right. This isn't a point of dogma but simply having no time for ignorant shit stains like this
hobbiszakács, ez elég jól hangzik:)lara, feketeribizlidzsem volt a töltelék. 80%-os cukor aránnyal készÃtem (ha néhány héten belül kerül fogyasztásra, akkor lehet kevesebb, ezt viszont tavaly gyártottam, egy évig úgy állt el, hogy semmi baja. ez kevesebb cukorral nemigen megy.)Az egyik macaronba csak ezt tettünk, a másikba pedig a közepére ezt, köré pedig kardamomos fehércsokoládékrémet.addisz, húú, én is nagyon imádom a mangoldot,lehelen nem is láttam
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Great article, I would equate it with self image..When you have a positive image about yourself – you will do well..I have a great self image about myself.. one must have this in order to excel in life…
Hallo H.S.,vielen Dank für den Kommentar.Die Informationen dieser Webseite sind zur Allgemeinen Information gedacht und können keine Einzelfallberatung sein. Auch ist mir nicht möglich jede Fallgestaltung im einzelnen konkret zu beurteilen und individuelle Tipps per Weblog zu geben.Mit freundlichen GrüßenR.Diegel
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Having a date with yourself is the best thing EVER. You can eat straight out of the fridge or carton, Have popcorn for dinner and watch what ever you want. OK … So I clean when I am alone, because that is what mom's do. Enjoy!
A integrazione del mio commento precedente:a) il “60enne in gran forma” non si riferiva alle foto di questo post, bensì a quella del mio ultimo annuncio, in cui si vede un mio aspirante allievo col culo BLU.b) per chi si chiedesse se ho accettato l’offerta del 60enne: ovviamente no. Per ragioni innanzitutto di sostanza, poi anche di forma.
Alex, your comment is obviously more SPAM than Comment. I would normally Trash it (ie move it from Pending to Trash folder). However, the comment is quite obviously a Promotion -or- Advertisement such that my Readers will be aware of your purpose before clicking through.I found your Sales Page and embedded video informative and relevant to the next step of website developement that is the Focus of my Blog. *Readers, Please Note that I do NOT have any relationship with Alex Goad OR RankBuilder at this time of posting or the forseen future.
What does the Bible have to say about: the many sufferings and problems in the world? Why are there so many earthquakes? Why are people suffering so much while others don’t suffer at all? Is man good or is man evil? Is it human to need God?
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ExV.Emanuel disse:(provocation mode = ON)É… Talvez ele não seja o melhor caça no mundo afinal de contas (provocation mode = OFF)Essa acusação deveria ser seriamente investigada pelo governo americano, sem brincadeira, pois o custo de produção das unidades desse caça não justificariam o fato dele não ter o revestimento de baixa assinatura de radar de acordo com as especificações da USAF.Golpe aplicado a licitação publica é bem grave.
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Ja, det er ikke godt Ã¥ si om man skal le eller grÃ¥te… Flott at dere begge er skikkelig glad i musikk! Heldigvis har du hatt en frihelg og kan løse dette med godt humør – kanskje?Ønsker deg en riktig god mandag!Klem Marit :o)
25 julio, 2007AnónimoMis mas sinceras felicitaciones… has hecho un trabajo estupendo!! Un programa indispensable Gracias en mi nombre por tu trabajo, ya podia haber mas desarrolladores de software como tu!Un saludo.
बहुत रोचक संस्मरण रहा…उस वक्त क्या हालत रही होगी, इसका बस अंदाजा ही लगाया जा सकता है.
संगीता दी ! क्या पंक्तियाँ याद करा दीं..मेरी पसंदीदा कविता है ये 🙂 शुक्रिया
Kahte hain..
Girte hain shahsawar hi, maidane jung main,
wo shaks kya girenge jo, ghutnon ke bal chalen..
So jo etni door videsh jaane ka sahas kar paya ho uske liye Moscow kya, Varanesh kya.. Jo ye ladki Bold na hoti to Russia pahunchne ka sahas hi kahan kar paati..hai na.. Are hum to aaj bhi ghar ke bahar nikalne main ghabdate hain.. Par kya kar roti ke jugad main nikalna hi padta hai..
Desh ho ya Videsh, har kadam, har din sabko hi naye anubhav hote rahte hain jo aagpko aur paripakva banate rahte hain..
Jeena jise kahte hain, aasan nahi hota,
kanton se guzarna hai..
Daaman bhi bachana hai..
Rochak sansmaran..
बड़ा सस्पेंस्फुल और रोचक संस्मरण रहा शिखा जी ।
भाषा की वज़ह से कभी कभी अजीबो गरीब हालात पैदा हो जाते हैं ।
लेकिन अंत भला सो सब भला ।
You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful aricltes.
so far, so good, eh? We’ve only eaten out once in the last week — and we’re eating like kings. I still haven’t busted out the turkey from the freezer yet, either. Check back tomorrow for
Gran bella intervista. Una sognatrice che vuole fare e non solo pensare, per non aver paura della pura stessa. Un ottimo esempio.
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oh believe me Austrailia althou a beautiful Country is know for having a lot of bullshit lawsBelieve we can all say fucked up shit about middle OZ as you can say about middle USbut truth be known coastal cities will always be more cosmoplitin then in the middle of the countryMe ,personally I will leave prejudices and propaganda ideas with youI am of no Counrty.I am a humanist.I am for all peaceful loving people of the world no matter where they are from
Hihi… – Hulen, det tok litt tid før jeg skjønte hva du mente her Rune.Det første bildet er knallbra! Ã… som jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde vært der altsÃ¥.
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A idéia de se utilizar o conceito de efeito solo, na minha opinião é o ideal. O maior problema hoje é o fluxo de ar turbulento que diminui a eficiência aerodinâmica de quem vem atrás, nesse novo conceito , com a remoção das asas o fluxo de ar ficaria limpo e eliminaria esse problema, sem eliminar a aerodinâmica da fórmula 1.
Viavia kreeg ik het manuscript onder ogen. Ik heb het even snel doorgebladerd en ik wilde het niet meer loslaten! Volgens mij heeft deze man heel veel goede hulp OF heel veel talent!Hans Abbink
Nestum com mel tem muito açúcar. Nem por isso o ressabiamento é menor.Já agora, quem eram os filhos de Mao e da coca-cola?Adoçe-se pasteleira e acita este beijinho anónimo e sem aditivo.
I would argue that it’s not duplicate content, but that’s just me.For your robots rules, blocking “/page” is not a good idea, and the wildcard selector isn’t recommended.A better way to keep the second page out of the index of all compliant search engines would be something like:Disallow: /page/And omit the other two rules.
La philo dès le début du lycée, c’est le cas par exemple en Italie et c’est tout de même une bonne chose d’essayer d’apprendre à penser aux lycéens… il ne s’agit pas de les gaver de connaissances et de pensées mais bien de leur apprendre à penser. D’où l’intérêt, je trouve, d’insérer la philo dans d’autres matières.
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Merci miss! Je ne voyais pas trop l’intérêt des faux-cols jusqu’à ce que je commence à porter mon manteau roseanna, qui justement n’a pas de col, et impose d’ajouter quelque chose à son cou: une étole, un col roulé, un col de chemise … D’ailleurs il en va de même pour la veste Kady. Je ne m’en rendais pas compte en été, mais ce col rond mérite d’être habillé aussi d’acessoires pour l’hiver.
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This means sooo much more to me than a bunches of fit, sexy, long haired, choreographed women. Thank you so much for putting this together for us Falcons Fans.
Fichtre, alors c’est qui la femelle du koala? La koala?ça yest, a cause de ton com’s la, je suis émue, merci à toi pour tes articles trop d’laballechouette. T’es une chouette nana toi aussi. Créons la communauté des chouettes nana :DKoeur et arc-en-ciel
I ain’t gonna lie.. this isn’t as bad as I expected.. but wtf..What’s wrong with Craig david.. talkin the hardest.. he needs to llow it.. first he tonks up, learns a few ‘street’ words, and spits over A Milli.. now this = badman. Nah don’t think so G.
Please Help! I think my phone is bricked! after running the root, i got a “too many devices, more than one emulator” error and now it will not finish loading on boot. it gets as far as where the lock screen, but the little circle wont come up to unlock screen. can’t do anything with it! Please help!
Yes everything will be fine. We will be very busy til they arrive since dad is going back to the hospital for surgery. Thanks Tara and yes every day is mothers day
Maybe the USA can take a hint from this nation. I know we are interested in working out the difficulties of cutting air pollutants, feeding and housing the poor, and a myriad of other problems. But it seems that it just keep getting worse.
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I'd love to post an article on offshoring of IP assets, not only in Guernsey but in other tax-friendly havens — but I have neither the resources nor the know-how in that area. If anyone would like to offer a good piece on this subject, the IPKat will be delighted to host it.There have been some posts on tax-efficient offshoring on the IP Finance weblog from time to time, but they don't address the social and moral issues.
Cyber ottime segnalazioni :)Già che ci sono vi vorrei porti una domanda su un problema che mi assilla, ho un vecchio iMac g4 che vorrei aggiornare da 10.3.9 a 10.5, il problema che pur avendo una copia originale di Leopard il lettore DVD pare non abbia intenzione di leggerlo. Ho provato a fare una installazione remota da un iMac con snow senza successo.. Consigli? Grazie ps nel g4 ho sia il lettore DVD che nn va sia la porta Ethernet .. Ho solo airport e fw oltre alla USB 1.1 che funzionano
"Height is surely an advantage when fighting with clubs or stabbing spears so why are west Africans not very much taller than other people?"Probably nutrition.
Os teutões só foram bons enquanto pagavam e não piavam.Desde que fecharam a torneira ao esbulho da escumelha do gamanço e dos pendurados,passaram a lobos.O Camões vive da tença.Acabou a festa,Luis Vaz.Ehehehe.O funcionalismo voraz tem os dias contados.Maus tempos para encontrar quem se deixe chular.
Dreena–more videos! You’re a natural in front of camera (& so beautiful!). Love, love this recipe. Making it TONIGHT w/ my kids.(I made your almond toffee cookies from LTEV the other night & ate 1/2 the cookie dough before I even baked the cookies, they were so good.)I don’t know if I have a favorite cookie–I like ‘em all!
ouh la menteuse !(j’ai bon ? les flics vont débarquer chez moi ?)En tout cas, merci à Benoit Hamon, comme on dit, « c’était très intéressant »
October 3, 2012 at 2:11 amYeah, that is strange. I’ve been focusing more on the weird fiction this year, the classic weird fiction that arrived a little before Lovecraft, because I think it’s a eerie time when the occult was truly believed in. Reply
para sacerdotisadeisis,hola¡¡¡muchas gracias por tu comentario¡¡ me alegra de que te guste. La verdad es que a mà también me encantan las recetas familiares. Ya me contarás si algún dÃa la haces.besitos,Ani.
Ãœðóôöõú тþöõ ýõÿрðòøûьýыù, úÑÂтðтø. Ôðтðшøт ýð õýúу трõñуõт трðýÑÂфþрüðтþры 1:1, ð ò ÑÂтþü — 1.414:1. ã üõýѠÿрðòôð ÑÂтþøт 1:1/2.5:1 ø рðñþтðõт, ýþ…
Je ne mets pas sur le même plan Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter et autres ! J’ai vu le dernier Harry Potter et j’en ai été terrifiée alors que cette série j’ai vu deux premiers épisodes en entier est granguignolesque et ennuyeuse à souhait ! Peu importe que mon post déplaise aux liseurs qui ont réagit y compris, je le pense fortement à notre blogueur en chef qui même s’il a publié ma vive réaction doit se demander pourquoi je ne défends pas cet article ! Non et non !
As a woman named Kyle I love this name! While I didnt always love my name growing up I love it now. It was incredibly formative in my growing into a strong and confident woman.
RE:” Take on complex, challenging projects and learn languages like Open Source that make you attractive to employers.”There’s a language named “Open Source?” If so, could some one point me to a link that describes this?
I am so very proud of you Wendy! So sad I couldn’t be there to cheer you on. You are truly amazing; I love you so much, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. You did spectacular- goal time or not, never ever underestimate the power of what you set your mind to! Love you!!! XO
Era la meva primera i reconec que no sóc dels que es queden mirant el paissatge, a més ahir els meus esforços anà ven per un altre costat… Espero compartir una cursa de muntanya amb tu que ets tot un expert, potser llavors ja tindré més km a les cames i podré disfrutar un dels aspectes més rellevants del trail running.ja dirà s quan i on!slts,
désastre désastre, mais qu’ils sont moroses ces français !Tant qu’il y a de l’eau et du pain, ça ira bien nom ?Souvenez-vous des sages paroles de Guy Martin : « De quoi on a besoin? de quoi on a besoin ?
AWESOME!! I also have been reading everyday to hear the updates. So glad you finally made it:). Its sounds dreamy. Thanks for sharing, looking forward to reading more.Dani
Okay…sure…at first I was all “okay, this is cool” (especially about the babies and stuff) and then I realized this is just more of that insidious Obama MInd Control Delphi Technique trying to get me to move to the city and submit to the control of the United Nations One World Government takeover of our rural areas, forced abortion, an end to parenthood, eliminating national sovereignty and private property, golf courses, grazing pastures, paved roads…freedom.“Shut up and listen”…to GEARGE SOROS…right?I’m on to you. And as soon as I find my medications I’ll figure out exactly what I intend to do about it.
मैं भी कुछ भूतिया सा ही सोच रहा था…:)
लेकिन बड़ा खूबसूरत कहानी लगा शिखा जी..
कहानी के बीच ३-४ बार मोबाइल मेसेज भी बजा लेकिन हम तो कहानी पढ़ने के मोड में थे सो पढ़ लिए 🙂
और वो पहली वाली कहानी भी हम नहीं पढ़े थे..तो आज दो दो कहानी पढ़ें…
मस्त लगा 🙂
यादों के झरोखों से निकले सुंदर संस्मरण….प्रस्तुति बढ़िया लगी..धन्यवाद
यह हुआ कोई संस्मरण, बोल्ड और बिंदास! शुक्रिया !
मैंने दो तीन दिन पहले फ्लैशबैक – राइटिंग की
चर्चा की है , उसकी एक अच्छी झलक आज भी
दिखी !
शाशा से निराशा हुई पर लेना ने अमिट छाप
छोड़ी आपके मनोमस्तिष्क पर !
आपको 'बोल्डनेस' का दर्जा मिला तो इतनी कम
उम्र को देखते हुए , सही ही है !
हर जगह अच्छे लोग मिल जाते है !
आगे इन्तजार है आपके फ्लैशबैक लेखन का ! आभार !
People nolramly pay me for this and you are giving it away!
Da, da, sunt specii apropiate. Lovesc cu precizie doar acolo unde interesele o cer. Prezintă “reflexul lui Pavlov” la terenuri publice, mai ales parcuri, păduri, lacuri, rezervaÅ£ii naturale, promenade, scuaruri verzi urbane etc. După cum spunea ÅŸi Taica Darwin, “funcÅ£ia [publică] creează organul”. ÃŽn cazul nostru, organul îşi plasează acÅ£iunea de multe ori în vârfu’ dealului, după binecunoscutul vers popular.
Et pendant ce temps, les pirates au large des côtes somaliennes continuent de télécharger illégalement des navires entiers, avec les programmes P2P (Paquebot to Pirate) !
Homemade marshmallows and hot chocolate are perfect for a cold, snowy winter day. Homemade marshmallows and hot chocolate mix would make a delicious hostess gift or teacher gift.
Hello there! I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this website? I’m getting fed up of WordPress because I’ve had problems with hackers and I’m looking at alternatives for another platform. I would be great if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.
Hi Spuelblogleserman muss natürlich nicht die sündteuren Taschen von ThTa nehmen.Mir tuns auch die Billig-gewebeverstärkten Plastikbeutel zB von Staples.Gibts in A5 und A4 für schlanke €1,49/1,99.Der grosse Vorteil, man sieht, eas drin ist.Bild kann ja der Martin mal anhängen.gruss Ralef
I think she should go forward without him theres othere ways to get help. Just keep strong and with your head up show his family and him that you dont need them.
Absolutely unreal – No need to complain because you didn’t see the notice of the publicized November 10th meeting, stop trying to blame everyone else for your own shortcomings, take some initiative and attend one of the other sessions.
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imponerende bakermann du har 😉 flotte bilder! dagene er ganske hektiske her ogsÃ¥,med mye jobb pÃ¥ oss begge. heldigvis er nesten klare med alt til jul 🙂
Finner inga bra ord att skriva till dig. Ingen ska behöva uppleva all smärta och rädsla som du/ni har hos er nu. Cancermonstren mÃ¥ste besegras, de skapar sÃ¥ stort lidande för sÃ¥ mÃ¥nga!! Alla som kan – sätt in en peng till cancerforskningen!!!! Jag gör det NU./Elisabeth W
"Ungodly hour." Heh.These days, with some of the pressure off from the Dis, I've taken to waking up later than usual–at six o'clock. It's a nice change from five.
Man behöver inte vara expert för att inse att vad Reinfeldt och den svenska regeringen håller på med. Förr eller senare kommer vi att gå på grund. Frågan som återstår är om vi kan vada i land.En Sverigedemokrat önskar alla likasinnade Ett Gott Nytt År 2011.
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cannelles22 octobre 2012BonjourSuper facile puique j’en ai deja fait , il y a des années en arriere car ma maman avait toujours froid a ses doigts sa tient bien chaud et c’est vite fait.BRAVO et MERCICannelles
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30 julio, 2007Sigfrid7Saludos!Me baje el ANT 3.0, pero mi modem ADSL no aparece en la lista. Quisiera saber como puedo hacer para trabajar con el.El modelo de mi modem es:HUAWEI SmartAX MT882
on Hi, i read your blog occasionally and i own a similar one and i was just wondering if you get a lot of spam feedback? If so how do you stop it, any plugin or anything you can suggest? I get so much lately it’s driving me crazy so any support is very much appreciated.
Evariste, pourquoi ne pas nous donner quelques exemples de tax expenditure pour comprendre un peu: s’agit-il de « niches » comme chez nous?
The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought youd have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could fix if you werent too busy looking for attention.
Dal titolo del post sembra quasi che Bertolaso sia un santone illuminato dell’emergenza rifiuti. Passa un pò in secondo piano il fatto che lui chiede il via libera all’estensione del contributo europeo ai termovalorizzatori!!!Le sue dichiarazioni sono chiare: se non consentiamo l’utilizzo dei fondi per la realizzazione dei termovalorizzatori “possiamo prendere il decreto e metterlo nel cassetto”. Cioè, perdo il lavoro e la faccia…
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Wahnsinn, wenn ich das so lese. Mein Lumia 920 hat einen super Reader von Nokia mitbekommen – einfach die PDFs, DOCs oder epub in einen Ordner auf der HDD legen, dieser wird automatisch mit Skydrive gesynct, von dort kann ich die Books auf das Lumia 920 herunterladen und fertig. Hätte nie gedacht, dass MS mal was besser und benutzerfreundlicher macht – aber das ist es
>Thank you. This is terrific. I've been very glad that Martinez has been somewhat under the radar recently. Let the kid develop without the spotlight and expectations.
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Körper greift ja dann die Fettzellen an weil er sonst nichts anderes zum verbrennen hat.Gibt es einen bestimmten vergleich wie viele kcal ungefähr Fett entspricht (gramm)?LG
Athough Diana was too young to realize the difference, she still had many chances later. She would chose to leave when the marrige disappeared. But she didn’t want to over it. She still wanted to continue the title of “” even the world knew they had no more feelings.
addition to amazing chili, we enjoyed Harry Potter Pumpkin Cookies, Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, Crock Pot Applesauce, Individual Pumpkin Spice Breakfast Cakes, and sushi!
The exact oppossite, Dex.I desire that all are enfranchised in jurisdictions that they regard as self-governing rather than governed by an alien nation.Israelis and Palestinians. You?You think that Israelis should get to self-govern?
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il a l'air bien ce livre… et vraiment pas cher! moi je dis le homard, pour la première question pour l'autre: non je sais pas! et le chili, c'est bon… surtout quand il fait froid et oui! ça s'en vient 🙁
Hola Jose, por supuesto que estarÃa genial estrechar lazos!. A las órdenes. Si tenés ese material serÃa bueno pegarle una vichadita. Un gran saludo!,
Haha thank you, I’m glad you enjoy the exclusive training courses we offer! It’s one of the one key features of becoming a citizen member is you get the exclusive content across all the sites!
ben dit :Ca c’est une bonne nouvelle. J’espère qu’elle va sortir bientôt, à moins que Apple trouve de nouveau quelque chose qui viole un brevet…..
I like the valuable information you provide in your articles. I¡¦ll bookmark your weblog and check again here regularly. I’m quite sure I¡¦ll learn many new stuff right here! Best of luck for the next!
Pour répondre à # : il y a peut-être 3 femmes dans la vignette du QG du PS La patate qui dit « youpi » pourrait même être une version jeune de Martine Aubry.Ce qui est sûr, c’est qu’il y a 2 patates avec du rouge à lèvres dans la vignette du QG de l’UMP, et aucune patate avec moustache ou barbe. C’est l’inverse dans la vignette du QG du PS.
मै पहले ही समझ गया था, कि यह होने वाला है लेकिन आप हिम्मती थी, ओर किस्मत ने भी साथ दिया, हमारे साथ भी कुछ ऎसा ही कभी हुआ था लेकिन इतना ज्यादा भी नही, बहुत अच्छा लगा धन्यवाद
अरे….. मैं कबसे परेशां हूँ…. कमेन्ट ही नहीं पोस्ट हो रहा है….. अब जाकर ऑप्शन आया है….. और रश्मि जी पर तो जा ही नहीं रहा है…… अब पोस्ट पढ़ लूं…. फिर आता हूँ….
Deep thinking – adds a new dinosmien to it all.
My favorite cowboy is Harrison Ford. He plays traditional cowboys in “The Frisco Kid” and “Cowboys and Aliens”. He’s kind of a space cowboy in the “Star Wars” films. In real life, he owns a ranch.
Dans son précédent message, M. Assouline avait commis deux fautes grossières de grammaire (conjugaison du futur et accord du participe passé) et écorché l’orthographe de trois noms propres. Je l’ai signalé dans un commentaire, Assouline a alors corrigé toutes les fautes… et censuré mon commentaire. Je maintiens, M. François, que lorsque l’on commet si fréquemment des fautes de français, on est bien peu crédible pour prodiguer un jugement sur les écrits des autres.
Ne me faites pas dire ce que je n’ai pas dit!L’analogie est avec la moustiquaire.La citronnelle est une protection, imparfaite certes, mais une solution àpeu de frais, si vous n’avez pas les moyens de mettre 1/8eme de vos revenus dans des antimoustiques tropicalisés, souvent plus agressifs pour la santé et importés àvil prix.Cordialement d’Afrique centrale…
Mickey Rourke, with Statham, Skarsgard, Michael Shannon, Forrest Griffin, and 50 Cent.Mickey Rourke with Statham, Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Randy Couture.Which version is younger and hipper? Not MUCh younger and hipper, mind you, but I think it’s pretty clear…
Hi Alison,I am a very happy customer, because you give great customer service, create beautiful and different things and I love the butterflies I ordered from you! Oh and so does my daughter who I bought them for (ahem)! Hope you get it, you deserve it x
Fast man ska inte rösta efter hur mycket mer pengar man får i plånboken jue. man ska rösta efter hur Sverige tjänar på det!
lug11 Franz ha scritto:…con il tag †div/ †invece che †/div †?grazie per la segnalaizone Franz ho dato un’occhiata e ora dovrebbe essere tutto ok.nel caso avessi ancora dei problemi a visualizzarli bene avvisami eh.un abbraccio
Android-powered handsets accounted for 44% of the smartphone market in 2011, a significant increase from 17% in 2010. The firm estimates Androidë© share will reach 48% in 2017 and Appleë© iOS will account for 27% of the smartphone market, an increase from 23% in 2011.
Anonymous wrote.. Dear Anna,You are an inspiration to live with joy – no matter what your interest, passion and gifts.I'd love for you to make a book to see your clothing collection and also for your way of presenting it – always wonderful!Best to you.
Amazing blog! Do you have any hints for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own blog soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m completely overwhelmed .. Any ideas? Appreciate it!
Kjempemasse fine klær i "dagens outfit"-presentasjonene dine. Jeg ser ofte mye fint fra Noa Noa i ukebladenes motereportasjer, men syns de er sÃ¥ himla dyre, sÃ¥ jeg eier ikke et eneste plagg derfra. Men jeg tar poenget ditt – dette er klær man kan ha glede av i Ã¥r etter Ã¥r, sÃ¥ i det lange løp blir det kanskje ikke sÃ¥ dyrt.
In questo periodo avrei più voglia di film meno apocalittici, catastrofici, da estinzione del genere umano. Quindi per questo – e per il fatto che a partire dai colori mi pare la fotocopia aggiornata di Virus letale – penso che lo zomperò 🙂
Pane Nejedlý Vy už se opravdu pÅ™estáváte chovat podle liberálnÃch zásad……. vždyÅ¥ to pro Vás musà být úplnÄ› zbyteÄnÄ› vyÄerpaná energie a tudÞ v naprostém nesouladu s liberalismem !
There’s nothing quite like driving a little 5-speed around NYC, stopping every 528 feet for another red light. Not a great place to practice downshifting to a complete stop.I got pulled over today for making an illegal left hand turn into a right-hand lane. Just got a warning, though.
Kylie Minogue – Get outta my way Sat Sep 04, 2010 22:22 pm Dieguinho – Kylie Minogue – Get Outta My Way – …, posted with vodpod Filed under: Media, post video on twitter, share video on twitter, Sounds, tweet video, twitter video, twitvid, upload video to twitter, Video, video blogging for twitter, video tweet, video twitter, youtube for twitter Tagged: Aphrodite, Kylie Minogue, Music, Pop music, Video
Trekkin in Goa made me remember the days in my NCC…had trekked 120km in 10 days..but tht perception of goa had lost until I read ur postyeah u r right..nice place to trek
coming out with their second mirrorless body after the ground-breaking X-Pro1 called the Fuji X-E1 (see previous post).This week at Photokina, it’s all official, and here it is, the Fujifilm X-E1 Mirrorless
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our very own SH Sunday Morning Market! If you are driving to the Market please keep the neighbors in the surrounding area in mind and park in the faculty lot at the front of the stadium or if that’s full then the student lot behind the stadium (entrance on Osborne).Thanks and see you then!Greg and Tiffany(insane organizers for the Market!)
Glugs is so sweet! He bought you some jewellery and he let you sleep in.I’ve recently lost the key to my jewellery draw and have been waking up extra early Okay, waking up early has something to do with spying, but still… xx
Joel gilbert is a disinformation agent on the usurpers payroll. Always remember this birthers, if they dont talk about his 23 year fraudulent social security number they are on the usurpers side. They no that is the smoking gun on removing him from office before the election. They dont care if we talk about the birth certificate JUST NOT THE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER
Hello Andrea,Thank you for visiting my site. This is a WordPress site using the Debut theme. It is a great theme with great functionality. I haven’t used it to it’s full potential yet. If you go to WordPress and search “Debut theme” you will be able to see how some people have used the theme for their blogs or websites.Good luck!Norma
Maryanne, gostaria de saber se teria como fazer um tour a Napa visitando só uma vinÃcola, queria muito conhecer mas só terei uma manha? Se for possivel quanto custaria, chego ai dia 5, o passeio no caso seria para o dia 07? Obrigada!
I’m sure some kids will be able to successfully argue that they have no idea what is real and what is not real anymore because of reality tv and the internet. “Your honor, I had no idea that other people had feelings! I just thought they were there to provide me with material for making memes!”
yam: Don’t worry about, just vote for me.Fallen: Thanks, I’d like to think your word is the final word on the issue. But don’t let that stop anyone else from voting for me.Point is: Vote for Team Awesome aka me. Or Internet. As long as Funny doesn’t win.
No, the girl was not sad or embarrassed. They thought Grouchie was a funny character and his can was a bit hard, so they decided he wouldn’t be one of the stuffed animals they used to bury each other. (Fun games at our house!)
I always say that to my friends: “How do you know when you meet THE person?! We meet so many people in our life…” I don’t have to travel to think that. Who is the right one I don’t know yet. I have been single for … (I don’t want to think about that Haha) That is why I am going to travel alone. All I know is that when I will meet the right person I will know. Ps: I love your blog and your lifestyle! Thanks for inspiring me.
dit :très chouette ton billet ! je m’y suis pas mal reconnue car comme toi, je suis provinciale, comme toi, je m’offre des escapades en célibataire à Paris (et que je les prépare avec jubilation aussi) pendant que Superpôpa garde les 3 loustics !on attend avec impatience le récit de ta vie trépidante dans la Capitâââââle ! Je le ferais pas toutes les semaines, hein, mais bon sang, que ça fait du BIEN !
I’m with you Mimi.. just keep the door wide open. Saves you the trouble of trying to decide if you’re just going to ignore them, which is almost always an epic fail, or trying to figure out how you are going to get the door open without creating a whole new problem on the floor (too far?):) hahaha!! All for our little monster’s!!
I get what you're saying, but the piece has kind of a passivity that isn't warranted. We can break through the false narrative, but part of that is supporting people who get it. You can break through the media with a grin (a la Reagan) or a sledgehammer, but for whatever reason, we keep picking candidates that just take it, and seem constantly surprised that the media is lying about them. And then when someone does something truly radical and pointed enough to break through the false consciousness, as Eastwood attempted, it's our own people that are on the front lines to crucify him.
Thanks PhilipAjeya – Unfortunately a lot of big groups went a mess of the place and I try to avoid it when there are many people, esplly groups..last time, a big corporate group was there and they were screaming their lungs out playg cricket..I couldnt understand why they had to come to a beautiful serene place to play cricket..
×ôрðòÑÂтòуùтõ ÃÂûõúÑÂðýôр, ÿþüþóøтõ ÿûø÷, ÿытðûðÑÂь ýðÑÂтрþøть ÑÂõñõ òыÿðôðющõõ üõýю чõрõ÷ ÿûðóøý, ò рõ÷уûьтðтõ òÑÂѠÿðýõûь уÿрðòûõýøѠøÑÂчõ÷ûð, ø тõü ÑÂðüыü ôþÑÂтуÿ ú ÑÂðùту, þÑÂтðûðÑÂь þôýð шðÿúð. Ñûðóþ ÑÂðùт ÑÂþòÑÂõü ýþòыù ø øýфþрüðцøø ýð ýõü õщõ ýøúðúþù ýõт. çтþ ôõûðть? ï õщõ ÑÂþòÑÂõü чðùýøú ò ÑÂтøх ôõûðх!
On the subject of censorship, check out what 1389 posts about Australia:I’m dumbfounded. Is this real? Do they only have petty politicians who don’t bother to say “This is fundamentally wrong, don’t do it!”
Mouarfffffff, j’aimerais pas m’empaller dessus.C’est vraiment du n’importe quoi.Sécurité routière mes fesses, à se demander s’ils ne sont pas là plutôt pour nous pourrir notre passion.Stop à tout cela.Il y a des fois un manque d’intelligence de ces constructeurs.C’est comme les bordures dans les villages, quand on veut sortir de chez nous où y rentrer ils ne pensent pas à effectuer un tranchant, donc nos pauvres jantes en prennent plein la pomme.La population motarde en a marre de toutes ces incohérances.ABE salut Bala
Ich habe vor ein paar Wochen in meinem Blog über die verschiedenen Spekulationen zur Herkunft von Szekely-Gulasch etwas geschrieben und meine eigene Theorie dazu aufgestellt. Wenn es dich interessiert, schau doch mal rein.
Honorius dit :Ça fait depuis ce matin que la Géorgie à effectuer une retraite de l’Ossetie et proposé un cesser le feu auquel les Russes n’ont pas répondu. Selon toute vraisemblance la ville de Gori sera sous occupation russe demain. Remarqué, je me base sur ma thèse qui dit que la Russie veut annexer la Géorgie ou en faire un était satellite alors…
×Âני לגמרי מזדהה ענהנקודה ה×Âמיתית שלך, במיוחד ברגעינ×Âלה של הצטננות המלווה בבדיקת עבודות. 450 מילה לעבודה זה הרבה יותר מדי למכור ×Âינטרנט שכמותי.×Âבל ב×Âמת, חל×Âס לגמד.
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Hola! Me tinco mucho probarla, por lo que leo nos cuida la piel y eso me gusta. Aun no llega? es mejor que la crema con color Nivea? Saludos! <3
Le critiche e le opinioni devono esssere costruttive e non uno sparare a zero per offedere…..e porca paletta se vi da tanto fastidio, leggetevi gli altri blog piu'"articolati ed elevati!"Wonder, vedila cosi', l'invidia e' una sorta di "ammirazione" confezionata con le spine! 🙂 anche se e a volte 'ste spine so' grosse come coltelli! :)Antops:ti e' arrivato il commento con il negozio delle collane?
सांस रोके पढ़ गयी ,जब तक तुम यूनिवर्सिटी नहीं पहुँच गयी…जैसे ही जिक्र किया कि अकेले सफ़र पर निकल पड़ी…लगा कुछ ना कुछ गड़बड़ तो होने वाली है,तभी तो वो यात्रा संस्मरण लायक बनी…पर अंत में सब कुछ सही हुआ होगा..ये विश्वास भी था…
सब कुछ आँखों के आगे चलचित्र सा साकार हो गया…वो हाथों में डिक्शनरी थामे ,छोटी सी सोलह साल की किशोरी…वो रशियन कपल,..साफ़ सुथरी ट्रेन और वो एंजेल 'लेना'..और हाँ दुबल पतला खींसे निपोरता' शाशा' भी 🙂
प्रवाह बहुत ही अच्छा था…कब शुरू, कब ख़त्म…पता ही नहीं चला…
वाह मज़ा आया ये जांबाजी देख …..
तभी तो आप आज ब्लोगर हैं …..!!
गर्व है आप पर ……!!
शिखा जी,
एक शेर देखिये…अपना ही है….
सफ़र ये आसमानों का बहुत दुश्वार है लेकिन,
हमारे हौसले पर बनके खुद परवाज़ करते हैं.
रोचक संस्मरण ,,,बीच में कुछ रहस्यपूर्ण था …पर अंत भला तो सब भला
नहीं आता था ऊबड़ खाबड़ रास्तों पर चलना भी
जिन्दगी सिखा ही देती है गिरना भी संभलना भी…
वाह …
रोचक संस्मरण …!!
…प्रसंशनीय पोस्ट !!!
Big help, big help. And sulivpatere news of course.
Wow…They’re really soft hearted people. Whether they’ll accept money from paypal also? If so, ask them to accept even small amount ($5 to $10- Little drops of water makes mighty ocean)…
Today, I went to the beachfront with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!
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went to the Midi Music Festival again this year (here’s last year’s post), despite the grey skies earlier in the day. This time, I was armed with my late 50s design and
ÿøшõт:Ã’õñøýðр ñыû ÿрþÑÂтþ ÷ðüõчðтõûьýыù!ï у÷ýðûð üýþóþ ýþòþóþ, ñуôу þÿрþñþòðть ýð ôõûõ. áÿðÑÂøñþ þóрþüýþõ!!! ÃÂýýð
Dommage que Diaspora n’ait jamais vraiment décollé. Plus que jamais, il nous faudrait un réseau social contributif, placé sous licence libre et respectueux de la confidentialité des utilisateurs. Facebook a trop d’intérêts financiers à refourguer sa base de donnée monstrueuse pour être fiable…
Of course, if Brisco got the highest score in written but did poorly in the oral, he would be complaining that too much of the test is graded by arbitrary matters of personality and style than real/actual knowledge. He's just another jerk who acts in pure bad faith.
Hey There. I identified your blog applying msn. This really is a very well written post. I will ensure that to bookmark it and come back to read much more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. I’ll certainly comeback.
Hey there! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any trouble with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing several weeks of hard work due to no backup. Do you have any solutions to stop hackers?
The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
I saw the ad this morning on the BBC and it was, unfortunately, obvious about what they were discussing. Getting the conversation started is the only thing you can do, as long as it does not end up with the ‘something must be done’ and ‘think of the children’ attitude, which generally results in a single action or plan being put in place that never addresses the root cause just attacks one of the symptoms.
I posted that our Winston was lost, and 10 minutes later the phone rang and we were told our dog was safe!!!Thanks so much to all the wonderful people who work so hard to make this program work!! Thank you for sharing it!
He Manon, het was super gezellig vrijdagavond!! We hebben heel veel gelachen en allemaal genoten van je geweldige spelshow “Ik Hou Van Brabant”. Hier zullen we nog lang over napraten.
renny afni juita I realy want to continue my education for master degree,,,,but, I have to garduate my school in Riau University firstlyif I have, I will join this scholarship for studying abroad
Damion, I hope the LDN will work out for you. My son is having no side effects from it, so we have nothing to lose. I can’t say yet that it’s made a difference in anything, but these things take time to turn around. Thanks for your blog. It’s a great help for all of us.
Oh, I thought you would like these Meighan: they really do fall into the ‘outsider cute’ realm, where I place .It’s luck all the horses stayed: I edited out about 20 images from the initial selection and was tossing up whether one of the horse pics should go. I ended up thinking ‘the more the merrier’ rather than having to choose between them.
Prof Z / Un travail entre moderne et contemporain par le choix des matières sauf pour la double chair qui navique entre l’amerique et la hollande . Pour les français on pense à Poujardieu pour le bureau, à Ragot pour la table basse
Tiden går kjempe fort. JEG føler at jeg nettopp fikk thea på bryset for 1 gang. og det er liksom over 7 år siden:PGøøyt med 1 års dager:) noe spesielt med å feire den første ( for mor og far self:p)
Dan BuzduganMuzica si recitarea actoriceasca sunt doua modalitati necesare pentru ca poezia buna romaneasca sa ajunga la public. Este superb spectacolul de poezie de pe imprimarea Adei Milea care te imbata cu poezia lui Ion Muresan. Felicitari lui Gsvrils Tarmure pentru initiativa si pentru credinta si perseverenta in promovarea valorilor autentice.
You are your father’s son! Thanks for this beautiful post and for wanting to share your dad with little ol’ us.I have had “Shifting of the Sun” on my computer in my favorite quotes file and it was wonderful to read it again here. My dad, too, passed away…two years ago…only days before Father’s Day.
Offtopik:Znacie (może korzystacie) jakiś program do zarządzania swoimi inwestycjami? Wiem że mogę to zrobić w excelu, ale szukałem czegoś takiego i nie mogę nic znaleźć w sieci.
I can't believe those sandals are so cheap, sometimes I really wish I did flying, mind you the first place I'd go would be Iceland which is silly expensive. Those aubergine hareems are stunning xx
J’ai remarqué cette année que le Rougegorge qui fréquente la mangeoire dans mon jardin cède rapidement la place quand arrive une Mésange charbonnière.Un timoré sans doute !Amicalement.Jean-Claude
Not meaning to be flippant but 900K barrels of ethanol is about what you need to serve all 6.7 billion of a us a drink (skimping a bit). Certainly everyone world-wide over legal US drinking ago could be accommodated, many with a double.But more seriously….much of that ethanol wouldn't exist without central planning. Almost 1/2 the US corn crop so allocated!
Chokolade/kanel kombinationen lyder helt fantastisk, er sikker pÃ¥ at den netop smager af jul – og alt hvad der smager af jul, er for tiden et meget stort hit i min bog (:- Anne
Hatsune Miku isn’t an Anime character! She is a Vocaliod! But they do have a Manga series called Hatsune Mix, but she was drawn in a way to make it look like as if she was an anime
Cześć Kuba;-))Witam p.Ewuniu;-)Serdecznie Witam Was na Marzycielskiej;-)Jestem Natalia-Mukolinka-i postaram sie do Was napisac jak najszybciej;-)Już wiem Kubo,ze masz fajna mamę-na pewno jest tak kochana jak moja mama;-)pozdrawiam-i dużo listów kartek i tyle ciepłych słów życz ę i tylu cudownych ludzi jakich ja spotkałam na swej drodzedzieki Marzycielksiej Poczcie;-)
Margaret Dolan Gold / Here is an idea to that parent, if you do not want your child to attend a school that has a cross on the football helmet, do NOT send them to a CHRISTIAN PRIVATE SCHOOL.
Ah oui sans sous titres ça va être dur, c'est le genre de film déjà où même en s'accrochant aux sous-titres on a du mal à tout comprendre alors xD
Takk for besøk og koselig helsing i bloggen. Den apotekhistoria er det nok dessverre veldig mange som kjenner seg igjen i. Ikkje tru det er mindre pinlig Ã¥ stÃ¥ bak alltid. eg kom bak ein mann som over disk prøvde Ã¥ fÃ¥ hjelp med inkontinensutstyr som lekker…
Reminds me of the fun memories from chorus in elementary school. We performed this song at an airport and some kid fell in his snowman costume as he rollerbladed across the floor Ever get flashbacks like that from a song? lol
StÃ¥ pÃ¥, kjerring! Hvis ingen forteller folk hvordan de bør oppføre seg, sÃ¥ kan man heller ikke vente at de oppfører seg!:-) fra en kjerring i Bergen…
Sabril wrote:Sure, because each and every Jew is responsible for the opinions advocated by every other Jew.He's trying to be a smart-ass, but it's true. From the eminent Jewish historian Salo Wittmayer Baron (writing in 1952):To this day orthodox Jewish ethics has remained in its essence national rather than individual, and this accounts, incidentally, for the otherwise incomprehensible legal theorm of the common responsibility of all Jews for the deeds of each.Emphasis in original.
Excellent post. This is definitely the best post in the last 3 months on Internet really! The bibliographic citations, the structure of the post is perfect. Keep it up the good work please I'll be around here reading your other posts.
I found Mickey chew toys (for dogs) at MouseGears about a year ago but they were very hard to find. There wasn’t a lot of selection.V´s last [type] ..
så kult med sorte vegger. Jeg vil garantert ikke gjøre det hjemme hos meg. Til det er jeg altfor pysete. Derfor ser jeg opp til deg som er så modig å gjennomfører det. Herlig. Ha en fin dag.
It is true that carl did contain banned substinces within a urine sample, but the dosage was so minor, he was able to compete. And besides to all you track fans who are talkin smack! ALL TRACK ATHLETES TAKE SOMETHING AT SOME EXTENT!!!!I know this because i am part of a professional training group consisiting of sprinters to marathoners. So there is no PURE athlete, and Mr.Bolt is indeed on something, and it is either minor, or he is fortunate.
Mr. Swain,I have a question about the global problems that the book focuses on. Were you only trying to write a book exposing the issues of world hunger and genetic modifications, or did you also try to reveal the presence of globalization, corporate dominance, and other global issues in the world today? Also, if the answer to the previous question was yes, what was your motivation for including the aforementioned problems in your book?Thanks,Eshaan Daas
Very good blog! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m completely confused .. Any suggestions? Bless you!
Welcome Bold Girl..:P
agar dil ke andar ek ikshha ho, to aadmi kahin bhi, kisi bhi jagah apne ko jeeta hua dekh sakta hai……..aur fir wo upar wala bhi to hai……ek guardian!!
waise aapke smaran-katha se hame kya, lekin itni umda kahani ke sakal me aapne likhi…….ki puri padhnee pari………:D
best wishes!!
That’s really thinking at an imevpssire level
michele scrive:Gran lista! IL volume 98 non ha corrispondenza fra titolo e copertina.. ma forse è un errore voluto per vedere chi arriva fino in fondo alla lista?Grande!
Anderson Nunes disse:Oi, vou para a França dia 29/06 quero visitar o Mont Saint Michel, qual a melhor itinerário? Estava lendo no blog e vi varias dicas para visitar Saint Malo, vc indicaria fazer o caminho por Sant Malo?Obrigado
Man I really like this board!!Im new to the surfing sport, im doing a little look around for a board.I was taught how to surf and I love it but I dont have a board of my own and I dont know what to look for. The board that I was trained on was a 8ft. foam board and I was able to stand up the first time around and ride a wave.Now I also wanted to know for my hight 5’5 could I get a board this size or should I stick with a.8 footer?
L-am instalat si eu de citeva zile si vad ca se misca bine , nu mi-a facut nici o problema pina acum si am o gramada de programe instalate ! Am ramas surprins ca am reusit sa instalez Malwarebytes Anti-Malware linga el fara nici o problema !
Its takes a while to get past the front of the book which offers praises of Maharishi, his history and plans to transform the world. Once you get past that (which appears again in the rear of the book) you realize this book does not teach you TM (so why is it in the title?).There are some helpful things in this book especially if you are new to the spiritual path. But if you are looking for a serious book on meditation in general look elsewhere. This is more on the ‘so how are you doing now after learning TM’ side.
“I could dial back not do OT as much and have money for prestige items like all my friends have already ( Benz, Ducatis, nice vacations )”Dude, rent.. I rent, and I have the Benz and BMW bike, paid for in cash. Granted, the Benz is 20 years old, but it costs $700/yr to insure (costs more to keep the old panzer running :p)…
Le PS se révèle être politicien . Il voulait saborder une réforme qu’il a depuis toujours dans ses tiroirs.Ce n’est décidément pas un parti digne de conduire la France.
Scusate se uso l' account del mio papà …Ma, durante la registrazione per creare il mio personale, nel campo mese di nascita non mi faceva continuare, quindi non ho potuto completare………Boooohhh!Sono Walter, della 1°B di Carimate, vorrei dire che sono veramente entusiasta della nuova esperienza scolastica.Tutto è iniziato velocemente…sono passato dalla scuola elementare alle medie..WOW!!!Tutto bello soprattutto il bicibus del Sabato!!!!Ciao a TuttiWALTER BENEDETTI
Hey, thanks for all your support, ! I couldn’t have done it without your patience (especially when I needed some confidence).We’ll get your schedule done (I’m dedicating a blog post how-to to the topic next week), and that will go miles toward helping you find your pace. After that, all you have to do is write about things that interest you, and if is any indication, it will all be fantastic.
samuelalbala7 abril, 2008este tipode programas por el momento no están en disposición de sustituir a los buenos programas q tengamos instalados, pero para cuando uno no está en su prdenador principal, o como recurso para tener fotos almacenadas en internet, no está mal.
I think the best place to buy software is at software select. i bought software from them at less then retail prices. they have everything in terms of software. w ww.softwareselect. org
– 1) Katie Gilfoy2) San Jose, CA3) Architect / Designer4) I am still in awe of finally getting to live close to my fiancé after two hard years of long distance, AND I can’t believe I get to marry my best friend in 12 days! This is really a time for appreciating all the little blessings. So good.
M-arshmellowsI-nterior designing with crayonsN-etworking with Teddy bearsI-maginative character playM-ummy’s clothes dress-upsI-nstrument practice: pots and pansN-ewspaper tearingK-isses with mum
For those that meds aren’t appropriate yet are still prescribed the effects can have at worst the complete reverse effect and at best a mild reverse effect. Neither are therapeutic and should, given a responsible doctor, be stopped immediately.
Información Bitacoras.com…Valora en Bitacoras.com: En mitad del Océano Ãndico, se encuentra Isla Mauricio y después de una reforma que ha durado más de 18 meses, el hotel Trou Aux Biches, ha abierto sus puertas como el primer ‘hotel verde’ de esta isla para que sus turistas p…..
Nom is still delaware? Look for something near the coast. and on Delaware bay. My preference would be the bay, but that is just me. Used to party at U of D when I did my time in Stockton and remember some great areas along the bay
Thank you, Kaneganese. If you click on the link, it appears a little bigger. In the beginning of the article, it appears to give the name of the Japanese newspaper it is quoting from, but I cannot read it. Maybe you can figure it out?I look forward to comparing notes.
So sorry to hear that you all had your share of bugs…glad to hear that you were fine on christmas eve!Your tree is beautiful and the picts are lovely as alwaysxx
Deniz diyor ki:EÄŸitimime ara verdim Eylül’e kadar Ankara’da ikamet ediyor olacağım. Bu süreyi çalışarak deÄŸerlendirmek istiyorum.Full time ya da part time iÅŸ tekliflerinizi bekliyorum.
Nope. I wish.For Bogut to help the team he’s got to get past four issues: healing, conditioning, his skills practice level, and his integration into team play. It would be great to see him back 100% this season, but that’s a lot to overcome.
im going cold turky … im going cold turky today, smoking last of amnessia haze and filthy ciggerettes now……..sh*tting my self, smoked huge bags and lots of for about 17 years solid =/ Was this answer helpful?
George » datele mele in mainile guvernului nu se numeste libera circulatie a informatiei. datele mele sunt PRIVATE. ALE MELE. eu decid cui si de ce le dau. banuies ca, daca maine, apare un serviciu de violat mame, nu vei avea nici o problema, doar asta e menirea lui, sa-ti violeze mama, ca e al guvernului si daca e al guvernului e bun si necesar
Gunstiger voor wie? Als het alleen gunstiger is voor de enkeling die behoefte heeft aan hard rijden ten koste van (andermans) veiligheid, dan is het een kansloos initiatief.
Well, last year was about half a degree (C) warmer than the 1901-2000 mean. And yes, that includes all those people who were complaining about how cold it was in December.I know it’s hard to experience a .6 degree increase in global average temperature compared to a mean, but that’s why we have data.
Mexico is middle class compared to Africa is what he is referrring too. However, if you live in Arizona near Sonoria Mexicans there immirgant less, many work in factories where the companies are giving them credit card to buy in Tucson. Mexico has car companies and aerospace now and has graduated more engineers than Germany. True there is still poverty problems in the rural areas and we still should be on guard.
Een beetje laat, maar natuurlijk ook een hartelijke felicitatie vanaf mijn kant! En wat ziet je kast er heerlijk gevuld uit! Geef maar door wat je openingstijden zijn hoor. Rijden we wel "even" naar Limburg toe ;o)Mooi weekend!Liefs (Mama) Monique
To understand how Panda works and why it was only applied to English in the first place read about "Semantic Vectors".Google engineers do not seem to have learned from the mistakes they made at the Florida update where there were errors caused by the differences between US and UK English.
I also enjoyed this blog, but…..BUT NOT the “everybody draw the prophet” idea and much less the audience it drew. It is awful to behold, how easy it is to make 1000000000000000 humans get together to hunt down the dissidents.Geez!
abercrombie and fitch / Usually I do not read post on blogs, however I would like to say that this write-up very forced me to check out and do it! Your writing style has been surprised me. Thank you, very great article.
Your videos are seen by tons of girls, and you are making it seem like all these terrible minerals are in mineral makeup. There is no asbestos in Bare Minerals,there is no talc, no gold, no metals. Also, Bare Minerals foundation is $26, not $50 . Please do your own research guys, this girl is not a professional.
Thank you a bunch for sharing this with all folks you actually know what you are speaking approximately! Bookmarked. Kindly additionally visit my web site =). We can have a link change agreement among us!
Der Schluß ist leider Unreal da man das Glas zwar durchschießen kann aber leider die Folie zwischen den Scheiben nicht bedacht wurde welche eben die Scheiben in solchen Fällen zusammenhält. Standard in Deutschland. Sprich die beiden hätten sich eigentlich nicht in den Tod stürzen können.
style is Dark with color or neon necklace & nailpolish / or accessoires.I always wear a dress from my multiwear brand. One day this/ next day that.I also love big city's & the other day the country sideLove & GoodluckSuzanne
Thankyou for writing such an informative article.I’m Loving it! I’ve recently been attempting to explain the exact thing to my pals but I think it’s easier if I just email them the link to this site instead!
Shaili – You two look gorgeous as usual and these pictures are BEAUTIFUL. Can’t wait to celebrate with you guys on your special day!! PJ I’m just so happy that you found your other half Love you both!
Again you make very spurious assumptions about my theology. It is sad, but understandable when emotions overtake reasonable disagreement. I am more than willing to accept any discipline that I am given for an act of conscience (which is a central understanding of Confessional and BOO integrity). For you to say that I am “pretending” to be PC (USA) is a sad commentary on your projection and not the reality of my theology.
वाह! क्या बहादुर लड़की हो? लेकिन जिन दिशा में चल निकले राहें खुद बा खुद बन जाती हैं. कुछ श्रेय ऐसे होते हैं कि जिन्हें हम दे कर भी दे नहीं पाते हैं.
ऐसे वाकये वाकई किसी ईश्वर के भेजे दूत की तरह से होते हैं.
A minute saved is a minute eadenr, and this saved hours!
I still don’t think so. I don’t think it’s being presented with an untouchable air—I don’t know. Maybe it is. I have never had anyone say to me, This is hard. I don’t think you’ll like it. Be it teacher or friend or whoever. I’ve always deduced that on my own. It’s been my experience that I trudge through a whole lotta blerg, and stumble quite by accident upon a Zora and my life changes. I’ve never read Anna…but I had a prof in undergrad that waxed poetic any chance he got about it.
I such as the significant information you produce within your content.I’ll bookmark your web page and check out once again the following repeatedly.I’m very confident I will study a good deal of new stuff best here! Very good luck for your next!
Thanks everyone – it’s great to know there are other perfectionists and recovering perfectionists out there! And yes, it takes a lot out of us and most of the time we are our own worst critic. So here is to imperfection and just getting it done!
Ôþñрыù Ôõýь! ßþôÑÂúðöøтõ, ÿþöðûуùÑÂтð, ð úурÑÂы ÿþ PHP ñуôут ÿрþхþôøт цõûыù ûõýь Ñ 10 ôþ 19, ûøñþ úðúþù-тþ ÿрþüõöутþú òрõüõýø ò ÑÂтþт þтрõ÷þú òрõüõýø. âðú úðú Ѡрðñþтðю ýð ôðýýыù üþüõýт, ýþ рðÑÂÑÂüðтрøòðю ÿõрÑÂÿõúтøòу труôþуÑÂтрþùÑÂтòð ò òðшу úþüÿðýøю, õÑÂть ûø úðúøõ-тþ òõчõрýøõ úурÑÂы? ×ðрðýõõ ñûðóþôðрõý ÷ð þтòõт.
louisa: i think a big part of the problem is that i’m enjoying being stuck between running and leaping!dyna girl: woah… are you psychic? i’ll be amazed as i don’t think i’ve never mentioned him- and sadly, geography is not the problem…
Não dá para duvidar dos Ãndices da Dilma serem realmente elevados. O que no fundo pega para 90% da população é a questão econômica (emprego/compras), a maioria não está nem aà para outros assuntos, até porque outros assuntos já foram devidamente anestesiados na cabeça dos brasileiros (corrupção, por exemplo). E é aà que mora o perigo, uma população sem senso crÃtico é facilmente manobrada, o que vem acontecendo.
It was probably Fall semester ’91 or Winter semester ’92. I also drew a picture of a little girl sitting in church to illustrate it, in case that helps… ;-)Were you at BYU at the same time as I was? I entered in Fall of ’89 and graduated in Spring of ’92.
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Annir,Thank you for your comment. Here is the address for the wedding venue:McKenzie Oaks Ranch located at 34320 McKenzie View Drive Eugene Oregon 97401I believe they just do a few weddings a year and mostly for close friends. You will have to check with them.
How long did it take you to make one bouquet? How long do they last without water? Would you recommend making the bouquets the night before and keep it in the fridge?
En version chocolat noir c'est hyper bon mais je ne connais pas en chocolat blanc alors avec le limencello en plus là autant te dire j'approuve !! bonne journée , tu es en vacances je crois …
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270 places sont offertes aux concours d’accès 2012 de l’ecole nationale de la magistrature. Le nombre de place varie chaque année en fonction des besoins déterminés par la DSJ.
Thank you a lot for sharing this with all people you actually recognise what you are speaking about! Bookmarked. Please also talk over with my site =). We will have a link trade agreement among us!
gracias de verdad fue uno de mis actores favoritos cuando empece con los doramas, ahora esta mas viejito, pero igual me gusta,ojala que salgan hartos subs
Jordan told me about this post! We are 2 months behind you guys but have experienced the SAME EXACT dilemma! We have decided to wait on the gender and will have the names but won’t be telling anyone, either (for the same reasons). Girl name-PIECE OF CAKE…and have been decided since November! Boy name-same thing, no “loves” only “likes”. We have (tentatively) decided on one, but I don’t know if it would pass “the announcer test”! It, selfishly, makes me think it ~must~ be a girl if her name came so easy…. but that’s as far as I will go down THAT road!
Že podberáky :-DDD Ja som to myslela skôr tak, že v 40ke už budem poÄestná, usadená (ale dúm, že nie usadlá!) žena s deÅ¥mi…
I like this website very much, Its a real nice situation to read and receive information. “Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can.” by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I have no idea what your talking about by “moving on” Roberta, I did a new post last week!This blog has only existed since March of this year, and I think I’ve been pretty darn prolific with about 64 posts since that time. I do this all in my “free” time, and don’t receive any compensation for it. It’s also free to anyone who views it and they don’t even have to look at advertising since I pay to have no ads.Lizzy
Fantastic blog! I genuinely love how it’s easy on my eyes and also the information are well written. I am wondering how I might be notified whenever a new post has been made. I have subscribed to your rss feed which need to do the trick! Have a nice day!
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Great set of photos here Ray! I hear Boston is pretty hot and humid right now so I can see why they are all enjoying themselves
The studded decorations around the Uptown Astor have an elegant however entertaining seem. In fact, a few stars including Heidi Klum are already seen employing this fairly handbag. It’s a small shocking taking into consideration nearly all celebs jump on to become in a position to waiting around lists for many shoes this also you can become received for just $300. Inside the substantial class of jeremy scott shoes it can be good to determine the for just $300 also as appropriate high quality to become donned simply by singers.
No. It was quite rude though. I’m not interested in slagging Dave Trott off. He is one of the giants of our industry. I happen to disagree with him about how to write ads, but that’s it.I’m a huge fan of disagreements. Without them, everything would stay the same and nothing would move forward. And it’s great if they’re impassioned. But not if they’re mean, or personal.
I was outraged when she referred to Tea Party members as ‘Crazy Teabaggers”… came flying right out of her mouth! Shame on her! I encourage people to move from Jenny Craig immediately!
We are human, which means we are full of various emotions. My sons are 18 and 19 now and as I look back over all of those years they have seen a swath of emotions from me. I am human, I am their mother and I know they know I love them dearly. Just do your best, that is all she needs from you.
Do you wish you’d had the chance to learn a second language? I think it’s important to keep that part of your identity. I want my children know more than just English, but of course that will be their first language. I even want my children to learn Spanish and possibly a third language, maybe sign language or something. Just my opinion.
I adore you too!…except you made me watch Dancing with the Stars for probably the first time ever, and now I might have to watch it again. Feel better soon!
Helt klart ogsÃ¥ én af mine ynglingsnumre for tiden! Ellers hører jeg:Frank Ocean – PyramidsColdplay – Princess of chinaMajor Lazor – Get freeMiguel – AdornTina Dickow – Moon to letM83 – Midnight City + ReunionPanamah – DJ Blues
Ist ja eine super Idee! Mich brauchst aber nicht in den Lostopf zu schmeißen – ich habe glaube ich den Hals schon genug bekommen- LOL. Obwohl Deine Papers sind bestimmt der Knaller!
Hip, Hip, Hooray! (Does anyone say that anymore?)I am so glad to hear of the progress the chemo is making! Enjoy your weekend. I hope it is as bright and sunny in VT as here. Gloria calls the sunshine “solar power” because we always seem to have more energy when the sun is bright.Love you….
Whenever I originally left a comment I clicked on the Notify me whenever new comments are added checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get four emails with the same comment.
nedflandeurse / Le dernier DOA que j’ai pris, c’était du neuf, mais en solde dans une grande surface. (C’était le 2 sur Dream) C’est pas ma série favorite alors je pensais attendre et prendre le 5 d’occaz. Du coup, j’attendrais à nouveau qu’il soit bradé neuf… Je doserai chez un pote, si je veux tester…Cette politique est franchement d’un goût d’ordure…
I like the helpful info you provide in your articles. I will bookmark your blogand check again here regularly. I’m quite certain I’ll learn a lot of new stuff right here! Good luck for the next!
वो ख़िताब तो मिलना ही था
आपने जो सजीव चित्रण किया
एक बार लगा ki राज कपूर कि फिल्म देख रहे हैं
जैसा कि सभी जानते हैं कि राजकपूर साहब ने भी
बहुत ही डिसेंट वे में हर चीज दिखाई, लेकिन दिसेंसी नही खोई
इसमें एक समानता और हे , राजकपूर साहब भी रूस में फेमस हैं,
और आपने भी वही ka उसी अंदाज में चित्रण किया
बधाई हो
bold to waqt ne bana hi diya…
Superior thinking deaeostrmtnd above. Thanks!
> Can Google assume that they> know better than me what my> website’s users will also be> interested in?I guess they can try… and I think this is meant to defend against spammers, not you (assuming you’re not a spammer). If you only put up some relevant cross-links there should be no harm. Guess it’s more about a threshold — do you have 30 domains which are all linking to each other? Sounds like it’s a link farm…
Great job on the tuba! My husband plays tuba, too, and for two marching band seasons, I played the tuba (I majored in flute performance so me with a tuba was pretty funny!).I hadn’t seen any blog posts about your music since I started reading your blog, but I figured you must be musically inclined based on your blog title!!Thanks for sharing!
Mycket bra och tänkvärt inlägg av dig!Jag förstår inte hur man kan utvisa barn och gamla på detta sätt. Det är inhumant och inte mänskligt!Blir mörkrädd!Försöker följa med på nyheterna så gott det går från Sverige även efter att jag emigrerat till Cypern.
Se o Sporting era um clube racista como obedientemente frisou na entrevista, deveria dizer que o benfica era um clube xenófobo. Só em 1979 (4 anos após o 25 de Abril), foi decidido em assembleia geral que poderiam jogar estrangeiros no benfica. Nos dias que correm continua igual, mas são os portugueses que agora são ostracizados no clube de carnide.
My older videos are high quality, and around 20-40mb in size.My newer ones are around 75mb in size, yet the quality isn't just bad, it's terrible. What's more is that the high quality option isn't available any more!Why is this happening? They are all produced in exactly the same way using the same settings, so why are some high quality and others not? they're just not watchable in their current state.
a Zazie tem, como sempre, razão.«tão fora de esperar bem,que nunca tâo tristes viste,outros nenhuns por ninguém»esta leitura fazia parte do programa de Português do meu 5º ano do liceu.José Régio era o Prof no Liceu Mousinho da Silveira em Potalegre «cidade do A A, cercada de oliveiras e sobreiros»recordo sem saudosismo
Yeah by the time Verizon releases it they will have 3 to 4 updates. that’s how long it will be in Verizon owners hands. Folks complain about Sprint, but it seems lately they are the only carrier doing right by their customers in unlimited, devices and updates.
Gracias a Nuestro Padre Celestial y a la dedicación del material humano por tener este tipo de recursos al alcance de quienes queremos ayudar a sembrar la semilla del evangelio en los corazones de quienes nos rodean y tienen el alcance de nuestra influencia.
Good day! I just wish to offer you a huge thumbs up for your great info you’ve got here on this post. I am coming back to your website for more soon.
Hey Melissa, I am glad to see that you are still replying to the comments of your old guest post. I appreciate it. There are very few blogger who cares about their guest post when it becomes a little old. I am also replying to guest posts which I did in December. The comment count has reached 400+. But I don’t mind to scroll down to the bottom to check and reply to new comments. Hope to get some article from you, again!Abhi recently posted..
Mohammed was a paedophile, so Muslim men probably consider raping a child is all good.I say, “One strike and you’re out.” It is too bad, it is so hard keeping them out or making sure they even went.
Annie, Please don’t bother. I didn’t write that to get attention or to get people to beg me to stay. So please don’t do it. I simply cannot in good conscience continue to view this website and Phil in particular in the same light. As a result, there is no point in my ever commenting here.
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No me digas!!! [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ] .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval Reply:March 4th, 2011 at 1:01 pmSi. Or, no? [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ] .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval Reply:March 4th, 2011 at 1:01 pmSi. Or, no? [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ]
Bathtub prisoners! What a concept! You don’t need to send pictures, because I have them on a post from January and anyone can see them by clicking here: . Thanks Evelyn
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Oui, Chris, DupontAigan ne va pas assez loin. Asselineau, lui, est le plus cohérent de tous, puisqu’il propose de sortir de l’UE et de revenir au franc-or. Mais tout a été fait pour qu’il n’obtienne pas les 500 signatures.
i had a dream about a regular lion with its furr upp looking like it was tryna give me tht sense of aggression.. im aggressive n i felt tht the lion new i was too.. he was protecting me. its like i didnt know what it was protecting from bt the lion. i was a little scared bt its like i had mre faith n and confidence then i did fear… the lion comforted me it felt so real like something bout that dream means something for me or sumwhere down in my future its a sign and i dont know what it is.
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crisis may lead to ‘explosion of violence’ – Economist Galbraith warns of fate like Yugoslavia’s”Really? Like, what kind of violence are we talkin’ here: some youths chucking Molotovs in protest or a single youth gunnin’ down a classroom full of toddlers? ‘Cause that would clear things up a bit. I see a Direct Democracy Protest is ‘an upsurge in violence’ in US/Anglo media newspeak while thirty dead in the US for no good reason is lost in the white noise of NRA conferences. Propaganda.
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I agree that the Streamlight Micro is a great little light. I'll also say that in car cameras are wonderful for LEA and LEO. It's not fun having to review them as often as I do but worth the time and money. I've cleared officers and disciplined them with the cameras. I've no complaints with such systems when they work correctly.
You can go on the internet anywhere with the unlimited plan. The tethering plan is for if you also wany the ability to run other devices off your phone’s 3g data.
GOD is doing great things at RSBC. Thank you for this web site. Bless you Sister Johnson. Pastor Johnson, your dedication and leadership will provide blessing for our church family and the Rockdale community. Rom:8:31,Love & Blessings D.A David
18/10/2010 at 15:07Ik weet het allemaal al heel lang, maar daar gaat het niet over er wordt gesteld dat er niets meer gebeurd…=Waar wordt er =gesteld dat er niets meer gebeurd=?Dit stuk gaat over wat ik zorgelijke ontwikkelingen vind in de kunst..
me encanto tu saquito necesito saber valores y si lo mandan a coquimbo tengo una sobrina de 2 años y esto le servirÃa mucho. desde ya te felicito por la ropa esta preciosa
Tania le tue cosine però erano bellissime! Vedrai che il flop è stato solo per la mala organizzazione, le prossime volte andrà meglio o magari con l'esperienza capirai quali mercatini fare e quali no!Per lo spam non so che dirti ma ti prego non mettere le parole captcha.. sono una vera rotturaaa!
Many women abuse men with Love. Some women use Love in a yo-yo fashion of control , the flush of love then the vacuum of no love. Perhaps Love is a ghost that controls the two lovers. I hope i get a really horny /bilingual Casper type of ghost that wants to settle down for one or two reincarnations.
Karl..,I do not say Iran “cannot enrich to 20%”. Or that Iran must stop enriching to 20. I do say that the P5+1 want Iran to stop enriching to 20 percent. And this is a fact, even if it is one you find annoying.It would be absurd for me to say the P5+1 accept Iranian enrichment to 20 when this obviously is not true.